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Marketing in emerging markets as an instrument for the internationalization of small enterprises of the Vicenza Province

Internationalization of the Small Enterprises of the Vicenza Province

In confronting the globalization of markets, a small enterprise can act alone or with others. The three international strategies that an enterprise can adopt when acting alone or in alliance with other enterprises consist of importation, exportation and the establishment of international subsidiaries (Pellicelli, 2007). Strategic alliances are an excellent way for enterprises to commercialize their products internationally and to make up for a certain rarity of resources.
In Italy there is a high percentage of SME's, and these enterprises have been partly effected negatively by the globalisation of markets. The reason for this is that these enterprises have limited strategic possibilities, mainly because of limited financial resources and a lack of a medium long term strategic approach. Nonetheless many SME's have unique and very important resources, like know-how and quality, which combined with a major penetration capacity in foreign markets, could become major growth drivers.
The SME's are more capable to find a ‘niche' in the market when they have good quality products and when they are capable to segment adequately the demand. And many buyers have small and medium dimensions and prefer often to do business with enterprises with similar dimensions instead of big enterprises of which they fear the excessive bureaucracy and the difficult internal communication (Pellicelli, 2007).
Furthermore small and medium enterprises often have a flexible production and organization in order to quickly adapt to new market needs. With specialized products they have a growing success in the global market. With the entrance of China in the global markets, which competitive advantage consists of large volumes, the European enterprises are forces to change strategy. That is why often the smallest enterprises demonstrate how to constantly innovate and therefore having success. These small enterprises which often consist of one or a very few persons have although strong limits. Initially it may have success and starts growing, but then it declines or becomes part of a group with a solid financial capacity (Pellicelli, 2007).
Almost one third of the output of Vicenza Province craft enterprises is sold in foreign markets.The Export Department and International Marketing and Promotion Department of the Crafts and SME's Association of the Vicenza Province support the exporting enterprises and those which want to evaluate whether it's convenient to sell their products are services abroad or to import products and services.
The export department offers services and consultancy regarding the following:

-commercial, technical, juridical translations and interpretations;
-commercial information regarding operators in Italy and abroad;
-the search of business partners abroad;
-international contracts;
-credit recovery in Italy and abroad;
-information regarding the international payment methods;
-information regarding the international sales conditions (Incoterms);
-customs information;
-information regarding specific regulations per country and product;
-consultancy regarding sessions, purchases, manufactures, and triangulations between European countries;
-INTRASTAT: elaboration of the intercommunity data and telematic transmissions to customs agencies;
-VAT community codes control;
-VAT recovery in community environment;
-revision of the Customs assessment.

The International Marketing and Promotion department gives assistance to enterprises who want to promote and commercialize their products or services by:

-information regarding national and international exhibitions and regarding promotional and
commercial opportunities;
-organizing formative meetings regarding promotions;
-search of business partners;
-elaboration of specific promotional projects;
-information about possible disbursed contribute interventions by the main institutions
(Governments, ICE, Regions, Chamber of Commerce);
-collaboration agreements with corporations and organizations regarding the main markets;
-exploration and commercial missions regarding foreign markets;
-management of the participation in national and international exhibitions in a collective and/or institutional manner.

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Marketing in emerging markets as an instrument for the internationalization of small enterprises of the Vicenza Province


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Titus Assuerus Vierstra
  Tipo: Tesi di Master
Master in Master di I Livello in Commercio Internazionale (MASCI)
Anno: 2008
Docente/Relatore: Jerry Patrick
Istituito da: Università degli Studi di Padova
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 40


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