History of the Arab World: 18th Century – First Half of the 18th Century
- Already before the XIX century there is an OPPOSITION against the Ottomans in Egypt -> need for reforms.
- 1774: Kucuk Kaynarca peace.
- Muhammad AL-WAHHAB (conservative family, ruling in Saudi Arabia) allies with the AL-SAUD family -> they want to re-establish the strict monotheism -> they destroyed the tomb of the Prophet in Medina (because he was seen as a “saint” and this was similar to polytheism).
- introduction of the TANZIMAT: it means that the Ottomans recognize that there is something wrong in the system.
- 1805-49: Muhammad Ali frees Egypt -> the Sultan of Ottoman empire asks him to defend him from the al-Saud and Wahhabites, spreading in Syria and Lebanon -> Ali wins and asks for the autonomy for his reign from the authority of the Ottoman empire
--->he imposes his own law and organizes new reforms (concerning taxes)
Agreement with the Sultan: the son of Muhammad Ali will have the right to inherit the government of Egypt.
- al-Tahtawi creates the national SCHOOL SYSTEM.
- 1830: start of French occupation of ALGERIA (-> 1841-47: revolt of Abd al-Qadir). Within the country there is a split between who wants to “copy” the French and those who are against French style.
- 1839: Great Britain occupies Aden (important for the building of Suez Canal).
Continua a leggere:
- Successivo: History of the Arab World: 18th Century – Second Half of the 18th Century
- Precedente: The Ottomans and Modernization
Dettagli appunto:
- Autore: Luca Porcella
- Università: Libera Univ. Internaz. di Studi Soc. G.Carli-(LUISS) di Roma
- Facoltà: Scienze Politiche
- Esame: Islamic Culture
- Docente: Francesca Maria Corrao
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- Contro natura (una lettera al Papa)
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