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La configurazione di prodotto: un'indagine empirica

Andrea Gorza

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The INTEREST section identifies the ideal job content for the individual by identifying the human motivations and preferences, called Worker Traits, which he or she may bring to the job. These traits are listed in their order of motivational priority and are central to what motivates an individual or towards what the individual may exhibit a high preference. Typically, what one wants to do is that which he/she is most likely to do and do it often enough (including training for it) to transform the raw interest into real skills, and then, to stay on that job.
Andrea has natural preferences that engender curiosity about the nature of things and about "what makes things tick". In addition, motivational levels are highest where activities allow thinking focused on the inquisitive, exploratory, analytical, and experimental. "Technical" orientation is often the interaction of two or more of these traits: Scientific, Natural/Outdoor, Mechanical, and Managerial. It is important to identify the other traits involved to determine whether Andrea is more technical, scientific or systems-oriented or if these traits are balanced.
Preferences for Andrea fully support being perceptually, subconsciously, and consciously aware of fantasy, symbols, symbolic relationships, abstract ideas, options, and choice of options as they relate to creative or innovative activities. Perception triggers ideas in Andrea's mind, a process that just happens - a process often called intuition. It is not a conscious effort to logically "come up with" creative ideas; instead, the process is best identified with the statement that "a thought struck me." A quote by Carl Jung probably makes complete sense to Andrea: "Art is innate in the artist, like an instinct that seizes and makes a tool out of the human being. The thing in the final analysis that wills something in him is not he, the personal man, but the aim of the art."
Once Andrea has begun an activity, a priority (perhaps the highest motivational factor) is to get it done, reach the goal, get a grade, produce a finished product, get the prize, etc. Self-satisfaction is tied directly to completed achievement. Pride is taken in setting the target, pace, and/or schedule for almost all activities. Motivational levels drop and Andrea can actually become frustrated, even stressed, when achievement is interrupted, terminated, rescheduled, or given a lower priority, thus delaying or preventing success in reaching the self-set or self-known goal. This is a major motivation or incentive common to self-employed persons, persons selling for commissions, and/or persons engaged in competitive activities.
Andrea enjoys associating and interacting with people but likes independence as well. So the activity, rather than people, is more than likely the deciding factor. Where mutual interest is the purpose for association, Andrea willingly participates and cooperates. Where interests differ, Andrea will independently pursue those interests.
Andrea is moderately motivated to manage others on a social or organizational basis as part of overall vocational responsibilities and activities. Rather than functioning in the top executive or managerial position or role, Andrea is possibly more comfortable with a position in middle management or as a group or team leader. Motivational levels of related traits can identify reasons and/or preferences for such management roles and responsibility.
Andrea is interested in ideas, concepts, and meaning as part of perceptual and mental activities. Intellectual, theoretical and/or creative activities are balanced with other activities and do not have a priority or emphasis.
Andrea enjoys social or vocational interaction with others but is not dependent on direct contact and association. If some work responsibilities or activities require functioning apart from others, it can be done without the need for social breaks to be with others. This flexibility is an asset in trade activities, operating machines or equipment, and in many technical and outdoor activities.
Motivational levels are highest for Andrea when in the limelight where recognition is earned, deserved, or given. However, there is no "ego trip" involved in the effort. Andrea can comfortably function in the foreground or the background. Nonetheless, recognition is a motivating vocational factor.
In this section, seven people factors cover important activities related to the interaction of a person with other persons. These are very important for individuals motivated and perhaps even naturally talented or specifically trained for associating and interacting with people. They may also be important traits for certain "people intensive" jobs. (Low motivational or preference ratings in this section may also be quite positive and valuable, if occupations necessitate or require that an individual function apart from


  • Laurea in Ingegneria gestionale
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