1. Introduction
This TFM represents the natural conclusion of my Master Degree in Teaching Fonnation
(M aster en Formacion del Profesorado) of the University of Leon. It involves a written work
responding to one out of the three proposed modalities, namely Type B as defmed in the Art. 7
Actividades formativas by the Reglamento sobre Trabajo Fin de Master of the Master
Universitario de Formacion de Profesorado en Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria y
Bachillerato, Formacion Profesional y Ensenanza de Idiomas ofthe Facultad de Educacion of
the Universidad de Leon:
"Elaboraci6n de un trabajo originai centrado en un aspecto de la programaci6n de las asignaturas
relacionadas con la materia del m6dulo especifico: sobre competencias y objetivos; sobre
contenido; sobre metodologfa; sobre recursos y materiales; sobre evaluaci6n, etc."
The specific module of the Master Degree within which this TFM is framed is "Complementos
rrr' whose general description in the "Guia Docente" is the following:
"Sociolingiilstica, variedades del inglés y aproximaci6n al uso de las TIC y de los medios de
comunicaci6n para la ensellanza de la cultura de los palses de habla inglesa."
Among the variety of topics dealt with in this module, that one which most suited and motivated
me was the development of an originaI work centered on an aspeet of the p1anning of the
subjects related with the specific module (Type B) in the regulation Reglamento sobre Trabqjo
Fin de Master of the Master Universitario de Formacion de Profesorado en Educacion
Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formacion Profesional y Ensenanza de Idiomas. In
particular, I chose to analyze a kind of resourees and materials which are usually regarded as
auxiliary tools in the teaching ofthe English language (popular music, specifically pop songs).
In what follows, frrst I will explain its classification according to the "reglamento TFM'
and what my objectives are in accordance with the guidelines and the requirements ofthe REAL
DECRETO 1393/2007 ofOctober 29'\ the ORDEN ECI/3858/2007 ofDecember 27
, and the
LOMCE 8/2013 of December 9
• Then, I will justify the choice of the Official Language
School as context in which to implement this project and of pop songs as auxiliary tools in the
teaching experience. In addition, I will describe the legai framework, the context and the group
profile in which this work is going to be implemented.
Thirdly, I will provide the theoretical foundations needed to implement the practical
lesson pian. In this part, I defme what the auxiliary tools are and which learning strategies
students put into action when learning a language. I will also explain in which way songs can
1. Introduction
This TFM represents the natural conclusion of my Master Degree in Teaching Fonnation
(Master en Formacion del Profesorado) of the University of Leon. It involves a written work
responding to one out of the three proposed modalities, namely Type B as defmed in the Art. 7
Actividades formativas by the Reglamento sobre Trabajo Fin de Master of the Master
Universitario de Formacion de Profesorado en Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria y
Bachillerato, Formacion Profesional y Enseiianza de Idiomas of the Facultad de Educacion of
the Universidad de Leon:
"Elaboraci6n de un trabajo original eentrado en un aspecto de la programaci6n de las asignaturas
relacionadas con la materia del m6dulo especifieo: sobre eompetencias y objetivos; sobre
eontenido; sobre metodologfa; sobre reeursos y materiales; sobre evaluaci6n, etc."
The specific module of the Master Degree within which this TFM is framed is "Complementos
IIr' whose general description in the "Guia Docente" is the following:
"Soeiolingiilstiea, variedades del ingles y aproximaci6n al uso de las TIC y de los medios de
comunicaci6n para la ensellanza de la cultura de los palses de habla inglesa."
Among the variety of topics dealt with in this module, that one which most suited and motivated
me was the development of an original work centered on an aspect of the planning of the
subjects related with the specific module (Type B) in the regulation Reglamento sobre Trabqjo
Fin de Master of the Master Universitario de Formacion de Profesorado en Educacion
Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formacion Profesional y Enseiianza de Idiomas. In
particular, I chose to analyze a kind of resources and materials which are usually regarded as
auxiliary tools in the teaching of the English language (popular music, specifically pop songs).
