The Ottomans after the Capitolations
1660: first defeat of the Ottomans (against the Russians)
XVII century: CAPITOLATIONS -> the protection of the people of the Christian Millet passed under the Russians -> this community gained a lot of privileges:
- modern schools: they were still religious schools, but Christians wrote in a foreign language (Russian), they could read original text and they could speak the language of the foreign traders;
- they could become rich traders;
- they were the first “revolutionary” people.
At the beginnings only the Christians had these privileges, but soon many other communities could frequent Russian schools -> they were the first intellectuals.
How to spread this knowledge?
The printing was spread only in XIX century -> first printing house in Cairo (before in Italy were printed religious books for the Middle East).
Continua a leggere:
- Successivo: The Ottomans and Modernization
- Precedente: The Decline of the Ottomans in Favor of Western Powers
Dettagli appunto:
- Autore: Luca Porcella
- Università: Libera Univ. Internaz. di Studi Soc. G.Carli-(LUISS) di Roma
- Facoltà: Scienze Politiche
- Esame: Islamic Culture
- Docente: Francesca Maria Corrao
Altri appunti correlati:
- Geografia Culturale e dei Paesi Mediterranei
- Democrazia e Islam
- Review of the book "The Place of Tolerance in Islam"
- Ascesi esicasta
- Contro natura (una lettera al Papa)
Per approfondire questo argomento, consulta le Tesi:
- Hamas: il movimento di resistenza islamico
- Le processus de radicalisation: prise de conscience
- JIHĀD E MASS MEDIA: propaganda pacifica e reclutamento armato. Il caso italiano
- ISIS, know-how occidentale a servizio della propaganda jihadista
- La generazione di mezzo. Seconde generazioni alle prese con la quotidianità
Puoi scaricare gratuitamente questo appunto in versione integrale.