Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1. Introduction
Considering the current trends in the events and festival environment, a special focus
has been given on words such as networking, social media and marketing
communications. Since events companies are involved in adapting to new directions
and trends in order to be competitive and persuasive, modern businesses tend to
apply these developments to their communication strategy.
This thesis focuses on the widest scope of marketing communications in the special
events environment, exploring the use of traditional and new media. They represent
a key source for agencies to communicate their services, attract potential customers
and research their market.
In relation to this, an incredible growth in terms of numbers of business-related and
leisure events have been reported (Jago, 1998 Allen et al., 2008), which involves
different marketing approaches from those used for other kind of products or
services. Moreover, the recent event literature (Hede and Kellett, 2009; Masterman
and Wood, 2006) points out the relevance of stakeholders such as the community,
sponsors and media that can affect both positively and negatively the event
organization. Therefore, the progress of technology and in particular Internet have
led to the global use of Information and communication technologies, which have
transformed completely the marketing environment. The advent of Internet-based
social media has facilitated the communication process worldwide, allowing one
individual to share or exchange ideas about services and the companies that provide
them. Therefore, consumer-to-consumer communications have become increasingly
important in the market place.
An increasing number of literature is currently published within the tourism,
hospitality and event sector for what marketing communication tools are concerned.
However, only a very limited range of studies (Westmyer et al, 1998; Danaher and
Rossiter, 2009) analyzes in depth the positive and negative aspects of the use of
different marketing media for both the senders and the receivers of the
communication. Therefore, the lack of relevant studies in the event marketing area
was the reason to select the above research topic for this study.
1.2 Summary of the content
This thesis provides an understanding of the current events and festival industry
dealing with the topic of traditional and social media. A various range of research
methods are applied in order to find out the current situation in the events business
but also aiming to find opportunities and threats of using Internet related media.
The dissertation starts with the objectives definition and the main research questions
to answer. Afterwards, the literature review is integrated into chapters answering
what Integrated Marketing Communications are and their main tools‘ characteristics.
The first part is focusing on the Brand, Public relations and Advertising for events,
three key aspects to enhance the reputation of a festival and obtain and increasing of
ticket sales. Secondly, the role of word of mouth (WOM) and users created
information has been underlined giving examples of both traditional and new media
tools. It is relevant to point out how potential attendees rely on their peers experience
and behavior before making a purchase. As for products and services, it happens in
the event and tourism industry and increasingly because of the widen use of social
network sites all over the world.
The methodology chapter clarifies the research approaches applied in the following
chapters. A mixed methods approach has been used, making use of qualitative and
quantitative research. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with marketing
mangers and a web-based questionnaire was sent out to potential events attendees,
in order to receive perceptions of both senders and receivers of the communication.
The Findings and Analysis chapter aims to explore the investigation which has been
undertaken. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected and coded in order to
explore the most frequently occurring objectives. Charts and tables are used to give
a clearer picture of the questionnaire feedbacks and the answers to the interview are
compared carefully within the different respondents of the qualitative study.
Lastly, this dissertation offers a summary of the findings and the way objectives were
met during the investigation. As the main purpose is to contribute to the theory, the
research methodology and the event-marketing sector, the Conclusions section gives
an outline of the achievements of this study.
Therefore this dissertation aims to analyze:
The modern special events sector and their new trends
Traditional marketing Communication Tools
New Marketing Communication Tools
Consumer Created Communication and its pros and cons for events managers
Consumers perceptions of a selected range of media.
In order to explore in depth the above points, each of them has been defined making
use of a wide range of events and tourism related studies. Secondly this dissertation
provides insight into the event business and the approach that different event
agencies, have towards social media and traditional tools.
1.3 Research Objectives
All data gathered help to identify advantages and disadvantages of the three case
studies we are taking into account for our primary research. The subsequent
objectives are therefore formulated as a guideline and a structured approach to:
Identify and explain what social media sites are and whether they are beneficial
to event businesses as a whole or not.
Assess the issues surrounding the marketing strategy for events and point out
the main advantages and disadvantages of the use of different tools.
Identify and examine the attitudes and opinions of managers and employees in
respect to the implementation of social media communication, together with
their opinions on the traditional tools.
Compare customers‘ perceptions and attitudes towards the main
communication channels for events.
Findings and recommendations are listed in the Results chapter and they aim to
demonstrate the way the above objectives were met by carrying out both desk and
primary research.
1.4 Context: Three Case Studies
As previously mentioned, in order to carry out the primary research for this study,
three European case studies have been taken into account and are here briefly
described in terms of target market, location and features.
