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A Framework for Sign Language Recognition using Support Vector Machines and Active Learning for Skin Segmentation and Boosted Temporal Sub-units

This dissertation describes new techniques that can be used in a sign language recognition (SLR) system, and more generally in human gesture systems. Any SLR system consists of three main components: Skin detector, Tracker, and Recognizer. The skin detector is responsible for segmenting skin objects like the face and hands from video frames. The tracker keeps track of the hand location (more specifically the bounding
box) and detects any occlusions that might happen between any skin objects. Finally, the recognizer tries to classify the performed sign into one of the sign classes in our vocabulary using the set of features and information provided by the tracker. In this work, we propose a new technique for skin segmentation using SVM (support vector machine) active learning combined with region segmentation information. Having segmented the face and hands, we need to track them across the frames. So, we have developed a unied framework for segmenting and tracking skin objects and detecting occlusions, where both components of segmentation and tracking help each other. Good tracking helps to reduce the search space for skin objects, and accurate segmentation increases the overall tracker accuracy. Instead of dealing with the whole sign for recognition, the sign can be broken down into elementary subunits, which are far less in number than the total number of signs in the vocabulary. This motivated us to propose a novel algorithm to model and segment these subunits, then try to learn the informative combinations of subunits/features using a boosting framework. Our results reached above 90% recognition rate using very few training samples.


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A Framework for Sign Language Recognition using Support Vector Machines and Active Learning for Skin Segmentation and Boosted Temporal Sub-units George Awad Dublin City University Glasnevin, Dublin 9 Abstract This dissertation describes new techniques that can be used in a sign language recog- nition (SLR) system, and more generally in human gesture systems. Any SLR system consists of three main components: Skin detector, Tracker, and Recognizer. The skin detector is responsible for segmenting skin objects like the face and hands from video frames. The tracker keeps track of the hand location (more specifically the bounding box) and detects any occlusions that might happen between any skin objects. Fi- nally, the recognizer tries to classify the performed sign into one of the sign classes in our vocabulary using the set of features and information provided by the tracker. In this work, we propose a new technique for skin segmentation using SVM (sup- port vector machine) active learning combined with region segmentation information. Having segmented the face and hands, we need to track them across the frames. So, we have developed a unified framework for segmenting and tracking skin objects and detecting occlusions, where both components of segmentation and tracking help each other. Good tracking helps to reduce the search space for skin objects, and accurate segmentation increases the overall tracker accuracy. Instead of dealing with the whole sign for recognition, the sign can be broken down into elementary subunits, which are far less in number than the total num- ber of signs in the vocabulary. This motivated us to propose a novel algorithm to 7


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: George Awad
  Tipo: International thesis/dissertation
  Anno: 2007
  Università: Dublin City University
  Corso: Computing
  Relatore: Alistair Sutherland
  Num. pagine: 163


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adaboost learning
face and hand tracking
sign language recognition
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