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Analysis, Modelling and Application of Advanced Power Semiconductor Devices

The present thesis is intended to provide an exhaustive analysis of innovative power devices, by means of the analytical, experimental and simulation approach, which are applied throughout this work, organized in the following sections:
1) Section one: IGBT devices submitted to short circuit conditions have been experimentally characterized in several test conditions, in order to focus the physical parameters which are highly involved during the fault transients. Such a study has been also extended to multiple connections of IGBTs where current and voltage imbalances are of concern. Besides a suitable circuit for protecting IGBTs against fault transient has been proposed.

2) Section two: low voltage power MOSFETs devoted to synchronous rectifier applications have been studied by resorting to advanced two-dimensional (2D) finite-element grid simulations in order to explore the internal plasma dynamics of such devices. A suitable 2D model has been implemented in the simulator, aiming to provide a mean of investigation during design for device optimization. Emphasis has been given to the electrical performances of the MOSFETs in buck converters devoted to high frequency VRM applications.

3) Section three: high voltage Merged PiN Schottky (MPS) rectifiers based on a Super Junction technology are analyzed by using a two-dimensional simulator in order to explain the role of such a technology on the reverse recovery characteristics of the diodes. A performance comparison involving the MPS diode, a conventional PiN diode and a Schottky rectifier is proposed aiming to highlight the level of improvement obtainable with the MPS structure device.

4) Section four: a new monolithic Emitter-Switching Bipolar Transistor (ESBT) has been experimentally studied to derive a behavioral model of the device in the PSpice simulator, by also accounting for the influence of the temperature. The electrical performances of the ESBT have been analyzed in high voltage power converters, particularly dwelling upon the on-state and turn-off power dissipation losses experienced by the transistor in application.

5) Section five: power IGBTs in half-bridge configuration are analyzed in short circuit condition by taking into account for the current oscillation phenomenon. Suitable protection circuits against the fault condition occurring on IGBT devices are presented and discussed. Two methods are proposed for the short circuit protection of the high-side switch in a half-bridge configuration, which are the sensing resistor approach and the Hall effect sensing one. Besides, an undervoltage protection circuit devoted to rectifier systems based on IGBT devices is proposed and analyzed.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
vi PREFACE Power Electronics is leading a revolution in the field of electrical energy conditioning for industrial applications. Near to the year 2010 more than fifty percent of the total electrical energy, which is consumed in the developed countries, is estimate to be processed before the final use into the loads. Such a trend is mainly based on the innovations on industrial products, and on the achievements in the field of power converters, electronics and control techniques. Generally speaking, Power concerns the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power to the final users. On the basis of these processes, Electronics can boast a growing importance due to the widespread application of solid-state devices and signal processing circuits for energy conversion. On the other side, Control represents an indispensable field of Power Electronics whereas excellent stability and dynamic performances are strict requirements of actual industrial applications. Due to the interaction among the aforementioned disciplines, the design of a highly efficient conversion system for power applications needs multidisciplinary expertize in the sectors of power devices, power converters, signal processing and control. Although this poses new challenges to power application designers, the role of Power Electronics, anyway, has been fundamental in increasing, in the course of the years, the conversion efficiency, in reducing the mass and cost of power conditioning systems, in enhancing the dynamic performances, and in providing new equipment with these capabilities to the large demand coming out from the high technology products. By this way, has been created the basis for the development of several applications which cover a wide power range from few watts to several hundreds of megawatts. The success in the fields of computers and communication equipment is linked to the advances achieved in Switch-Mode Power Supply (SMPS) systems and Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems, which provide, respectively, regulated dc power supplies and uninterruptible power supplies. The primary task in such applications is the attainment of a high-efficiency power conversion which is required for an optimal delivering of the energy to the users. Centralized power supply systems feature strong limitation in terms of power losses, due to the low distribution voltage of 48 V, which advises against their use in modern Telecom applications. To overcome


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Rosario Pagano
  Tipo: Tesi di Dottorato
Dottorato in Ingegneria Elettronica ed Automatica
Anno: 2004
Docente/Relatore: Angelo Raciti
Istituito da: Università degli Studi di Catania
Dipartimento: Dip. Ing. Elettrica Elettronica e dei Sistemi
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 208


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emitter-switching bipolar device
fault protection
mps diode
physics-based modelling
power devices
short circuit

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