Considering the nature and the role of the following events for the local community
and their potential to obtain a wide attention nationally and internationally, they can
be defined as Special Events:
‗A one-time or infrequently occurring event of limited duration that provides the
consumer with a leisure and social opportunity beyond everyday experience. Such
events, which attract, or have the potential to attract, tourists, are often held to raise
the profile, image or awareness of a region‘ (Jago and Shaw, 1998, p. 29).
The Groezrock Festival 2011
The Groezrock Festival 2011 was staged in Meerhout , a small village near
Antwerp, Belgium and takes place every year over the last weekend of April. Since it
was first established in 1991 it grew from a small venue (300 people capacity) to an
international alternative music festival with 32.000 visitors coming from Germany,
Holland, England, Italy, Spain, Austria, Switzerland etc. It became therefore one of
the biggest rock festivals in Europe featured by two intense days of staged events
with artists coming from all over the world. It is also featured by associated activities
such as extreme sport events and cultural celebrations around the festival site.
Into The Pit
Into The Pit Festival is a music festival at its third edition, featuring American
and European music artists. It takes place in the Italian north-east coast, over two
days and it was very successful so far, attracting an average of 500 visitors per day.
It is a Do It Your Self (DIY) festival and its organization lays the foundation on a
volunteering basis and sponsors support. Because of limited financial assets to
invest in the marketing strategy, the event organization have focused their efforts in
the web promotion, making wide use of social network sites and blogs.
Lucca Summer Festival
Lucca Summer Festival is a mainstream event, with over 20 years of history
and gathering first class artists from the pop, jazz and rock scene in the historical
Piazza Napoleone, in Lucca. It takes place between the end of June and July with
over a dozen of concerts. Visitors and attendees come from all over the country
because of the exclusivity of such event and represent an important contribution to
the local tourism sector. As a matter of fact, a range of leisure and cultural activities
feature the overall experience for the attendees and have a relevant financial impact
on the area of Lucca and the surrounding cities (Pisa, Florence, Siena).
Chapter 2 – Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The following chapter aims to give an in depth overview of the current marketing
environment for special events. In order to explore this topic, the literature has been
divided in three main sections. The first one analyzes the role of Integrated Marketing
Communications in order to provide a consistent and tailored message, definitions of
branding; advertising and public relations have been given.
Previous studies from experts in the tourism and event field are explored in order to
draw a clear picture. Secondly, e-marketing and social media are analyzed
extensively and a special emphasis has been given on the role of consumer created
communication. The third and last section is intended to create a theoretical
framework about models of communications and channel attributes that will be used
as a basis to undertake the primary research.
2.2. Integrated marketing communication for events
Where ‗promotion‘ was once identified as the main communication tool within the
marketing mix, the Integrated Marketing Communication took over the whole
concept. Changes in terms of technology, competition and market expectations
turned the traditional idea of promotion ‗to‘ a market into the notion of creating
relationships ‗with‘ the market.(Bowdin et al. 2006)
The growing worldwide networks generated by communications technology and
computers resulted in significant changes in the way individuals, governments and
companies‘ work. This point is related to the extraordinary power of information, used
as medium to break down corporate, political and geographic barriers and reach into
homes and offices in a matter of few hours or days.
According to Shimp (2003), Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC) in their widest
scope, take into account any source of contact that the consumer has, as potential
delivery messages and use all communication tools that are somehow related and
relevant to the consumers. Therefore the platform for developing IMC strategies for
entertainment and business events is knowledge about visitors/attendees – a wide
clients‘ database enabling the event to entail a share of information with its potential
Considering what was pointed out by the above authors, the main challenge is the
ability of the companies to finance and implement an integrated communication,
considering the costs of traditional media and highly specialized web tools. Therefore
this issue has been considered in the primary research.
2.2.1. Marketing Communications Strategy
Successful communications rely on the effective coordination and integration of a
range of elements in order to achieve the goals set. A clear and consistent strategic
direction is needed as well as detailed sub strategies undertaking the different levels
of objectives. The first step for strategy development, after target markets have been
identified, is the draft of a positioning statement (Kitchen, 1999). Once the positioning
statement has been realized, a range of strategic options may be available to reach
the desired positions and results. They need to be evaluated and therefore the best
option chosen need to be developed, leading to the campaign message or
overarching theme (Shimp, 1997). Therefore, appraising what has just been said, it is
clear that there is a need to select the most suitable media to send this message
across to the selected target markets.
Communications strategy can be described as ‗a pre-determined set of actions that
differentiate your product from its competitors in terms that are positive and
personally relevant to your key target audiences‘ (Wirthlin Report, 1999).
The different theories of perception, branding and information processing contribute
to a valuable reinforcement in developing successful communication strategies and
they have been explored by interviewing event professional in the research stage of
this project.
As Masterman and Wood (2006) say, the communication strategy needs to fit within