We he re f ocus on t he ut ilization o f low f requency update a nd l ow c ost
sensors, s uch a s C ommercial O ff-The-Shelve ( COTS) de vices. I n particular, t he
spacecraft a re e nvisioned to have the a vailability of r ange m easurements a nd relative
attitude measurements.
This work presents the design of a spacecraft relative navigation system robust to
frequent signal loss and/or darkening of the sensors, where the information of the other
vehicles maneuvers is not available.
Two dynamics m odels a re h ere c onsidered: 1) t he classical K alman f ilter
technique, [13], considering the unknown input (the maneuver command) modeled as a
random process, and 2) the MIE (Modified Input Estimation) technique [5], [8] and [14],
where the maneuver is estimated in real time as additional variable in an augmented state
Between the two approaches, the MIE proves to be the most successful. It yields
satisfactory performances without constant acceleration or small sampling time
assumptions. F urthermore, i t no t on ly provides f ast initial convergence rate, bu t it c an
also track a maneuvering target w ith a good accuracy under r andom loss of signal and
slow data rate, allowing the spacecraft to perform critical maneuvering such as docking
and multi-vehicle assembly.
The topic of autonomous interacting s pacecraft is gaining popularity as space
launch remains h igh cost, and automated space s ystems c ould be e conomical a nd
beneficial f or c ertain commercial a nd military operations. A few real-world p rojects of
autononmy through the use artificial vision are given here for contextual background.
1. European Space Agency’s (ESA) Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV)
The A TV i s a E uropean de veloped s pacecraft f or pr oviding t he I nternational
Space S tation w ith t he a utomated transfer o f s upplies. T he f irst o f i ts c lass, t he J ules
Verne s uccessfully c ompleted t he a utonomous r endezvous a nd doc king s ystem i n
Europe’s l argest s hip hu ll test f acility in S eptember, 20 06 a nd pl ans to replicate tha t
success in space in 2007. Its primary mode of navigation comes from the use of
independent supervision laser scanning device.
2. National Space Development Agency (NASDA) of Japan’s ETS-7
The ETS-7 program consisted of a pair of satellites, a chase satellite and a target
satellite, that successfully undocked and re-docked autonomously in July o f 1998. Also
known a s K iku-7, t he pa ir of i nteracting s pacecraft pe rformed multiple t ests, i ncluding
degraded equipment tests and several tele-robotic experiments that boosted Japan’s hopes
for f uture unmanned space f lights. Scientists a t NASDA c laim tha t th is e xperiment ha s
proven the cost e ffectiveness of autonomous, interacting spacecraft. However, s ince the
system w as bui lt a nd launched t ogether be fore i t w as t ested, there i s s ome doub t the
system could be as effective with other types of spacecraft.
3. AFRL’s XSS-11
The XSS-11 Demonstration Mission was launched in April o f 2005. Its purpose
was to demonstrate robust, extended duration proximity operations. It is a micro-satellite
class v ehicle t hat could autonomously r endezvous with m ultiple s pace obj ects using a
scanning L IDAR for n avigation. I t a lso h as s everal gui dance modes, s uch a s forced-
motion trajectories, closed loop proximity operations, or collision avoidance that could be
switched from ground control or autonomously.
4. NASA’s Hubble Robotic Vehicle (HRV)
NASA was developing a robotic vehicle to service the Hubble Space Telescope
(HST) in FY08. Its purpose was to lengthen the life of the HST by taking it new batteries,
propellant i nside of a d e-orbit module, a nd an ejection module w ith r obotic uni ts. The
HRV w ould be partially controlled f rom the ground to install ne w instruments, a nd
reroute power u sing the n ew bat teries. The HRV project was r ecently cancelled due to
budget constraints.
This research is intended to advance the field of multiple spacecraft navigation by
developing an autonomous navigation algorithm f or multiple spacecraft in c lose
proximity operations, including s imultaneous rendezvous and docking. The a rchitecture
of t he na vigation a lgorithm is de signed to pe rmit a relative na vigation i n autonomous
manner, without any data exchange and with only relative sensors. The adaptive tracking
algorithm permits the use of low frequency sensors and allow also quite number of signal
interruptions. The developed approach, also minimize the fuel consumption with a better
estimation of the relative state and the Target’s control estimation.