In what follows, first I will explain its classification according to the "reglamento TFM'
and what my objectives are in accordance with the guidelines and the requirements of the REAL
DECRETO 1393/2007 of October 29'\ the ORDEN ECII3858/2007 of December 27
, and the
LOMCE 8/2013 of December 9
• Then, I will justify the choice of the Official Language
School as context in which to implement this project and of pop songs as auxiliary tools in the
teaching experience. In addition, I will describe the legal framework, the context and the group
profile in which this work is going to be implemented.
Thirdly, I will provide the theoretical foundations needed to implement the practical
lesson plan. In this part, I defme what the auxiliary tools are and which learning strategies
students put into action when learning a language. I will also explain in which way songs can
enhance language learning and skills acquisition, pointing out the pros and the cons of their use
and establishing some criteria to choose the more adequate for teaching purposes.
Subsequently, I will describe some key aspects of the teaching practice, such as aims
and objectives, motivation, student groupings and clear instructions. Finally, by taking into
account ali the notions exposed, I can present my lesson pian proposal. Then, I will minutely tell
my experience of its implementation with the two classes of Segundo Avanzado of Engiish of
the Official Language School of Le6n and will analyze students' feedback in order to improve
the origina1lesson pian proposal. This long journey leads me to the drafting of the conclusions
in which I will discuss the usefulness of songs in the light of the theoretical notions employed,
but above all, in the light of my own teaching experience.
enhance language learning and skills acquisition, pointing out the pros and the cons of their use
and establishing some criteria to choose the more adequate for teaching purposes.
Subsequently, I will describe some key aspects of the teaching practice, such as aims
and objectives, motivation, student groupings and clear instructions. Finally, by taking into
account all the notions exposed, I can present my lesson plan proposal. Then, I will minutely tell
my experience of its implementation with the two classes of Segundo Avanzado of English of
the Official Language School of Le6n and will analyze students' feedback in order to improve
the original lesson plan proposal. This long journey leads me to the drafting of the conclusions
in which I will discuss the usefulness of songs in the light of the theoretical notions employed,
but above all, in the light of my own teaching experience.
2. Objectives
a. Generai
The main objective of the Master Degree Mtister Universitario de FormaciOn de Profesorodo
en Educaci6n Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, FormaciOn Profesional y Ensenanza de
Idiomas is to provide the future teacher specialized training that enables them to teach in the
various levels specified in the name of the Degree itself. In accordauce with the guidelines and
the requirements ofthe ORDEN ECI/3858/2007 ofDecember 27
(BOE-A-2007-18770: 1-2),
in my opinion the most relevant competences that students shou1d acquire in this respect are [2],
[3], [6] and [8]. They relate to: planning, development and evaluation ofteaching and learning
process; transformation of retrieved information into knowledge and its application in teaching
and learning process; acquisition of strategies to motivate students and develop their spirit of
initiative; design and realization of activities which contribute to develop the potential of the
In addition, the REAL DECRETO 1393/2007 of October 29
21), on the organization of official university education, sets as targets the acquisition of generai
competences established in the Marco Espanol de Cualificaciones para la Educaci6n
Superior, MECES. These competences dea! basica11y with: originality in development and
application of ideas; application of knowledge and problem solving ski11s in unfamiliar
contexts; application of knowledge and formulation of judgments taking into account the
responsibilities bound to them; clear communication of personal findings; possession of self
learning ski11s.
b. Specific
The title ofthis master's thesis (in Spanish TFM, Trabajo Fin de Master), "Auxiliary Tools in
Language Teaching: Pop Songs", answers to my intention to high1ight the enormous
motivational potential ofpop songs, used as auxiliary tools, for the teachingllearuing ofEnglish
as foreign language (EFL) in the context of an Official Language School (in Spanish EOI,
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas).
