Cambodian Diaspora
The peculiarities of the Cambodian diaspora in the US
Among the western nations that have offered to help the first refugees, surely we must emphasize the role of the US, primarily due to the fact that the US home to the largest Cambodian community in the world. For this reason I believe it is necessary to focus on the numbers and the main sociological characteristics that have characterized the Cambodian diaspora in the United States.
After 1980 and during the period in which the Cambodian refugees arrived in the US when the US presidential government policies were aimed at reducing government intervention and subsidies to immigrants. However, the Refugees Act of 1980 inspired democratic, allowed the refugees to Cambodia to receive a share of state assistance than that given to any other group of immigrants come so far.
In addition, the Cambodian refugees who had been destined to be received to the US received other forms of social assistance before they reach the country. In a critical but essential program called: Overseas Refugee Training Center (ORTC), based in the Philippines, which prepared the Cambodian refugees before heading to the US, through English classes, American culture and other subjects. The main goal was to make sure that refugees they found work and in avoiding to apply for the subsidy once they arrive in the United States.
The US had experience in the reception of refugees from Southeast Asia, in fact, in 1975 came the first wave of refugees, most of whom are young and educated Vietnamese refugees, who adapted easily to American society.
The Cambodians came with the so-called second after 1980 along with refugees from Laos and ethnic Chinese fleeing from Vietnam.
Cambodians entered the country with a document that gave them the legal right to enter, live and work in the United States. This document could then request that their legal status was changed from refugee to permanent residents and, after a few years, to apply to become citizens.
Research and academic writers summarized the concept of Americanism Asia in three majors:
1 - municipality racial oppression.
2 - production "Asian-American culture", building primarily produced by students, universities, writers and artists, in a country whose culture is influenced by awareness of a hierarchy based on skin color. The university departments Asian-Americans and their assortment of books and courses have a lot to do with the production of an identity Asian-American politically correct.
3 - political coalitions that are formed in response to the continuous discrimination and racial labeling of Asian-Americans.
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Cambodian Diaspora
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Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Lita Cheng |
Tipo: | Laurea I ciclo (triennale) |
Anno: | 2014-15 |
Università: | Università degli studi di Genova |
Facoltà: | Scienze della Comunicazione |
Corso: | Scienze della comunicazione |
Relatore: | Salvatore Palidda |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 52 |
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