The navigation algorithm takes in to account considerations on realistic actuators
and sensors p erformances and was tested and evaluate b y implementation in the
Spacecraft R obotics L aboratory located at the Naval P ostgraduate S chool (NPS). This
allows f or validation of t he na vigation a lgorithm ba sed o n l ow r ate a nd limited d ata
The t estbed w as a dvanced b y incorporating a large, f lat e poxy surface a nd an
indoor-GPS system into the laboratory f ramework. The epoxy f loor a llows a vehicle to
emulate t he s pace environment by f loating o n a ne ar-frictionless s urface r epresenting
motion i n t wo d imensions. P seudo-GPS w as i ntegrated i nto t he t estbed t o a llow f or
independent verification and validation of a vehicle’s performance.
The do cking simulator w as de veloped by i ntegrating computer h ardware and
attitude sensors in to a newly-designed vehicle architecture to support i ts navigation and
control needs. A position and attitude estimator was created to fuse the vehicle’s sensor
inputs. A control system was designed to allow for position control through eight
thrusters and attitude control through the use of a reaction wheel.
The controlled spatial interaction of s ystems involving multiple vehicles, robots,
aircraft, or spacecraft in c lose pr oximity i s a c omplex ta sk. How mu ltiple vehicles are
controlled depends on a wide range of operating environments, missions, objectives, and
organizational combinations. Developing systems consisting of multiple autonomous
vehicles that cooperatively perform a task or behavior is of paramount importance to the
engineering c ommunity. The di stinctive s pace e nvironment makes f or par ticularly
interesting and challenging navigation and control algorithm requirements based on
orbital d ynamics, communication l imitations, and tight spacecraft s ensitive t o
disturbances and constraints. The dynamics of the orbital spacecraft is affected by
disturbances and perturbations. Traditionally, individual spacecraft maneuvers have been
based on fuel e fficiency r equirements, since f uel i s a c ritical r esource i n the l ife of a
spacecraft. During large e arly staging maneuvers, the c onservation of f uel is gener ally
more critical then the timeliness of any particular task. Once in the desired mission orbit,
the only regular translational maneuvers which most individual spacecraft perform are for
general station keeping. Also, due to the relatively large distances between typical orbital
objects c ollision avoidance maneuvers a re r arely necessary and s eldom e xecuted.
However, due t o spacecraft t echnology improvements, there is now a g reater d esire t o
control multiple spacecraft in close proximity operations. These multiple spacecraft, close
proximity operations r equire a l arge r obust t o t he s ignal l oss a nd pr ecise na vigation
Advances i n t echnology c ontinue to de crease t he s ize, w eight o f c omponents
while increasing the capability of payloads, sensors and processors. This trend has
enabled the space industry to decrease the s ize of spacecraft. Small satellites with mass
less than a few hundred kg are becoming more common. Launch opportunities are more
readily available f or smaller spacecraft s ince more launch vehicle can support them.
Many of these relatively small satellites can be deployed into orbit from the same launch
vehicle. Once in orbit the spacecraft will need to disperse or converge, relative to each
other de pending on t heir m ission. A s s pacecraft ge t c loser t o e ach ot her t he
execution of 7c ollision avoidance, r endezvous, a nd doc king m aneuvers o ver a s hort
timeline m ay t ake pr iority o ver opt imizing i ndividual s pacecraft's f uel c onsumption.
During these c lose pr oximity maneuvers, the des ires a re to maintain e fficient fuel
management while accomplishing the maneuver objective quickly. The longer each
spacecraft stays in t ransition during close proximity the more p recise s tation keeping is
required; therefore more propellant may be used.