Nowadays English teachers bave at their disposal many resources and materials which
can be used to make their classes more appealing to the students and can be specifica11y targeted
to the achievement of certain specific purposes.
Besides the typical English textbook, blackboard and photocopies, teachers rely on
audiovisual resources for language teaching (a trend which, obviously, the developments ofthe
new information technologies bave fostered to extents unimaginable just a few decades ago). As
2. Objectives
a. General
The main objective of the Master Degree Master Universitario de Formacion de Profesorodo
en Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, FormaciOn Profesional y EnseFianza de
Idiomas is to provide the future teacher specialized training that enables them to teach in the
various levels specified in the name of the Degree itself. In accordance with the guidelines and
the requirements of the ORDEN ECII3858/2007 of December 27
(BOE-A-2007-18770: 1-2),
in my opinion the most relevant competences that students should acquire in this respect are [2],
[3], [6] and [8]. They relate to: planning, development and evaluation of teaching and learning
process; transformation of retrieved information into knowledge and its application in teaching
and learning process; acquisition of strategies to motivate students and develop their spirit of
initiative; design and realization of activities which contribute to develop the potential of the
In addition, the REAL DECRETO 1393/2007 of October 29
21), on the organization of official university education, sets as targets the acquisition of general
competences established in the Marco EspaFiol de Cualificaciones para la Educacion
Superior, MECES. These competences deal basically with: originality in development and
application of ideas; application of knowledge and problem solving skills in unfamiliar
contexts; application of knowledge and formulation of judgments taking into account the
responsibilities bound to them; clear communication of personal findings; possession of self
learning skills.
h. Specific
The title of this master's thesis (in Spanish TFM, Trabajo Fin de Master), "Auxiliary Tools in
Language Teaching: Pop Songs", answers to my intention to highlight the enormous
motivational potential of pop songs, used as auxiliary tools, for the teachingllearning of English
as foreign language (EFL) in the context of an Official Language School (in Spanish EO!,
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas).
Nowadays English teachers have at their disposal many resources and materials which
can be used to make their classes more appealing to the students and can be specifically targeted
to the achievement of certain specific purposes.
Besides the typical English textbook, blackboard and photocopies, teachers rely on
audiovisual resources for language teaching (a trend which, obviously, the developments of the
new information technologies have fostered to extents unimaginable just a few decades ago). As
a matter of fact, audiovisual resources usually succeed more than classical resources and
materials in catching the students' attention, at the same time that they motivate them and lead
them to a more efficient development of abilities that in the distant past used to be often
neglected or, at best, underestimated: the listening and speaking abilities. Audiovisual resources
also provide a more entertaining and varied environment for such learning.
Among the various possibilities that the ICT (Information and Communication
Technology, TIC in Spanish) tools offer in the teaching of the English language, in this work I
decided to focus my attention on the importance and relevance of the use of popular music
(specifica1ly songs) as auxiliary tools for such teaching.
a matter of fact, audiovisual resources usually succeed more than classical resources and
materials in catching the students' attention, at the same time that they motivate them and lead
them to a more efficient development of abilities that in the distant past used to be often
neglected or, at best, underestimated: the listening and speaking abilities. Audiovisual resources
also provide a more entertaining and varied environment for such learning.
Among the various possibilities that the ICT (Information and Communication
Technology, TIC in Spanish) tools offer in the teaching of the English language, in this work I
decided to focus my attention on the importance and relevance of the use of popular music
(specifically songs) as auxiliary tools for such teaching.
3. Justification
a. "Escuela Oficial De Idiomas"
In order to obtain tbe 15 CFU (in ECTS fonnat) intended for tbe Prticticum (internship) subject
inside tbe syllabus oftbe Master en Formacion del Profesorado, I decided 10 have an intemship
in English teaching in tbe Escuela Oficial de Idiomas of Le6n, as I was a1ready familiar witb
that educational background due to my work tbere as Italian language assistant for tbe academic
year 2014/2015.
