1 Introduction
1.1 General overview on Finland’s water body
Finland is a land of lakes and forests.
Finland’s water bodies are both numerous and labyrinthine in shape. Most of
the old towns grew up on or near the coast or along the inland waterway used
from centuries as traffic arteries, both in summer and winter time.
Forest cover the greater part of the country, but some 10% of its surface of
altogether 338.145 km² is covered by inland waters, both large and small, for a
volume of about 235 km
. The number of lakes larger than one hectare is 56.000.
Thousands of lakes in Finland are joined together by rivers and rapids forming
watercourses which finally empty into the brackish Baltic Sea (Finnish
Environmental Institute).
Finland’s lakes are mostly shallow, with an average depth of seven meters,
and circulation water velocities are rather small, so that any pollutants can
likewise take a long time to get out from a water body.
It cannot be forgotten that Finland is a land of ice and snow, too. A quarter of
the country is situated north of the Arctic Circle, which makes Finland one of the
northernmost countries in the world. The weather conditions are, however,
favorable with respect to its position, thanks to the Gulf Stream. The lakes are ice-
covered for five to seven months a year.
Waterways have played a considerable role in the development of habitation
as well as trade and industry in Finland. Today the importance of the aquatic
environment is continuously increasing as a resource of recreation as well as an
invaluable source of biological and landscape diversity. Finnish lakes have a wide
range both on flora and fauna, sometimes very typical and rare elsewhere. Their
size runs from small pond to large extension, and their characteristics may be
from oligotrophic to very rich in nutrients.
On the other hand, the lakes, rivers and reservoirs and the investments therein
comprise valuable national assets for water supply and various other uses such as
hydro-electric power production, fisheries and transport as well as flood control.
Shallowness and small retention time mean that this kind of lake is highly
vulnerable to pollution. Moreover at high latitude, like in Finland or in mountain
areas as Alps regions, the fact that they are cold and frozen during the winter is an
additional problem.
During the last decades a renewed sensibility to environment has asked to pay
more attention to water resources, and lakes are a main one.
The present work approaches the study of a shallow lake and its
hydrodynamic. Currents induced by wind resulted to be a dominant factor. Field
measurements strongly supported this hypothesis, and also were used to test a
computer model of wind induced circulations. Simulation and possible paths of
hypothetical pollutants were drowned, and speculations on hydrobiology and
hydrodynamic correlations have been advanced.
Number of ponds and lakes larger than 0.0005 km
Number of lakes larger than 0.01 km
Number of lakes than 100 km
Largest lake Great Saimaa4.380 km
1.2 From nutrients to eutrophication
About four-fifths of Finnish lake are healthier, and most of the other are
classed as poor-quality due to eutrophication.
Tab 1.1 Water
resources statistic -
Lakes in Finland
High nutrients rate and consequently eutrophication is a typical problem of
water body in Finland. Sources of nutrients were mainly urban sewerage works
and pulp mills, but now agricultural and forestry play an important role as well.
Eutrophication is a natural process taking place in water. The process is
characterized by a development towards an environment rich in nutrients and a
proliferous plant production.
Visual effects of eutrophication include muddled and discolored water,
excessive algae and bacteria production, and aquatic organisms killed by oxygen
depletion. Thus, biodiversity in these aquatic ecosystems is often disturbed and
depleted .
Man-made eutrophication of inland water courses and shallow coastal waters
is caused by excessive discharge of nutrients, especially phosphorus (P) and
nitrogen (N) in the form of PO
and NO
. In Scandinavian Country the nutrients
come primarily from agricultural activities, sewage and fish farms along the coast.
Several studies on the impact of pollution from nutrients (phosphorous and
nitrogen) on water quality have been supported from several and multi-country
institutes, and in most of the cases content of algal chlorophyll is adopted as a
measure of the plant production and is often used - together with for example, the
phosphorus content, nitrogen content and light penetration - to evaluate the water
quality as regards the extent of eutrophication. Under natural conditions a low
amount of nutrients should normally be fed to any lake from its watershed, even
to watersheds with low human activity. This low level of nutrient supply will only
support a limited growth of microscopic plants, such as algae or phytoplankton, in
lake waters.
The increase of human activities, including agriculture, industry and sewage,
gives rise to increased nutrient loading and hence increased plant growth in lakes.
Due to this influx of nutrients, changes in lake food-chains often occur; masses of
phytoplankton develop with no corresponding increase in zooplankton, which
normally controls the level of phytoplankton through grazing. The result of this
can be a deterioration of water quality, oxygen depletion in deep-waters, bad taste
and smell, and even the production of toxic substances.
