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Carter attacca il regime di Pol Pot

21 aprile 1978

Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Carter definisce il governo cambogiano "the worst violator of human rights in the world today" e spiega che "thousands of refugees from Cambodia have accused their Government of inflicting death on hundreds of thousands of the Cambodian people through the genocidal policies it has implemented over the past three years. Witnesses have recounted abuses that include mass killings, inhuman treatment of the supporters of the previous government, the forced deportation of urban dwellers and the total suppression of recognized political and religious freedoms, as well as the privation of food and health care for the general population. Summary executions continue in Cambodia today, and fear of the authorities is pervasive".

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Evento precedente

Sequestro Moro: le Br chiedono uno scambio di prigionieri
  Evento successivo

Una nuova disciplina del diritto d'autore