INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------
densities with crop yields and on the average prices reported in
certain period.
Reduction of crop losses due to nematodes is one way of
increasing crop yields. Therefore, chemical control methods
could be tested and optimized to improve growth. At the same
time, some additives, such as fertilizers or soil amendments may
be tested in order to decrease the rate of nematicides to minimize
the environmental pollution and keep the control process more
Importance of biological control depends on
microorganisms themselves or natural products extracted from
plants, fungi, bacteria, marine organisms including algae and
others as potential chemicals for the use as nematicides,
pesticides, antibiotic and some pharmacological compounds have
been considered (Cardellina et al., 1993; Chang et al. 1993;
Chitwood, 1993; Mayer et al, 1993; Khan and Saxena, 1996;
Kerry and Bourne, 1996;Youssef et al. 1998; Mostafa, 1998;
Mostafa et al. 1998; Abdel-Rahman, 1999 (a & b); Maareg and
Badr,2000 and Badr, 2001.
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the
relationship among plant parasitic nematode and different groups
of soil fauna (microorganisms and animals) in sugarbeet fields,
therefore, the present investigation was initiated by discussing
the following studies:
1) Surveying of the soil arthropod and nematode fauna and
microorganisms groups associated with sugarbeet fields at the
Ten-thousand faddan, West Nubaryia.
INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------
2) Field population dynamics of root-knot nematode,
Meloidogyne incognita throughout growing stages of
sugarbeet plant.
3) Relationship between M. incognita and soil microorganisms
(soil bacteria and fungi).
4) Relationship between M. incognita and predacious soil
5) Interrelationship among plant parasitic nematode, M.
incognita, nematophagous fungus and predator nematode in
the rhizosphere of sugarbeet plants.
6) Evaluation of some animal manures for mass production and
as substrate carrier for nematophagous fungi.
7) Susceptibility of sugarbeet varieties to root-knot nematode,
M. incognita.
8) Relationship between initial population density of M.
incognita and sugarbeet yields.
Generally, our investigation suggest the use of nematode
antagonistic organisms which gave best results in the integrated
root-knot nematodes management programs to protect the
environment, human and animal health from the chemical
compounds dangerous reaching to safety and high agriculture
production according to GAP recommendations.
REVIEW OF LITERATURE -----------------------------------------------
1. Plant parasitic nematodes associated with sugar beet
The intensive cultivation of sugarbeet begun in Germany
in the first half of the last century soon led to a decline in the
harvested yield due to unknown causes. This decline in yield was
generally attributed to " beet fatigue " . In 1882 Kühn studied the
problem and conclusively proved that the harvest drop was
caused by the nematode Heterodera schachtii . In 1889 , under
Kühn's leadership, an experimental station for nematode control
was organized at Halle which later recognized as the first plant-
protection institute in the world . ( Decker, 1981 ) .
In Egypt , root – knot nematode , Meloidogyne incognita
and M. javanica were reported as major nematode pests of
sugarbeet ( Ibrahim, 1982 and Oteifa and El-Gindi, 1982 ) . Also,
in Egypt, Koura ( 1983 ) carried out a survey work in sugarbeet
producing areas and recorded the presence of seven nematode
genera, viz. Helicotylenchus, Hirschmanniella, Tylenchorhynchus,
Hoplolaimus, Criconemoides and Pratylenchus in decreasing
order .
Of some 50 described and species of Meloidogyne, only
few parasitize sugarbeet, viz. M. arenarea, M. incognita, M.
javanica, M. hapla and M. naasi , are economically important to
sugarbeet production (Arnold , 1984).
REVIEW OF LITERATURE -----------------------------------------------
Keller (1984) mentioned that nematodes Heterodera
schachtii, Meloidogyne spp. and Trichodrus spp. attack sugarbeet
roots and described their symotoms and biology .
Caubel (1984) stated that the Heterodera schachtii
nematode is the most important of the sugarbeet nematodes and
gave an account of its distribution . The other nematodes found
on sugarbeet are H. trifolii , Meloidogyne naasi, Ditylenchus
dipsaci , D. destructor , Trichodorus spp. and Longidorus spp.
