Post-Conflict Actions: Relations Between Civilians and Militaries and Afghanistan Case
This work, which we announce divided into two different chapters and a final part as well as this introduction, it aims to shed light on what have been the events that have intensified the support of the peacekeeping operations of "second" or "third" generation instead to the classic peacekeeping operations: a procedure, which involved the acquisition, by the civilian component, of a weight comparable to that of the military component.
The two components, given the most recent geopolitical developments, have found themselves faced with the need to work together to be able to complete each one's tasks. While the civilian element, as humanitarian organizations, operates in terms of assistance and support to populations affected by war, hunger and poverty, on the other hand, the military part operates in terms of security on those territories. Let's consider the low level of security that applies in war-affected grounds. We can well understand why the military component is necessary for the civilian component (which can assist and support the suffering population). Also, thanks to the protection it obtains through its military presence in the regions of competence.
Although the military and civilian components are complementary, it should be stressed that their cooperative relationship is lacking in many aspects. The most important is undoubtedly the failure to define the roles of each component and different organizational structures, working methods, objectives pursued and risks. Hindering the pursuit of their purposes, creating a rift between the two parts, the consequences of which, given the nature of their actions, would inevitably spill over to the war-battered populations.
In this sense, a rift between the two components occurred in 2004 in Afghanistan, a territory that has been harassed for years mainly because of the continuous wars, poverty and poor sanitation conditions. To decree it was Médecins sans Frontières, an NGO that considered the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) - an administrative body of a civil-military nature that has the task of assisting the local institutions of a state in consolidating and increasing its authority - responsible for the terrorist attack that it suffered in 2004 precisely in Afghanistan and which cost it the lives of four operatives.
In essence, Médecins sans Frontières distances itself by forms of cooperation between the military and civilians because it claims that, instead of promoting their work, they become responsible for an erosion of the humanitarian space that would lead NGOs to become victims of the violence afflicting a territory, rather than rescuers of the population that is in danger of succumbing to it.
La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF
La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF
Informazioni tesi
Traduttore: | Eric Borda |
Tipo: | Traduzione |
Anno: | 2020- |
Università: | Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica Roma |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 50 |
Questo documento è una traduzione dall'originale:
"Azioni Post-Conflitto: Relazioni tra Civili e Militari e Caso Afghanistan"
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