Excessive phosphorus from runoff and erosion can fertilize surface waters. In
this process, microscopic floating plants, known as algae, rapidly multiply when
fertilized by phosphorus. These algae cloud the water making it difficult for most
of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) to get light enough. The SAV may
dieback reducing available habitat of aquatic animals. When algae themselves
eventually die they start to decompose. During decomposition dissolved oxygen is
removed from the water. Lowered oxygen levels make it difficult for other aquatic
organisms to survive.
Moreover, phosphorus, attached to sediments derived from soil erosion, may
accumulate in the sediments of lakes and streams. This phosphorus may be
recycled slowly or released more rapidly when these sediments are disturbed, for
example during a storm or flood. Pollution from phosphorus is therefore a long-
term problem and one of the main reasons of eutrophication.
Fig.1.1 Impact of
Phosphorus on aquatic
1.3 Water management in Finland
The value of the use of Finnish water resources is estimated to be over 22
billion EURO and it covers a primary role in the economy of the Country.
Sophisticated models of multiobjective decision-making are applied to
develop interactive management practices to regulate lakes and rivers. However,
the most essential input for these models comes from the grass roots, from the
people and from the users of the watercourses.
Within the filed of water resources management the activities of the Regional
Environment Centers, under the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry, cover water supply and sewerage, flood prevention, drainage and
irrigation, restoration of watercourses also used for timber-floating, multipurpose
regulation of river systems, permit holders’ obligations, maintenance of hydraulic
structures, dam safety, combating sudden flood and ice jams, ditching procedures,
and other water resources management issues.
The use of water resources for a long time has been subject to license in
Finland. The most of water areas are privately owned, but there are, however,
general usage rights to which everyone is entitled. These include the right of
passage in a watercourse and on its ice cover, the right to float timer on it, the
right to swim in it and the right to draw household water from it.
The utilization of waterways and their protection is regulated by the Water
Act. As well as the economic and technical aspects, environmental and social
concerns and considerations of equity have been incorporated into the planning
and legal procedures, and thus into the management practices of the permit
holders. The precautionary principle combined with use of the best available
techniques have for long been applied in practice by Finnish water management.
Some 87% of Finland's population are served by public waterworks owned by
the municipalities and their water-supply companies. The cost of public water
services is covered by collecting water and wastewater charges.
Although the Helsinki metropolitan area and some other major towns use
surface water, groundwater constitutes an essential resource for water supply. The
share of groundwater and artificial groundwater as a source for public water
supply has been constantly increasing and is now almost 60% of the water
The State has provided economic incentives for investments in water supply
and sewerage in both rural and urban communities. The main objectives are to
provide potable water of high quality for the entire population at reasonable cost
and to minimize the adverse environmental impact. Recently investments in line
with the objectives of European Union structural funds have also been co-
financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Some 200 flow regulation projects have been carried out in natural lakes or
man-made reservoirs. Half of these serve primarily hydro-electric power
production, a quarter flood control and the last quarter other purposes. As a rule,
the regulation of lakes and river system benefits several purposes simultaneously.
Efforts are made to develop sustainable management of regulated water systems.
Most of the regulation activities aim, along with other goals, at the prevention
of flood damage. Flood-combating measures have to be taken almost every year
in some part of Finland due to ice jams, snow-melt and occasionally also flooding
caused by torrential rain. Therefore, operational flood control plans have been laid
out for all major flood-prone water systems.
Although special legislation on dam safety was not enacted before 1984,
regular monitoring of the safety of major dams was already started in 1962.
Ongoing development projects cover risk assessment as well as preparedness for
accidents and rescue arrangements. Early warning for flood and dam safety
operations are expected to benefit from a more effective utilization of modern
information and modeling technology combined with new applications of
weather radars and weather forecasting (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry).
Environment policies are not supposed to know boundaries. In the field of the
collaboration, Finland has signed agreements with its neighbours Sweden,
Norway and Russia to ensure proper management of transboundary watercourses.
As a member of the European Union, Finland is actively working together with
other Member States in the field of water policy. European collaboration is
rapidly expanding within research and development, too.
In water management Finland has a long tradition of international co-
operation, especially in the Baltic Sea area. Several water supply and sanitation
development projects have been carried out as far away as Africa and Asia.
Finnish-Chinese undertakings in such sectors as flood control, dam safety and
management of ice conditions are further examples of a successful collaboration
(Finnish Environmental Institute).
