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Dis-covering Muslim Women: A Survey of Recent Literature on Veiling

The Taliban Government in Afghanistan: the Case of the Burka

The political and social situation of Afghanistan, which more coherently should have been analysed previously near Iran as its neighbouring country, is described here because it is the most “visible” and recent phenomenon.
Although the traditional Afghan dress (chadri or burka) has a long history, some women never put it on. The burka does not need to be worn, for specific reasons concerning kin group and parental relationships, among women living in rural areas.
The radical Islamic group of the Taliban originated around 1993-1994 to gain control of Afghan government, seized Kabul in 1996 and began to impose rules and prescriptions about clothing and behaviour on the population, especially the female one.
This facts, made unfortunately familiar to us by the recent conflict are recounted by Latifa (a pseudonym, probably used not only to conceal the author’s real identity, but also to symbolize the experience of any single woman in Afghanistan) who wrote My Forbidden Face , a book that tells about her life under the Taliban. She was named the United Nations International Woman of the Year in 2002. A special report about the book was written in 2002 in Current Events, of which I found some interesting excerpts.
Latifa begins her story on September 27, 1996, when the Taliban took power in Kabul.
Her family could not sleep at night because of the noise of the rocket fire and Latifa, her sister and their parents were anxious for what would had happened the day after.
“My sister Soraya and I kept whispering in the dark; even after things quieted down, we couldn’t fall asleep. And yet here in Kabul, we’re used to being the target of the rocket fire. I’m only sixteen years old, but I feel as though I’ve been hearing that din all my life.”
The morning after Latifa’s father told the rest of the family that the Taliban were in Kabul.
The next day, after having discussed for a long time about the terrible things the Taliban were doing in the occupied territories, they all heard a radio message from the Prime Minister of the new interim government. The message contained a series of strict obligations in accordance to the Sharia, the Islamic law. Some of these, as they were communicated from Radio Sharia on 28 September 1996, regarded, for instance, the prohibition for women to work outside or go outside their homes, without being accompanied by their male relatives:
“Women and girls are not permitted to work outside the home.”
“All women who are obliged to leave their homes must be accompanied by their father, brother, or husband....”
Other rules regarded the obligation for men and women to wear the traditional dress:
“Men must wear a white cap or turban on their heads.”
“The wearing of traditional Afghan clothing is compulsory.”
“Women and girls will wear the chadri (a head-to-toe veil).”
Other prescriptions were aimed at controlling women’s appearance and behavior in public and also their musical choices:
“It is forbidden to wear nail polish or makeup.”
“A girl is not allowed to converse with a young man.”
“Muslim families are not allowed to listen to music.”
“All those who break the laws of the Sharia will be punished in the public square” .
Latifa, as well as other women who never put the burka on, was obliged to cover and observe the decrees of the new established Islamic government.

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Dis-covering Muslim Women: A Survey of Recent Literature on Veiling


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Valeria Palma
  Tipo: Laurea I ciclo (triennale)
  Anno: 2006-07
  Università: Università degli Studi della Tuscia
  Facoltà: Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne
  Corso: Mediazione Linguistica per le Istituzioni, le Imprese e il Commercio
  Relatore: Francesca Saggini
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 135


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