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China in International Relations from a Constructivist Perspective

The rise of China in the last twenty years has been met with various reactions from the international community, which is left to ponder what the Chinese objectives are. The election of Xi Jinping as Chinese president and Secretary of the Communist Party of China in 2013 introduced many changes in Chinese politics, as China became more active at the international level. Combined with the isolationism pursued by the United States following the election of Donald J. Trump as US President which has in some ways also been continued by new US President Joe Biden, preoccupations of the international community over a possible clash between both powers in the international system increased. While much has been written about the objectives of the US vis-à-vis a rising China, the purpose of the present thesis is to examine the Chinese approach to the international system, and what it can tell us about the Chinese ambitions in and objectives for the global community. The research question that will lead the present thesis is whether China aims to make drastic reforms of the international system, if it is a revisionist country, and if so what are its means and ideals guiding these reforms?
This research question will be answered mainly under the lens of constructivist theory. Constructivism is the only IR theory to consider and analyze the identity of international actors and so helps us to shed light on these dynamics. In contrast, realism states that states act based solely on their own quest for power and related national interests, whereas liberalism opens up the black box of the state to assess state preferences. Central to the analysis that will be conducted is the concept of identity, which in IR theory: «[identity] has usually been conceptualized as role identity to account for social interaction among states. The paradigmatic definition of Jepperson, Wendt, and Katzenstein, for example, maintains that identity ‘comes from social psychology, where it refers to the images of individuality and distinctiveness (“selfhood”) held and projected by an actor and formed (and modified over time) through relations with significant “others”. Thus the term (by convention) references mutually constructed and evolving images of self and other.» In fact, in constructivist theory identity is central, as constructivism underscores this social factor rather than focusing over on an analysis of material factors. To be more precise, constructivists believe that the State’s social identity directly affects its actions and interests, and thus, through an analysis of the State identity, the objectives of said actors can be identified, and its actions better explained. Identity also affects the interaction between different actors, and as such it can explain the interactions between international actors better than an analysis centered on empirical factors. To investigate into the evolving Chinese identity, this thesis investigates Chinese foreign policy practices and the doctrines it employs in order to justify them. As we will see, changes in identity can have medium to long term effects, which further justify the employment of constructivist theory in contrast to realist theory which is generally more focused on the short term or over the analysis of peculiar events in the “now”. In fact, as we will see throughout the thesis, the rise of China in the international system has caused changes in its identity, which has set a context for its policies and choices in foreign policy.
Regarding the literature employed for the present thesis, it should be noted that at present there is no single source the author has encountered that analyzes Chinese foreign policy through a comprehensive approach as pursued in this thesis which focuses on three case studies. Thus, this thesis has employed a rather extensive and diversified literature.
Some of the sources used, such as Tingyang Zhao’s Redefining A Philosophy for World Governance, or Peter Ferdinand’s “Westward ho—the China dream and ‘one belt, one road’: Chinese foreign policy under Xi Jinping”, have been quoted extensively throughout the thesis because of their importance in further defining the relation between identity and Chinese foreign policy.


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6 Chapte r 1: Chi na and the T i anxi a doc tr i ne 1. Int roduc t i on T he purpose of the pre se nt c ha pte r is to show the ste ps unde rta ke n by C hine se sc hola rs in re c e nt ye a rs towa rds a ne w a pproa c h towa rds the ory-ma king in IR . T his he lps to show ne w tre nds in C hine se IR the ory, a nd the e ffe c ts the se tre nds ha ve on polic yma king of C hine se politic a l a c tors. As the c ha pte r will show, the ne w C hine se a pproa c h to IR the ory is ba se d on two tre nds, tha t is to sa y, e fforts a ime d a t inte gra ting W e ste rn IR with C hine se c ha ra c te ristic s c oming from C hine se c ulture a nd tra dition, a nd the re disc ove ry of a n a nc ie nt C hine se doc trine tha t provide s a n a lte rna tive e xpla na tion for the inte rna tiona l syste m. Among the ma in c ha ra c te ristic s e mploye d by C hine se sc hola rs, the c onc e pts of ha rmony a nd re la tionship a re the most innova tive a nd c onse que ntia l for IR . In the c onte xt of the pre se nt the sis, ha rmony is the ma in c onc e pt a ddre sse d in the a na lysis, a s the c onc e pt of re la tionship is more bila te ra l in na ture , whe re a s ha rmony is more ge ne ra l a nd syste mic . In fa c t, ha rmony prove s to be the ide ologic a l ba se of “ na tiona l re juve na tion” , a na rra tive tha t provide s the ide ologic a l founda tion for polic yma king in C hine se inte rna l a ffa irs, a nd the na rra tive of the C hine se Dre a m, whic h e xpla ins the ide ology be hind polic yma king in C hine se e xte rna l a ffa irs. Inde e d, the a na lysis of the C hine se Dre a m she ds a ne w light on the B e lt a nd R oa d Initia tive , whic h is thus to be se e n a s a n e ffort from the C hine se gove rnme nt to spre a d its ide a s a nd tra ditions to othe r c ountrie s so a s to provide a n a lte rna tive to W e ste rn c iviliz a tion a nd de ve lopme nt. 2. T he C hi ne se Sc hool of Int e rna t i ona l R e l a t i ons One of the most inte re sting a spe c ts of the c urre nt a spe c ts of C hine se fore ign polic y is undoubte dly its a pproa c h to W e ste rn Inte rna tiona l R e la tions the ory, be c a use of its importa nc e in le tting us unde rsta nd through whic h le nse s C hine se polic y-ma ke rs a pproa c h inte rna tiona l politic s, a nd how muc h this a pproa c h is influe nc e d by C hine se tra ditions. Furthe rmore , it a lso highlights the proble ma tic s tha t C hine se sc hola rs fa c e whe n a pproa c hing IR tha t c ome from the promine nc e of W e ste rn thought, tha t is, the la c k of c onc e pts tha t a re funda me nta l in C hine se thought.


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