Then, I opted for drawing up my TFM by taking into account tbe peculiarities of tbis
kind of school, tbe one I know best in tbe Spanish educational system and which gave me tbe
occasion 10 put in10 pmctice some of tbe activities I have been developing specially for tbe
purposes of tbis study and for some works (lesson plans, genemlly) of tbe modules of tbe
subjectAprendizaje y ensenanza de las materias correspondientes (Inglés).
b. Pop Songs
Songs can be used as a valuable teaching and learning too1. Listening to pop songs helps tbe
students in tbeir effort to memorize vocabulary. Using songs can help learners improve tbeir
listening skills and pronunciation; tbey can also be useful for teaching vocabulary and sentence
structures. So, tbis textual genre provides new ways to study English and makes possible tbe
improvement of tbe listening skills and tbe learning of idiomatical sentences which could be
used in daily life. Probably tbe greatest benefit 10 using songs in tbe classroom is that tbey are
As 10 "pop music", tbe Macmillan Dictionary' defmes it as follows:
"a type of music, usuaIly played on electrouic iustrumen!s, !ha! is popular with many people
because i! consis!s of shor! songs with a strong bea! and simple tunes !ha! are easy lo remember.
Pop music is often simply called pop."
The tenn originally derives from an abbreviation of "popular" and is a genre of popular music
which originated in its modem fonn in tbe Western world during tbe 1950s and 1960s, deriving
from rock and roll. The tenns popular music and pop music are often used interchangeably,
altbough tbe fonner also has wider meanings tbat can in fact include any style of music which is
, http://www.macmillandictionary.comldictionary/british/pop-music
3. Justification
a. "Escuela Oficial De Idiomas"
In order to obtain the 15 CFU (in ECTS fonnat) intended for the Prticticum (internship) subject
inside the syllabus of the Master en Formacion del Profesorado, I decided to have an internship
in English teaching in the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas of Le6n, as I was already familiar with
that educational background due to my work there as Italian language assistant for the academic
year 2014/2015.
Then, I opted for drawing up my TFM by taking into account the peculiarities of this
kind of school, the one I know best in the Spanish educational system and which gave me the
occasion to put into pmctice some of the activities I have been developing specially for the
purposes of this study and for some works (lesson plans, genemlly) of the modules of the
subject Aprendizaje y enseiianza de las materias correspondientes (Ingles).
b. Pop Songs
Songs can be used as a valuable teaching and learning tool. Listening to pop songs helps the
students in their effort to memorize vocabulary. Using songs can help learners improve their
listening skills and pronunciation; they can also be useful for teaching vocabulary and sentence
structures. So, this textual genre provides new ways to study English and makes possible the
improvement of the listening skills and the learning of idiomatical sentences which could be
used in daily life. Probably the greatest benefit to using songs in the classroom is that they are
As to "pop music", the Macmillan Dictionary' defmes it as follows:
"a type of music, usually played on electrouic instruments, that is popular with many people
because it consists of short songs with a strong beat and simple tuoes that are easy to remember.
Pop music is often simply called pop."
The tenn originally derives from an abbreviation of "popular" and is a genre of popular music
which originated in its modern fonn in the Western world during the 1950s and 1960s, deriving
from rock and roll. The tenns popular music and pop music are often used interchangeably,
although the fonner also has wider meanings that can in fact include any style of music which is
, http://www.macmil1andictionary.comldictionarylbritishlpop-music
4. Description
An Escuela Qficial de Idiomas (EO/) is a public language school depending on the Departments
of Education of the Spanish Autonomous Communities and framed within the special regime
centres. It is part of a vast network of non-university level official centres dedicated to the
specia1ized teaching of modem foreign languages: Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Euskara are
also taught in certain places.