In studies of relationship between Heterodera schachtii and ,
Meloidogyne hapla and Nacobbus aberrans on sugarbeet,
Inserra et al. (1984) showed that the nematode of H. schachtii
and .M hapla were the most serious pests of sugarbeet in almost
every country that has a long tradition of beet cultivation .
In Spain, Tobar et al. (1984) showed that Heterodera
schachtii (sugarbeet), H. avenae (cereals), H. goettingiona (peas
and beans), Meloidogyne incognita (tobacco ana beet), M.
artiellia (cereals and legumes) and Pratylenchus sp. (cereals and
other crops), were the most wide spread and significant nematode
pests. M. artiellia in particular was associated with newly
irrigated soil
Ashoub (1984) studied the pathogenicity of Rotylenchulus
reniforms to sugarbeet, Beta vulgaris L. in association with some
physical and chemical soil properties. She found that
Rotylenchulus multiplied better in sandy clay loam soil of
Maryiout than in sandy loam soil in Sinai. Rotylenchulus build-
up was higher at sugarbeet fields in calcareous soil and males
REVIEW OF LITERATURE -----------------------------------------------
were abundant, but their percentage was higher in non-
calcareous soil.
Tacconi (1985) found that the most common nematode in
Italy are Heterodera schachtii on sugarbeet plantations.
Abd El-Massih (1985) noticed that eight important
nematodes namely, Ditylenchus myceliophagous,
Helicotylenchus dihystera, Heterodera zeae, Hoplolaimus sp.,
Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica, Pratylenchus sp.,
Rotylenchulus reniformis and Tylenchorhynchus spp. associated
with sugarbeet plants at different localities (El-Hamoul Barary
and West Nubaria regions). Nematode genera, Meliodogyne and
Rotylenchulus were dominantly found in all the examined fields
with high population densities.
El-Kazzaz et al. (1987) surveyed plant parasitic nematode
species at sugarbeet fields in Egypt, Pratylenchus penetrans,
Tylenchorhynchus dubius, Meloidogyne spp. and Heterodera sp.,
they were dominant in all soil samples collected from sugarbeet
fields and were recorded in high populations in the sugarbeet
rhizosphere. Large numbers of giant cells were observed 9-14
days following inoculation of roots with M. incognita. Nematode
population initially increased and then decreased or fluctuated.
In Egypt, Maareg et al. (1988 a) noticed that ten plant
parasitic genera were associated with sugarbeet cultivars. These
genera were Criconemoides, Ditylenchus, Helicotylenchus,
Heterodera, Hoplolaimus, Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus,
Rotylenchulus, Trichodorus and Tylenchorhynchus. Root-knot
nematode, Meloidogyne spp. reniform nematodes, Rotylenchulus
REVIEW OF LITERATURE -----------------------------------------------
reniformis and stunt nematode species, Tylenchorhynchus spp.
were the most prevalent in all beet fields at west Nubaria and
Kafr El-Sheikh regions. They were found in (100, 70 and 63%)
and 68, 82 and 76%) of all the collected samples from west
Nubaria and Kafr El-Sheikh, respectively.
Maareg et al. (1988 b) reported that the plant parasitic
nematodes, especially root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne
javanica and M. incognita are known among the most serious
pests of sugarbeet crop in Egypt.
Glaba (1990 b) reported that the nematode, Ditylenchus
dipsaci was found on 24% of sugarbeet fields. Occurrence of the
nematode according to the natural and economic conditions of
the area, soil type and other factors are analyzed. D. dipsaci on
sugarbeet is of no economic importance.
In the distribution of root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne
spp., Glaba (1990 a) collected 567 root samples of fodder beet
from fields in Gdansk district of Poland. Who reported that M.
hapla was found in 8% of samples. Other species of Meloidogyne
were not present in all samples of this area.
