1.1 Pronation
Subtalar joint pronation is a motion which combines dorsiflexion, abduction, and
eversion of the foot which respect to the leg, providing the primary mechanism by
which transverse rotations occur between the leg and foot [1]. Excessive and an
increased velocity of pronation during stance, have been related with overuse injuries
in running, although the mechanisms behind this relationship are still unclear [2] [3] [4].
Figura 1.1 Pronated foot Vs Normal foot
(adapted from Philadelphia Runner website: http://www.philadelphiarunner.com)
1.2 Overuse Injuries
Overuse injuries are those injuries that result from repetitive subtraumatic forces that
overuse and stress the muscuskeletical tissues [5]. Willems et al. 2006 have identified
the central heel strike, the excessive eversion and the increased lateral roll off of the
ankle as risk factors for exercise related lower leg pain. Exercise related leg pain
includes, shin splints, shin pain, medial tibial stress pain, periostitis, compartment
syndrome and stress fractures [2]. On a second study, Willlems found that the risk
factors running with shoes are the increased pronation excursion and accelerated
reinversion[3]. These studies were carried on by comparing an injury group of subjects
that developed exercise related lower leg pain with a group of subjects who had never
1.3 Inserts, Orthoses, Shoes
had an injury history in the lower limb. The results from these studies showed that the
gait pattern of subjects who developed this type of injury is different from a normal
population who hadn’t had injuries in the lower limb. The general approach to find the
causes that lead to overuse injuries from an over-pronated foot is by comparing different
gait variables between the healthy population and the foot pronated population with
different type of inserts that artificially change the pronation [1] [4]. The most common
types of gait parameter evaluation used in literature are : kinematic, kinetics or plantar
pressure and electromyography [6][7].
1.3 Inserts, Orthoses, Shoes
Inserts, orthoses and special shoes are the common ways of changing the gait pattern
for rehabilitation or to correct the foot posture in individuals. Murley et al. 2009[7],
carried out a systematic review to find the effects of foot posture, foot orthoses and
footwear on the lower limb muscle activity during walking and running. The papers
taken into consideration were included in the study if they satisfied the inclusion criteria
which were: main outcome measure for muscle were EMG or MRI, independent
variables include variation in posture, footwear or orthoses used, statistical analysis
must have been carried out, and more than one subject with no neurological disease
were tested. Finally 38 papers were chosen: 6 on foot posture, 12 on foot orthoses and
20 on footwear. A quality assessment was then made based on the way the EMG
measurement methodology was reported on in each paper . The foot orthoses studies
compared different types of orthoses of different materials; customized foot
orthoses[8][9] or fixed medial wedging[9][10], semirigid polypropylene shells [8][11]
or ethylene vinyl acetate(EVA) made midsoles, with standard control shoes (walking)
or sandals(running). A general result independent from the type of orthoses was that
peroneus longus, tibialis anterior EMG amplitude and tibialis anterior duration, were
greater when wearing foot orthoses. The majority of the papers examined were about
footwear and showed different styles of footwear. Shoes with varying heel height were
reported to make changes in both lower back and lower limb EMG muscles activity
with increased heel height. Destabilizing footwear designed to enhance the ankle
musculature were used also to treatment injury groups and for prevention[12] [13] [14].
Similar results as the orthoses studies were found for the footwear studies but a clear
conclusion on the effect on muscle function couldn’t be found due to different methods
and results.
1.4 Problem Statement
1.3.1 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)
The previously discussed studies on orthoses, were based on laboratory research and
aimed at finding the biomechanical effect of footwear and orthoses. An approach to
establish the effect of footwear to prevent overuse injuries, is the randomized controlled
trials method (RCTs). The RCTs is a statistical method that compares a treatmentment
group with a control group under a defined protocol which follow a generally accepted
guideline[15]. The aim of this method is to reduce the risk of bias, i.e. when there is an
error in choosing the population sample and the assumptions on the subjects are not true
so that no reliable interpretation of the results could be done. A systematic review of
RCTs studies was conducted to analyze the effect of orthoses or shoes to prevent
overuse injuries[16]. The quality assessment of the papers reviewed was based on their
rmethodology and assessed the following features: randomization, concealed allocation,
baseline similarity of the study group, blinding of participants, blinding of care
providers, blinding of assessors, co-interventions, compliance, drop out rate, timing of
outcome measures, and intention-to-treatment analysis. Many of these studies were
done on military recruits due to the homogeneity of the population (age, physical
characteristics, race, gender) and the possibility of controlling the trials in the military
academy. A subdivision of the papers was done based on the type of study: orthoses or
inserts, external joint supports, and training programs. The orthoses and insoles studies
selected were aimed at reducing the shock absorption. The analysis confirmed that the
use of insoles [17][18][19], could be effective in preventing injuries, but still these
results are in contradiction with other studies[20] and a real comparison was difficult
because of the clinical and methodological differences of these studies.