The EEOOII have existed for over a century and their main purpose has always been to
promote the leaming of foreign languages. Their teaching is regulated according to the Common
European Framework oj Rejerence jor Languages: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment (CEFR
2009/10). Each levelleads to Diploma of European recognition. The EOI certificates according
to these standards are: AI, A2, BI, B2 and CI level (Rodriguez 2012: 3-4). The teaching and,
consequently, leaming is organized into two moda1ities, narnely oficial and libre. The former
means that the studenta register for both class attendance and exams, whereas the latter refers to
studenta who pay fees only to take the official exams.
a. Legai Framework
In Spain, the Official Language Schools are regulated by the Ley Organica de Educacion (LOE
2/2006), the Real Decreto 806/2006 of the 30" of June, establishing the calendar for the
implementation of the new organization of the educational system, and the Real Decreto
1629/2006, of the 29" of December, which fixes the basics of the teaching curriculum in the
specia1ized contexts regulated by the LOE 2/2006, of the 3n! of May. This standard replaces the
previous one (BOE of IO" of September), by the Real Decreto 1523/1989 of the l'' of
December (BOE ofthe 18" ofDecember) and by the Real Decreto 47/1992. They stated that the
study of each language was to be divided into two cycles:
• Elementary (3 courses, minimum 120 hours each)
• Superior (2 courses, 120 hours minimum each).
The Ley Organica de Educacion 2/2006 (LOE) modified this situation into the current
scheme of three levels:
• Basic Level (equivalent to A2 of the Common European Framework oj Rejerence)
• Intermediate Level (equivalent to BI of the Common European Framework oj
• Advanced Level (equivalent to B2 ofthe Common European Framework oj Rejerence)
(Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Espaiiol
'Escuelas Oliciales de Idiomas (Espalla)
http://enciclopedia.us.es/index.phplEscuelas Oliciales de Idiomas o/028Espa%C3%Bla%29
4. Description
An Escuela Qficial de Idiomas (EO!) is a public language school depending on the Departments
of Education of the Spanish Autonomous Communities and framed within the special regime
centres. It is part of a vast network of non-university level official centres dedicated to the
specia1ized teaching of modem foreign languages: Spanish, Cataian, Galician and Euskara are
also taught in certain places.
The EEOOII have existed for over a century and their main purpose has always been to
promote the learning of foreign languages. Their teaching is regulated according to the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment (CEFR
2009/10). Each level leads to Diploma of European recognition. The EOI certificates according
to these standards are: AI, A2, BI, B2 and Cl level (Rodriguez 2012: 3-4). The teaching and,
consequently, learning is organized into two moda1ities, namely oficial and fibre. The former
means that the students register for both class attendance and exams, whereas the latter refers to
students who pay fees only to take the official exams.
a. Legal Framework
In Spain, the Official Language Schools are regulated by the Ley Organica de Educacion (LOE
2/2006), the Real Decreto 806/2006 of the 30" of June, establishing the calendar for the
implementation of the new organization of the educational system, and the Real Decreto
1629/2006, of the 29" of December, which fixes the basics of the teaching curriculum in the
specia1ized contexts regulated by the LOE 2/2006, of the 3n! of May. This standard replaces the
previous one (HOE of 10
of September), by the Real Decreto 1523/1989 of the I" of
December (HOE of the 18
of December) and by the Real Decreto 47/1992. They stated that the
study of each language was to be divided into two cycles:
• Elementary (3 courses, minimum 120 hours each)
• Superior (2 courses, 120 hours minimum each).
The Ley Organica de Educacion 2/2006 (LOE) modified this situation into the current
scheme of three levels:
• Basic Level (equivalent to A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference)
• Intermediate Level (equivalent to BI of the Common European Framework of
• Advanced Level (equivalent to B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference)
(Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Espaiiol
'Eseuelas Ofieiales de ldiomas (Espalla)
http://eneiclopedia.us.eslindex.phplEscuelas Ofieiales de ldiomas o/028Espa%C3%Blao/029