Redondo and Villarias (1991) reported that Heterodera
schachtii nematode is probably the most serious pest of sugar
beet in Spain. This nematode is widely distributed in the Duero
valley (80.000 – 100.000 ha.). About 26.000 soil samples from
this area have been analyzed and H. schachtii has been found in
75% of them.
REVIEW OF LITERATURE -----------------------------------------------
Robb et al. (1992) stated that Heterodera schachtii is a
major pest on sugar beet in Western Nebraska sugar beet (Beta
vulgaris L.) farms and is costly to control.
Cooke et al. (1993) recorded that the nematode species of
Heterodera, Meliodogyne, Ditylenchus, Nacobbus, Trichodorus,
Paratrichodorus and Longidorus genera on sugar beet roots.
Caswell Chen and Thomason (1993) investigated the root
length, diameter and calculated corresponding root volumes
occupied by nematode life stages of Heterodera schachtii in
sugar beet. They found that a mean root volume of 0.04 mm³ was
occupied by second stage juveniles, 0.27 mm³ by 3
juveniles, 0.5 mm³ by 4
stage juveniles, 0.5 mm³ by adduct
females and 0.04 mm³ by 4
stage males.
Surveys initiated at a sugar beet collection by Schlang
(1993) who showed that soil adhering to beet originating from an
area where Heterodera schachtii was prevalent contained an
average of 9360 eggs and larvae /100 ml soil, the contamination
ranging from 12 to 60.000 eggs and larvae / 100 ml soil. Also,
results revealed that at one site, the adhering soil to the beet after
lifting contained 8.7 times more cyst nematode and 6.8 times
more eggs and larvae than did soil core samples taken from the
infected field immediately after harvest.
Parvizi et al. (1993) studied the distribution of nematode
infecting of sugar beet fields (about 1002.3 ha.) at the regions,
Oroumieh, Maindoab, Khoy and Pyranshahr, in west Azerbaijan.
The results indicated that the percentages of infested soil samples
were collected from different field were 19.81, 22.35, 3.75 and
REVIEW OF LITERATURE -----------------------------------------------
0.0, respectively for the four localities. They found that
Heterodera schachtii was dominant in the examined soil samples
than other species.
Kyrou (1993) noticed that the root-knot nematodes,
Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica and cyst nematode,
Heterodera schachtii infested sugar beet roots in Greece. On the
other hand, who gave some morphological observations and
measurements of H. schachtii, which is recorded for the first time
in Greece.
In Iran, Moghaddan and Kheiri (1995) extracted and
identified 23 nematode species collected from sugar beet fields
belonging to 15 genera of Tylenchida. Amplimerlinius globigerus
and Heterodera mani nematodes are reported for the first time in
Iran. Heterodera schachtii and Meloidogyne javanica were found
in the soil as well as in root samples.
Cooke (1995) reviewed and listed the nematode pests
which can attack sugar beet plants, viz. Ditylenchus dipsaci,
Nacobbus aberrans, Heterodera schachtii, Meloidogyne
incognita, M. javanica, M. arenarea, M. hapla, M. naasi,
Trichodorus spp., Paratrichodorus spp. and Longidorus spp .
The cyst nematode, H. schachtii and root-knot nematodes,
Meloidogyne spp. are the most important pests of sugar beet.
Maareg et al. (1998) revealed that five nematode genera
namely, Helicotylenchus, Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus
Rotylenchulus and Tylenchorhynchus were common in the soil
and root samples collected from newly reclaimed sandy soils of
sugar beet fields in Al-Bostan region. The genus Meloidogyne
REVIEW OF LITERATURE -----------------------------------------------
was observed in high frequency of occurrence (100%) and
population density (2896 / 200 ml soil). While Pratylenchus was
found in low occurrence and population density (61% and 439 /
200 ml soil, respectively). Helicotylenchus, Rotylenchus and
Tylenchorhynchus were recorded in moderate frequency (83, 71
and 75% , respectively). Identified species of genus Meloidogyne
were M. javanica and M. incognita. M. javanica sp. was
dominant in this area.