Fig. 1.2 Lake Pyhäjärvi, Tampere
1.4 The lake as a “system”
Lakes are a classical subject of limnology studies, but only recently the
physical approach has been adopted.
Stratification, flows, mixing, temperature and light conditions are all factors
of fundamental importance and have to be coupled with chemical and biological
behaviors to understand the true nature of the “lake system”.
The problem of the scale is still somehow unresolved. Biology and chemistry
may easier find a compatible scale range more than physic and chemistry or
biology. So that biological studies have been often treated separately to physics
Some recent results of comparative hydrobiology and hydrodynamics
investigation studies (M.Straskrabe, 1998) have empathized the role of physic
processes on phytoplankton and zooplankton, and once more the bias of the
knowledge of all components of “lake system” is emerged together with the high
demanding target to link such different fields.
This work is done in the perspective of joint physical and some simple
biological aspect to better describe the environment of the lake.
“Circulation” is defined as “the rectified effects (derived from averaging the
possibly non-linear processes over some predefined space and time) of all
possible thermo-hydrodynamic processes”(J.Kielmann and T.J.Simons, 1980).
When circulation is considerate in a small temporal scale (e.g. hours or few days)
as in the present paper, then it often refers to wind forcing effects.
Mixing results primarily from physical processes as the mixing energy from
inflows and outflows and the transfer energy across the air-water interface due to
Variation in the intensity of the wind mixing seems to be related to a major
effect on the seasonal succession of plankton (Reynolds, 1980, 1984, 1990). The
stability of the water column strongly influence the plankton packing type both on
short and seasonal period (Reynolds 1984; Streinberg and Hartman, 1988). Such
different phenomena scale make complex the analysis of mechanic processes and
plankton behavior. Moreover the physical factors run in a broad range that results
in a field of nested eddies where turbulent energy is gradually dissipated to reach
viscous state.
Eddies diffusion coefficients are often used to represent in a simple way the
complex mixing process both in vertical and horizontal plane.
While theory of vertical mixing is rather developed, less attention is often
paid to the dispersion in the horizontal plane. If the object of dispersion is
plankton, then the system to be analyzed become more and more complicated
because of “living” nature of plankton.
This paper summarizes a summer analysis of a medium, shallow water lake in
the middle region of Finland where horizontal mixing and transport is not
neglected and of primary importance to know for the recreational destination of
the lake. Field tests have included experiments running from the simple drifters
tracking to water currents measurements by Acoustic Doppler Instrument and
plankton patchiness surveying.
1.5 Lake model alternatives
Lakes may be modeled in different ways according to the physical
characteristics of the water body and its usage destinations.
Basic distinction in models classification is between circulation and
simplified model. The first simulates two or three dimensional flows, the further
has from zero ( lake as a fully mixed reactor ) to one dimension, vertical or
horizontal. One-dimensional vertical models consider the lake to be horizontally
homogeneous and varying on the vertical structure. Horizontal 1-D model better
describes long narrow lakes but also shallows ones.
Circulation models basically consider wind, bottom friction and in - outflow.
They may be a single layer where assumption of a unstratified vertically
homogeneous lake is made. Multi - layers models may predict both free surface
elevation and current as well as stratified vertical structure.
Single layer model are often successfully used in shallow lakes where the
assumption of vertical homogeneity hold well (P.Shenehen, D.R.F. Hartemann,
Hydrodynamics of lakes
2 Hydrodynamics of lakes
2.1 Characterization of lakes and reservoirs
A primary difference between rivers and lakes is their speed of water
currents. Classic literature defines rivers lotic systems, characterized by running
water, while lakes and reservoirs are treated as lentic, with the meaning of almost
totally standing water. New research in this field shows how important is to
consider lakes as a systems of moving water, with defined hydrodynamics
governing rules. Transports and mixing processes in rivers are regulated by the
natural flowing, that causes complete mixing over the depth and the width. In
lakes the standing nature causes water and water quality constituents and
contaminants to move slowly, and under certain conditions they tend to stratify
rather than mixing. Main factors dominate mixing are in-outflow, wind and solar
heating. Related to lentic nature is also the tendency to store water for relatively
long periods. With increased time of storage, internal cycling and matters
originating within the lake (autochthonous materials) gain importance if
compared to materials originating outside of the standing water (allochthonous
materials). Often loads run periodically with seasons, and transports and mixing
occur in similar time. Vertical variations are very important in lakes and
reservoirs: light does not penetrate in all lakes’ layers, so that the heat exchange
and productivity are limited to surface layers. Many factors allow to vertical
stratification, with large vertical gradients in temperature, density and water
quality, while few factors working for mixing, and often lakes do not totally mix
vertically over long periods of the year.
