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Shari’a is the surest path towards salvation.
From a juridical point of view, it is the Islamic law (in its classical definition).

Definition: religious law, legal principles between man and God, man and himself, man and other (F. Castro).
Shari’a has its own sources.

FIQH: “jurisprudence” ➔ interpretation of shari’a, every explanation elaborated by jurists on legal norms that can be extracted by the sources of Islamic law.
ULAMA: “jurists”: they elaborated (and still elaborate) fiqh as divinarum atque humanarum rerum scientia (same definition of Roman Law), as it is a kind of religious legal system.

Muhammad did not create Islamic law, that developed after his death, after the Revelation and his teachings. Islamic law grew during the time, it was elaborated by scholars until XI century.

Tratto da COURSE NOTES OF "ISLAMIC CULTURE" di Luca Porcella
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