Confronto tra tecniche di raccolta di piante officinali
- Autore della tesi: Confronto tra tecniche di raccolta di piante officinali ≫
I am 25 years old and graduated in the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Foggia in food science and technology.
Actually I am finishing my master degree in Alma Mater Studiorum (University of Bologna). My work experience are two short but meaningful experience as an animator in in tourist facilities in the Puglia and Sardinia, a participation as a volunteer organization of the 2008 European Championship held in Austria and Switzerland, two summers spent working as group leader of italian students going to english colleges in studing holiday. These experiences gave me so much to open my mind, to cultivate a passion for stimulate interest in travel and foreign cultures.
I have also done work experience on a research project sponsored dall'Alma MaterStudiorum (Bologna) and the University of Foggia, on medicinal plants.
These studies were then the subject of publication in the conference AISSA of September 5, 2011 in Florence.
I'm having a dynamic and vivacious life, and I like it, living it fully.
I have passion for travel, I allow myself when I have free time. The thing I like most about it is to know new cities and new people. I grow a lot of hobbies. I am an amateur chess player, passionate about cinema. Interested in sports, especially rugby also practiced in the university team in the past.
I am a dynamic person, precise, reliable with a strong gift for interpersonal relationships; does not scare me the idea of working in a group or being under pressure.
A career with good prospects for growth, being part of a large company or institution, to know and have an exchange of thoughts with people of different cultures, to challenge myself.
Laurea I ciclo (triennale) in Scienze e tecnologie agrarie, agroalimentari e forestali
conseguita presso Università degli Studi di Foggia nell'anno 2011-12
sostendendo i seguenti esami:Materia Voto Colture Officinali 30 e lode Analisi dei consumi dei prodotti e servizi agroalimentari 30 e lode Economia e Gestione delle imprese agroalimentari 30 e lode Agricoltura e Sacro 30 Microbiologia Generale e degli Alimenti 30 Chimica Generale con Elementi di Chimica Fisica 27 Biotecnologie Ambientali 28 Gestione Qualità 27 Analisi Chimiche Fisiche e Sensoriali 26
Lingue straniere
- Inglese parlato e scritto: buono
Conoscenze informatiche
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