Navigation a nd C ontrol a lgorithms f or m ultiple s pacecraft ne ed t o t ake t he
similarity a nd differences o f e ach spacecraft i nto consideration, which is d iscussed in
detail in Chapter II.B.1. In this research cooperative homogeneous spacecraft with similar
sensors and navigation algorithms are considered. Additionally, it is useful to define the
phase of the spacecraft mission in relationship to the d istances from other spacecraft or
the goal position. A discussion of relative orbital mission phases is presented in Chapter
II.B.2. Also, the organizational g rouping of spacecraft depends on t he manner in which
the s pacecraft maintain position w ith r espect t o each other. The various or ganizational
groupings of spacecraft are discussed in Chapter II.B.3. Precision control, that requires a
high a ccurate na vigation, m ay be de sired i n s ome a pplications, s uch a s po inting
spacecraft w ith h igh r esolution imagery p ayloads, a nd l oose control may b e de sired in
other applications, such as station keeping of communication satellites. Mission
motivations for autonomously navigation and synchronized multiple spacecraft in precise
spatial c onfigurations a re num erous, a nd i nclude i nterferometry, c ommunications, a nd
power ge neration. These c ooperative s pacecraft m ay ne ed to be a ble t o c onverge or
diverge in a safe and e fficient fashion. For s ervicing missions, it may be necessary for
two or more spacecraft to rendezvous, or even dock.
First, multiple s pacecraft interferometry is ba sed on t he i dea that t he p recise
configuration o f t he relative pos ition a nd or ientation of multiple s pacecraft pa yloads
could r esult in pe rformance equivalent t o a m uch l arger spacecraft pa yload. M ultiple
spacecraft are positioned in order to form a distributed array. Distributing spacecraft
payloads ( e.g., sensors) into pr ecise s patially c onfigurations, or a ssembling multiple
spacecraft o n or bit, r equire hi gher level navigation a lgorithms. B ecause it is r equired
control a lgorithm capabilities inc lude the e stablishment a nd maintenance of a given
formation and a ny po ssible r econfiguration of t he formation, i t i s necessary a robust
navigation algorithm.
Second, reconfigurable cooperative formation mission concepts are based on
collectives o f small spacecraft working in unison to perform a greater function. For the
purpose of spacecraft formation navigation and control it is generally assumed that each
spacecraft is relatively homogeneous and executes centralized control strategies in order
to minimize fuel consumption during formation flight. Each small spacecraft coordinates
with others in the group and shares processing, communication, and payload or mission
functions. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is currently studying
the idea of fractionated spacecraft architectures which decompose the overall spacecraft
function i nto a f ree-flying ne twork of c omponent m odules. T he t raditional m onolithic
spacecraft m ight be r eplaced with a gr oup of smaller s pacecraft i nteracting w irelessly.
Upgrading the group can be done iteratively in order to increase overall performance and
mission dur ation. T his c an s ubstantially e nhances t he f lexibility, r esponsiveness,
robustness, and lifecycle of the overall spacecraft function.
Third, rendezvous mission concepts are usually based on a cooperative spacecraft
approaching a nother s pacecraft w ithin a c ommon s patial r egion. The goa l po sition i s
usually occupied b y a cooperative spacecraft in t he s ame or bital plane a s t he
maneuvering spacecraft. The Space Transportation System (STS), often referred to as the
Space S huttle, a nd t he I SS a re of ten s hown doc king i n or bit. The S pace S huttle is
astronaut controlled as it docks to the ISS. This process is no t autonomous, bu t there is
autonomous docking of Russian Soyuz and Progress spacecraft with the ISS. The process
of a utomated s pacecraft doc king w as pi oneered b y the S oviet U nion; how ever t he
automated system occasionally f ails to complete the t ask. According to NASA, current
state of the art Russian automated rendezvous and docking systems have a current failure
rate of approximately 10 -15 %. As a result, ISS’s Zvezda module i s equipped w ith the
Russian bu ilt T elerobotically O perated R endezvous U nit ( TORU) m anual doc king
system which can be operated by cosmonauts. However, manual rendezvous can not be
relied upon since human space flight is very dangerous, impractical, and unnecessary for
most on orbit missions. The European Space Agency (ESA) have lunched the Automated
Transfer V ehicle (ATV) t o automatically dock with the ISS. However, close proximity
operations of spacecraft a re of ten complicated by momentary communication a nd
autopilot navigation failures, from here the necessity of a robust navigation algorithm that
could gua rantee the m ission s afety e ven i f interruption of the s ignals w ill oc cur. F rom
here t he i mportance of t his s tudy, as in t he orbital application as in t he l aboratory
The motivation to rendezvous i s no t l imited to manned-spaceflight. Rendezvous
technology ha s a lso e volved w ith s mall s pacecraft de velopment, s uch a s the N ASA’s
Demonstration for A utonomous R endezvous Technology ( DART). The use of m icro-
satellites to monitor, inspect, service, repair, and re-fuel larger spacecraft is a long term
goal. The closest the XSS-11 approached and maneuvered around another object in space
was approximately 500 meters. The XSS-11 used on-board laser range finders to measure
the di stance t o t arget obj ects. Most o f t he X SS-11 f light is be ing c onducted manually
with a utonomous pl anners running in the ba ckground. In addition, DARPA’s Orbital
Express Advanced T echnology D emonstration P rogram i s intended to validate t he
technology and t echniques f or on -orbit r efueling a nd r econfiguration of two s atellites.
