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My Journey of Learning and Teaching Mathematics from Traditionalism to Constructvism: a Portrayal of Pedagogical Metamorphosis

This dissertation depicts my paradigmatic shift from traditionalist approach to constructivist approach of teaching and learning of mathematics. I have used autoethnography as the genre of writing and research that connects the personal to the cultural placing the self within a social context (Reed-Danahay, 1997). Employing autoethnography, I have studied my experiences as a mathematics learner, teacher, educator and researcher and how these informed my pedagogical practices and knowledge as a school teacher and an educator. As an Autoethnographer, I have presented my work in alternative textual forms such as layered accounts (Ellis & Bochner, 2000) with four criteria of writing – orientation, strength, depth, and richness (Van Manen, 1988) – to create pedagogical thoughtfulness and pedagogical wakefulness among the readers (Luitel & Taylor, 2003). I performed my narratives as poems, drama, dialogue, and stories (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). I have mentioned about triple crises, a triple threat, a triple crown of thorns: representation, legitimation and praxis in the research (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005). I have also informed the research process and product with the rigor criteria.

This study changed my belief about what is reality (ontology), my view on how to know the reality (epistemology) and accordingly what ways to adopt in order to make students understand the reality (pedagogy). My reflections and review of literatures formed the ground to change my ontological assumptions. Multilayered analytical and interpretive autoethnography in my cultural context enlightened me of what is knowledge and how knowledge is acquired. Evolution of teaching methodology from beginning of my teaching career to till the date I joined School of Education, Kathmandu University depicts layered and staged pedagogical metamorphosis

In brief, this study depicts how a conventional learner, teacher and educator turns into a transformative educator and researcher through self reflection and confession on wrong practices envisioning the better methods of teaching and learning.


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4 CHAPTER 1 MY JOURNEY OF RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGY My Understanding of Research During my educative process of M. Phil. Study, I tried to understand the meaning of research. I studied some research method books. Some books I found traditional and some books to some extent modern in terms of defining and viewing the research. I think that every researcher should understand what a research is and what are different schools of thoughts in the perspectives of a research. During review of research books, I found differences in the way the authors defined research. These made me confused in the understanding of what a research was because some definitions were too specific and some were too general. I found a definition in a book, “Research may be defined as the systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalizations, principles, theories, resulting in prediction and possibly ultimate control of events” (Best & Kahn, 1999). To me this definition made me clear about some basic attributes of research such as systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observations. But this definition has not mentioned about the position of researcher in the research. It is more deviated towards scientific research. In my understanding this definition of research does not cover all the ontological and epistemological assumptions of research. Over the past quarter century and increasingly in the past decade, the human and social sciences have undergone a proliferation and diversification of epistemological paradigms, or models of valid knowledge, research methods and how knowledge is produced (Bentz &


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Shashidhar Belbase
  Tipo: International thesis/dissertation
  Anno: -
  Università: Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal
  Corso: School of Education
  Relatore: Bal Chandra Luitel, School of Education, Kathmandu University, Nepal Peter Charles Taylor, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia
  Num. pagine: 245


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