Creative disruption: exploring the impact of artificial intelligence in creative processes, fields and professions
AI in Creativity Fields
Today, the dynamic interplay between art and science has entered a phase of exceptionally fertile interactions. Computer science has distilled the intricacies of the natural world into a digital language of 1s and 0s. From this foundation, researchers have crafted artificial neural networks, effectively emulating the complexities of the human brain within machines. In the 21st century, often dubbed the Age of Artificial Intelligence, these advancements are enabling computers to engage in the creative process actively. A profound fusion of science and art is unfolding, with machine architectures and software aiding scientists and artists in comprehending the intricacies of our surroundings23.
Computers and artificial neural networks are redefining the age-old relationship between art and science. Throughout history, this interplay has manifested itself in various forms: Galileo Galilei's pioneering telescopic drawings, informed by studies at the Florentine Academy of Art, stand as a testament. Yet, the popular perceptions of this relationship have oscillated across the ages. In the 17th century, Isaac Newton's monumental Principia established the foundations of modern physics, thrusting science into the forefront as the arbiter of profound questions about reality. In contrast, art seemed relegated to a subjective and frivolous realm. However, by the 19th century, the pendulum swung back. Artists like John Constable meticulously recorded cloud formations, engaging with scientific developments, while the 20th century witnessed a groundbreaking convergence between art and science. (Miller, 2020)
Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein, iconic figures of the early 20th century, dismantled conceptual barriers between the two domains. Picasso, drawing inspiration from mathematics, science, and technology, incorporated emerging ideas about four-dimensional geometry and cinematography into masterpieces like Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. Einstein, concurrently employed at a patent office in 1905, broke new ground in physics by pursuing a theory of space and time rooted in symmetry and aesthetics, concepts traditionally associated with art. This innovative approach, deeply influenced by artistic thinking, resulted in the formulation of the special theory of relativity.
Beyond the realms of physics, Salvador Dali sought to capture the fluidity of time in his art, while Piet Mondrian transformed his work into an abstraction of horizontal and vertical lines, reflecting the basic structures within the dynamic equilibrium of nature. While historians and cultural critics have predominantly focused on the influence of science on art throughout the 20th century, it is crucial to recognize that artistic styles have also profoundly impacted scientific ideas, extending beyond Einstein's elevation of aesthetics.
In the 21st century, the Age of Artificial Intelligence, the trajectory continues. The ongoing advancements are affording computers an active role in the creative process. We stand witness to a novel fusion of science and art, with machine architectures and software serving as instrumental tools for comprehending the intricacies of the world around us.
In the realm of creative processes, actors or agencies, encompassing both humans and nonhumans, play a crucial role. Many artists, while acknowledging the significance of creativity, challenge the myth of the solitary creative genius, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, be it among humans or extending to collaborations between humans and nonhumans.
AI systems, endowed with varying levels of autonomy, introduce a paradigm shift challenging conventional notions of creative entities. Artists' opinions on whether AI is inherently creative diverge. Some argue that it is the human wielding or utilizing AI who manifests creativity, considering AI as mere code, mathematics, or an unintelligent tool. This perspective often aligns with narrow AI systems, designed for specific tasks, as opposed to general or strong AI with broader cognitive abilities.
Conversely, artists embracing a more-than-human approach highlight the peculiar and unexpected facets of AI, suggesting an autonomous capacity for creative action. This perspective aligns with creative geographies emphasizing material agencies and objects in creative processes, as well as the ambition in computational creativity to achieve autonomous creative machines and AI-generated art.
Within this spectrum of views, a co-creative approach emerges, illustrating collaborations where humans and AI mutually influence each other's creative processes. Artists describe their relationship with AI by categorizing it as a tool, a medium, or a partner. Some view AI as a tool, analogous to traditional artistic instruments, while others perceive it as an intensified means or medium to achieve broader creative objectives.
The concept of human-–AI co-creativity gains traction, with artists recognizing a deep interaction and confluence between themselves and AI. In this view, AI becomes an equal partner or a 'companion-like extension.' The co-creative process involves mutual influence, where AI's generation of material and the artist's curation form a dynamic interplay. This relationship, described as a form of curating, emphasizes the collaborative and iterative nature of the creative process.
While some artists express caution about romanticizing the idea of co-creativity, they acknowledge that all creativity involves co-creation, where tools and materials invariably shape the creative process. The creative agency of AI introduces new potential for expanding human creativity, creating a reciprocal relationship that enhances the capacity of both human and nonhuman agencies to generate novel outputs in unprecedented ways.
As we discussed in Chapter 1, AI has different types of machines for different applications. When we talk about creativity, there are a few techniques and technologies that artists can use that are going to be analyzed in this Chapter. We will also focus on multiple creative fields to learn how AI is disrupting and evolving specific environments.
23 “Creativity in the Age of AI”, Miller Arthur, American Scientist; Research Triangle Park Vol. 108, Fasc. 4, 2020
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Creative disruption: exploring the impact of artificial intelligence in creative processes, fields and professions
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Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Anna Masiero |
Tipo: | Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica) |
Anno: | 2022-23 |
Università: | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Brescia |
Facoltà: | Gestione di contenuti digitali per i media, le imprese e i patrimoni culturali |
Corso: | LM-19 |
Relatore: | Mattero Tarantino |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 228 |
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