Maareg and Hassanein (1999) surveyed plant parasitic
nematode associated with sugarbeet plants at the West of Nubaria
region. They recorded that nine nematode genera,
Criconemoides, Ditylenchus, Helicotylenchus, Pratylenchus,
Rotylenchulus, Trichodorus, Tylenchorhynchus, Hoplolaimus and
Meloidogyne. The nematodes of Meloidogyne (M. javanica and
M. incognita), Rotylenchulus (R. reniformis) and
Tylenchorhynchus spp. were dominant in the investigated region.
Plant parasitic nematodes-agrometrological factors
The main climatic factors to exert an influence on the
development of nematodes are temperature and humidity. These
factors are indirectly primary act. Through the soil or through the
plant. Furthermore, these conditions are themselves interrelated
and hence any ecological action is perforce heterogeneous.
In the first study for thermal-time relationships of
nematode development, Tylor (1933) revealed that the duration
REVIEW OF LITERATURE -----------------------------------------------
of the gall of nematode (Meloidogyne sp.) was 25 days at a
temperature of 27°C and 87 days at a temperature of 16.5°C.
Oteifa and El-Gindi (1957) found that M. javanica
hatched at 30°C and developed at undisclosed temperatures from
invasion to egg production on early planted tomato in 42 days,
invasion by second generation juveniles occurred 68 days after
the initial invasition. Also, Ahmed and Khan (1964) confirmed
these findings.
Seshadri (1965) studied the severity effect of soil
humidity on population density of Criconemoides xenoplex
nematode. Who found that the humidity in the soil in the
experimental vessel was 7.8%, the number of nematodes found
was 960 + 368; at the humidity of 11.6 – 6.15% + 1,337; and at
15.5-18.09% + 2,101. Nematodes which have penetrated a plant
were affected indirectly through the plant by a moisture
Philis (1984) studied the development and reproduction of
M. javanica on tomato plants in Cyprus at four nematode infested
sites, two (S1,S2) outdoors and two (S3,S4) in greenhouses. Who
found that root invasion occurred 17, 7, 16 and 19 days after
planting at S1, S2, S3 and S4, respectively. Earlier invasion at S2
was due to favourable temperature soon after planting. Soil
temperature at the time of invasion at S1, S2 and S4 were 23, 29
and 18°C, respectively and the accumulated day degrees above
10°C from planting to invasion were 168, 145 and 161°C days,
respectively. Invasion by juveniles of generation at S1,S2,S3 and
S4 occurred at 7, 13, 31 and 21 days after egg laying when soil
REVIEW OF LITERATURE -----------------------------------------------
temperature were 25.5, 26.5 and 20.0°C at S1, S2 and S4,
Lahtinen et al. (1988) studied the threshold temperature
and minimum thermal time on life cycle of Meloidogyne hapla in
a greenhouse in Finland. They found that the threshold
temperature was 8.25°C and thermal time above this base for
development for juvenile to the first juvenile of the second
generation was about 553°C days. The results revealed that the
rate of egg hatch had showed at the lowest temperature used
(17°C), possibly because of a slight diapause.
Influence of temperature on population of Meloidogyne
javanica was evaluated by Madulu and Trudgill (1994). They
found that the rate of development increased linearly between
18°C and 27°C. On a thermal time basis, the threshold or base
temperature fordevelopment was estimated by extrapolation to be
12.9°C and requirement for development 350°C days above the
base. These values were compared with those for M. hapla, a
temperate species, and their effects on development time in
relation to temperature were also discussed.
Trudgill (1995) showed that the rate of development of M.
javanica remained nearly constant between 27 and 31°C, it is
unlikely that the life cycle and the rate of development of M.
javanica are shorter than these of M. incognita at any
Hassan (1998) studied response of the nematodes,
Meloidogyne javanica, Pratylenchus sp., Helicotylenchus sp. and
Longidorus sp. associated with date palm trees and the
REVIEW OF LITERATURE -----------------------------------------------
nematodes, M. javanica, Tylenchulus semipenetrans,
Helicotylenchus sp. and Pratylenchus sp. associated with orange
trees to soil moisture, soil temperature and subsoil water during
two years in Minia Governorate, Egypt. Variation of soil
moisture, soil temperature and subsoil water level throughout the
different seasons was followed by the fluctuation of nematode
population. Significant positive correlation among all these
factors and nematode numbers had been observed.
