Interazione tra portali aziendali e tecnologie customer relationship management: aspetti organizzativi e tecnologie abilitanti
Nicoletta Nutrito
Date of birth :02-25-1977
Università degli studi di Bologna, Italy, Senior in Industrial Engineering (Ingegneria Gestionale). GPA : 28/30 (A=30). Expected graduation date : October 2000.
Exchange student for the school year 97-98 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (merit-based scholarship).
Exchange student for the fall semester 1999 (Socrates program) at the Ecole d’Ingenieurs , Sceaux, France (merit-based scholarship).
Passed the APICS Basics of Supply Chain Management Exam.
Attended the Heineken International Business Course in Amsterdam.
Andersen Consulting, Milan,Italy,April/September 2000
Internship in the CRM (Customer Relationships Management) area, working on the design and implementation of an enterprise web portal.
MEMC Electronic Materials, St Peters, MO, USA, Summer 98
Created a mathematical model to describe a thermodynamic system in order to find the critical factors to focus on for reducing the process cost and improving its output’s quality. Wrote a 20 pages internal report and gave a presentation of the work both at the American and Italian manufacturing sites.
Product Design Project, University of Illinois, Fall 97
Design of a tape ruler. Analysis of costs, benchmarking, development of a marketing strategy and production planning.
Studio Claudio Nutrito, Marketing Consultant, Bologna, Italy
Researches on marketing and management, creative thinking techniques, lateral thinking. Writes articles on the above topics for Italian magazines.
English : fluent (TOEFL:637). French : fluent. Spanish : basic.
Computer skills
Programming languages : Pascal, Basic, Visual Basic,script ASP, HTML,XML,SQL.
Application software : MS-Office, Working Model, ANSYS,DFM,Oracle 8i, SQL Server.
Member of the Italian team in the Camel Trophy Adventure Race.
Organized ceremonies, waitressed and tendered bar.
Interviewer for marketing researches.
Volunteer for charities and environmental organizations.
Permanent Address
Nicoletta Nutrito
Via La Castiglia 41
40137 Bologna , Italy
Phone # 39-0328-679-0564
e-mail :
Laurea in Ingegneria gestionale
conseguita presso Università degli Studi di Bologna nell'anno 1999-00 -
Diploma di maturità
conseguito presso il
Liceo scientifico
con votazione 55/60°
Lingue straniere
- Inglese parlato e scritto: ottimo
- Francese parlato e scritto: ottimo
Conoscenze informatiche
- Livello buono