Currents in lakes may be not well defined, and may change in direction also
over a short period of time, transport and mixing are slow and not homogeneous
(L.Martin & McCutcheon, 1998), with a prevalence in horizontal direction
compared to vertical, so it is not generally likely possible to describe the system
with a one-dimensional longitudinal model. The pattern of flows or mixing in a
Hydrodynamics of lakes
lake is largely affected by bathymetry, thermal structure, inflow, outflow, wind
mixing and solar heating. By the way, many flow models for lakes have as a basic
assumption that the mixing in horizontal plane is complete, so that is possible to
define layers and analyze only vertical variation in mixing and water quality.
Lakes are defined by the British Encyclopedia as “ a mass of still water
situated in a depression of the ground without direct communication with the sea”.
Natural lakes are those found in natural depressions such as ponds, not excavated
by humans or resulting from the construction of a dam. Unlike natural lakes, a
reservoir typically results from the building of engineering structures to impound
a stream and create an artificial basin for different uses (e.g. flood control, power
generation, water supply, recreation and navigation). Often words as “lakes” and
“reservoir” are used indifferently, but for some purpose is necessary to underline
the artificial nature of the latest. It is also important to know the differences in the
origin and degree of regulation because affect physical, chemical and biological
In order to classify lakes, the most common way is the lake-type approach
based on lakes origins. Major types of lake basins are the following:
a) Tectonic basins : result from disastrophics events such as earthquakes, tilting
or faults, or upheavals forming basins without drainage. This kind of basins
usually have elongate shapes, steep side and great depths (e.g. Dead Sea in
Israel, Lake Baikal in Russia, Great Salt Lake in Utah)
b) Volcanic basins : often results from dams due to lava flow, or in the craters of
extinct volcanoes and in cavities formed by subsidence (Wetzel 1975).
Usually they are low nutrient content and of high depth (e.g. Crater Lake in
Hydrodynamics of lakes
c) Glacial basins : include moraines formed by the debris from glaciers, cirques
and tarns, respectively formed in the eroded head of a glacial valley by
freezing and thawing (e.g. Laurentian Great Lakes)
d) Solution basins : formed by the collapse of caves; they are common in
limestone regions (e.g. Indiana, Florida, Tennessee)
e) Wind basins : formed in depressions created by wind.
f) Streams basins : are in someway linked with streams and their erosion
character. Fluvial lakes directly result from stream erosion or behind deposit
and obstruction in streams. Plunge-pool lakes made by erosion below
waterfalls, while oxbow lakes result formed by the cut-off of a stream
meander (McCutcheon, 1999).
Reservoirs are manmade in order
to supply different purposes. They
are characterized by the possibility
to regulate the volume and the
outflow, factors that largely affect
the transport and mixing within the
reservoir, and in turn water quality
Purposes range of artificial lakes
includes irrigation, flood control,
hydroelectric power generation,
water supply, navigation,
recreation, fisheries and water
quality maintenance.
Multiple uses are often envisaged at the same time, but often the primary
purpose of the reservoir excludes any other use like in flood control where the
flood-mitigation pool capacity should be large and storage kept to a minimum in
Fig.2.1 Stratification in a reservoir
(from J Martin, S. McCutcheon,1999)
Hydrodynamics of lakes
order to reduce the peak outflow. Reservoirs for hydroelectric generation power
have to be located where it is possible to have a sufficient head drop, and may be
considered that many facilities are peaking operating to satisfy power demand, so
that the outflow may vary both in time and amount. Reservoir, dams and
withdrawal structure often affect the water quality in the down streams
proportionally to the use of the basin and environmental factors. In natural lakes
the surplus are usually withdrawal from the surface water, but sometimes in
reservoirs dams do not have a selective withdrawal structure, and released water
come from a certain layer with strong characterization in quality often worse than
inflow water.
2.2 Zonation of lakes
In lakes and reservoirs it is possible to locate different zone formed by
physical processes. Distinction between areas is often not well defined, but
presence or absence of certain zones may change the choice of the model used to
study a certain lake.
First distinction may be done between the littoral and the limnetic zone. The
littoral zone is the area between the beach and the open water, and often is the
Fig. 2.3 Longitudinal zoonation in lakes (from J Martin, S.