Ploeg and Maris (1999) studied the effects of temperature
degrees on the duration of the life cycle of Meloidogyne
incognita population. The life cycle was completed on tomato
plants between soil temperature of 16.2 and 30° C, but not at
35.4° C. On the other hand, on the marigold plant (Tagetes
hybrid) variety Polynema, the life cycle was completed only at
30° C. Estimates for the base temperature and required heat sun
were 10.1° C and 400° C days, respectively.
REVIEW OF LITERATURE -----------------------------------------------
2. Arthropode fauna associated with cultivated soil:
Soil fauna investigations began in Egypt in the early
twentieth. Priesher (1929-1937; 1938-1950) investigated some
individuals of Thysanura that pass one or more of its stages in
soil. Certain biological aspects of Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (L.)
and its distribution in Egypt were recorded by Kassab (1938).
The insect fauna of the dung was investigated by Hafez (1938,
1947 and 1948). His investigation covered fauna occurring in
either fresh or old farmyard manure, and also in the dung of
working and grazing animals. Later on, El-Kifl (1957 and 1958)
evaluated soil arthropods in a farm at Giza, Egypt. Who also
recorded the magnitude of Myriapods in a cultivated land. El Kifl
et al. (1974) investigated soil arthropods, other than insects in a
new reclaimed area. Popp (1960) described some new oribated
species and new genera extracted by Tadros from the previous
farm at Giza region. Wafa et al. (1965) studied most probable
factors responsible for soil fauna fluctuations in Giza region.
Tadros (1975) studied some important factors responsible for soil
oribatid fluctuations, in Kafr El-Sheikh region, Egypt.
The correlation between percentage of both organic matter
and micro-flora, with the horizontal distribution of soil oribatids
in Shoubra El-Kheima, Qualubia Governorate, Egypt was also
investigated by Tadros et al. (1977). Tadros and Saad (1979) in
special investigation compared soil fauna existing in an ordinary
vegetable farm and some vegetables grown under plastic tunnels.
Abo-Korah (1979) recorded fauna from new reclaimed area.
REVIEW OF LITERATURE -----------------------------------------------
Maareg (1979) surveyed soil animals of three different soils, clay
(rain-fed olive), clay loam (irrigated olive soil) and sandy clay
loam (vine farm) in the Egyptian Western Desert.
Abo-Korah et al. (1980) investigated soil fauna especially
tarsonomid mites under certain field crops in Menoufyia
Governorate, Egypt and under truck crops. While, Moustafa
(1980) investigated the soil mites in cotton fields. Maareg (1984)
studied the monthly variation of arthropod fauna populations
associated with some selected cattle manure amendment. In a
survey and ecological studies on predaceous and non-
phytophagous mites in Egypt carried out by Zaher (1986) Who
showed that 400 mites species belonging to 58 families, the
magnitude of the collected mites (253 species) belonging to
Prostigmata. Maareg et al. (1986 b) studied the seasonal
fluctuation of the fauna inhabiting the chicken manure especially
the predaceous fauna. Also, Maareg et al. (1986 a) studied
seasonal fluctuation and vertical distribution of soil acari groups
under sugar cane plants. Sharshir (1986) studied most ecological
factors responsible for the population density and dynamics of
soil fauna especially acari population, acari density of soil mites
under different orchards in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate, Egypt.
Sevastianov and Rady (1989) reviwed mite genera of
family Saproglyphidae (Sarcoptiforms) in the world fauna, with
description of Procaluolia hamadi mite as a new species from
In Nigeria in two contrasting environments, Badejo (1990)
found that changes in abundance of soil mites within and
between seasons on the forest under cassava plots, but