The mission, w hich l aunched in l ate 2006, is i ntended t o pe rform s even a utonomous
rendezvous a nd c apture s cenarios. These will include c omponent e xchange a nd
propellant t ransfer e vents. T here i s a lso r esearch to a pply rendezvous t echnology to
smaller spacecraft, such as DARPA’s Tiny, Independent, Coordinating Spacecraft (TICS)
program. These small spacecraft programs are leading the way for advanced autonomous
close proximity operations by supporting the development of enabling technologies.
1. Homogenous and Heterogeneous Spacecraft
Any given group of spacecraft may have characteristics that make them similar or
different. The l ikeness among vehicles is of s ignificant consideration in the coordinated
navigation of a group of spacecraft. Spacecraft are termed homogenous, if the spacecraft
are identical, or heterogeneous, if the spacecraft are different. The likeness evaluation of
spacecrafts m ay be bas ed on a l arge variety of par ameters, varying from ph ysical
characteristics (e.g., mass, volume, a nd s tructure/configuration) to t he s pacecrafts
capabilities (e.g., communication, data handling, power, payloads, and control systems).
Limited t ypes of l aunch vehicle c apabilities a nd s pacecraft bus de signs gi ve a n uppe r
bound t o t he m ass a nd volume of o rbital s pacecraft. F or i nstance, t he s tatic l aunch
envelope ins ide the launch vehicle f airing limits the v olume of a s pacecraft. Increased
modularity o f s ystems a llows f or a l arger va riation in pa yloads, s ensors, a nd
configurations. This research will be based on homogenous spacecraft, including similar
sensors, control system and actuators. However, dissimilar size and shape spacecraft may
be considered as long as the dynamics of each spacecraft is properly modeled. Exploring
the varying pe rturbations d ynamics of multiple he terogeneous s pacecraft is be yond t he
scope of this work. I n t his research, a ll c ommanded spacecraft a re a ssumed to use t he
same basic navigation scheme and be equipped w ith sensors and actuators which of fer
the same level of precision.
2. Orbiting Spacecraft Mission Phases
The m ultiple s pacecraft na vigation a lgorithm us ed de pends on t he ph ase of
spacecraft op erations. I n or der t o d istinguish between pha ses of s pacecraft ope rations
based on physical proximity, it is helpful to adapt some terminology from missile
engineering. In missile interception, four fundamental stages of flight have been defined.
These s tages a re c ommonly referred t o a s l aunch, midcourse, terminal, a nd endgame
stages of flight. They can be extended in spacecraft phase proximity operations, referred
to as launch, midcourse, rendezvous, and docking. Here are the four spacecraft proximity
1. Launch phase e nds a fter the s atellite s eparates f rom t he launch vehicle
upper s tage (booster) a nd i t i s i n ope rational or bit. All l arge orbital m aneuvers a re
performed during the launch phase.
2. M idcourse pha se be gins w hen t he spacecraft h as be en stabilized into its
operational or bit a nd it c an pe rform s tation k eeping. Small o rbital corrections may b e
performed during this midcourse phase.