1.4 Problem Statement
1.4.1 Background
Solutions to prevent injuries due to over pronation are provided by special shoes[21],
inserts [22] or orthotics [9]. Murley et al. 2009 [7] reviews several papers that have
found evidences of the feasibility of preventing some lower limb injuries (specially
femoral stress fractures and shin splints) with foot orthoses. Since the clear mechanism
that lead to injuries is not identified, the main goal of these solutions is to directly
reduce the pronation (providing a support to the medial foot) and the shock absorption
during stance phase to reset the normal condition. Changes have been found in muscle
activity. According to Mundermann et al. 2006 [9], the tibialis anteriorir, the vastus
medialis, the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris revealed significant changes in global
EMG intensity during pre-heel-strike with orthoses compared to control insert. The
1.4 Problem Statement
tibialis anterioris , the peroneus longus, the gastrocnemius medialis, the biceps femoris
showed significant changes in global EMG intensity during post-heel-strike with
orthoses compared to control insert. Nawoczenski et al. 1999 [8] compared customized
foot orthoses with running sandals and obtained significant greater RMS EMG
amplitude values with orthoses in the tibialis anterior, and significantly lower RMS
EMG amplitude for the biceps femoris. O’Connor et al. 2006[23] found a similar result
for the tibialis anterior comparing a neutral running shoe with a running shoe with
medial wedge. Some studies suggest that pronation is associated with greater EMG
amplitude of invertor muscles such as tibialis anterior and flexor hallus [24,25] and
lower EMG amplitudes for evertor muscles such as peroneus longus. Nigg et al.
2001[26] suggested a new paradigm that defines the forces acting on the foot during the
stance phase, as an input signal. According to this new concept, a muscle adaptation
followed by these inputs aims at maintaining the preferred joint movement path for a
given movement task (e.g. running). Any intervention that supports the preferred
movement path, reduces the muscle activity, if it counteracts the preferred movement
path, muscle activity must be increased. This concept implies that the “movement
control” during stance phase is not important to align the skeleton but attempts to
control the movement change muscle activity during the stance phase which result for
the person in an improved comfort. In the studies cited orthoses and shoe inserts were
able to influence muscle activity. Shoe inserts, basically provide a support to the foot
arch and limit its collapsing during foot pronation in the stance phase of gait. This
solution may alter the ankle joint and the knee joint muscles activity. Foot orthoses and
shoe inserts aim is also to adsorb the shock transmission to the lower limb during heel
strike of the foot.
Several studies on shoe inserts that have given different results were discussed. Some
confirm the hypothesis that inserts change the gait pattern[9] and others didn’t find any
differences in the gait pattern compared to normal insoles[4][27]. The gait pattern can
be analyzed by studying the dynamic of different parameters during gait. In this project
we focused on the parameters that in the literature were widely confirmed to change due
to shoe inserts when positive results were obtained [8][9][10][28]. According to these
papers shoe inserts, change the muscle activity that stabilize the ankle and knee joint
kinematic. It’s not clear if the change must be an increased or decreased muscle activity;
literature showed differences on it, probably because each person has its own favorite
gait pattern that maximizes comfort[26], therefore there is a subject- specific change in
the gait pattern of the muscle activity. Several studies were conducted to study the
shock absorption. Some studies used RCT methods[16][17][18][19] to find out if the
reduced impact force caused a reduced risk of overuse injuries and other studies were
carried out in laboratory experiments that use pressure insoles[29] or force
platforms[30] to compare treatmented shoes with control shoes and found out the
evidence of