3. R endezvous, or terminal, pha se i s t he w hen t he spacecraft c onverges t o a
common point in its operational orbit. This rendezvous phase begins when the spacecraft
receives its rendezvous command to translate toward a point in space. This space may be
occupied by another spacecraft or be an empty space which the spacecraft will move into
and oc cupy. If a group of s pacecraft are c ommanded to rendezvous t o empty s paces
relative to each other they will form a spacecraft formation. On the other hand, if a group
of s pacecraft are c onverging on t he s ame location i n space t hey are c onverging for
4. Docking, or endgame, phase begins when spacecraft on-board proximity sensor
acquire the target location/vehicle. Spacecraft docking is a very precise maneuver, since
uncertainties in guidance and attitude need to be corrected quickly and effectively during
this engagement scenario.
3. Multiple Spacecraft Groups
Before addressing the navigation of multiple spacecraft, it is useful to define the
differences be tween c onstellations, f ormations, a nd swarms/clusters. C onstellations a re
groups of spacecrafts in relative motion, or orbit(s), but their positions and attitudes are
not dynamically coupled in any way. This means that a change in position or velocity of
one spacecraft does not impact the others. For instance, the GPS constellation is made up
of at least 24 satellites with four satellites in six different GEO planes. Each
satellite i s m aintained i n its or bit i ndependently via gr ound c ommanding.
Maintaining t he or bital pos ition of t he s pacecraft, r eferred t o a s s tation ke eping, is
required due to several perturbation influences (e.g., Sun and Moon gravitational f ields,
variations in Earth's gravitational f ield, a erodynamic dr ag). C onstellations a re us ually
maintained via centralized ground control.
Formations a re g roups of spacecrafts which are d ynamically coupled through a
control la w. The motion of one s pacecraft c an gi ve relative s tate i nformation a bout a t
least one other spacecraft. Formation flight control of multiple small spacecraft is the task
of maintaining the spatial formation, via control of the motion of the individual spacecraft
in or der to maintain t he o verall f ormation shape. The control law typically uses t he
position a nd velocity of one spacecraft t o command another s pacecraft. The l ead
spacecraft moves a long a c ommanded p ath and t he f ollowing spacecraft(s) maintain a
relative position, attitude, and velocity w ith respect to the leader. This i s a c ommon
concept in leader/follower tracking schemes, where the relative motion is like a flock of
geese i n f light. Collisions a re generally a voided t hrough s trict c ontrol of t he f ollowing
spacecraft's motion. For spacecraft formation control a virtual structure control approach
is c ommonly u sed. In s pacecraft o rbital terms, t he lead spacecraft i s r eferred to as t he
“Target” and the t racking spacecraft i s called the “Chaser.” The ta rget motion may be
represented by an i maginary spacecraft. The idea of a n i maginary target leads better
understanding of a swarm/cluster.
A swarm/cluster is a group of spacecrafts that move in concert with one another,
but without strict control of relative positions, attitudes, or velocities. In the idea of a bee
swarm, an outside observer can see the relatively smooth motion of an entire swarm but
can not determine the s pecific r elationship be tween a ny two spacecrafts. Think of the
center of the swarm as an imaginary target and a ll of the spacecrafts a s Chasers which
only stay w ithin a s pecific r ange. A t ight s warm w ould be r epresented b y a s mall
acceptable d istance bet ween the Target a nd Chasers. However, the s pecific pos ition,
attitude, and velocity of e ach Chaser s pacecraft a re not c entrally c ontrolled. Each
spacecraft autonomously manages its own motion and is only influence by its range from
the target and the need not to collide with other spacecrafts.
The de sire i s to of fer a control a lgorithm which br idges the g ap be tween s ingle
cost op timal fuel t rajectory tracking o f r igid formation and t he emergent be havior of
swarms. U sing A PF ba sed c ontrol, a llows for i ncorporation o f c ollision a voidance
directly into the close proximity control algorithm. The goal position of each spacecraft is
explicit and the gener al spacecraft path will be in the p redictable d irection of t he goa l.
The obstacle po tential functions can be defined and used to de termine navigation pa ths
which are robust enough to allow for both convergence and collision avoidance.