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User and Service Provider Relationship in GPRS

As the Internet is growing in the number of users and complexity year after year, it is more and more difficult to have an overall picture of an end to end communication between two entities across the net. The introduction of General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), a mobile network, will introduce new possibilities but new complexity as well.
This thesis provides an overview of the relationship between the main entities: user, GPRS network operator, Internet Service Provider (ISP) and content provider. It tries to define all the possible scenarios for packet switching communication where GPRS is involved, analyzing who are the different actors and what role they play.
It will also draw a comparison between these new scenarios that will be introduced with GPRS networks and the traditional wireline ones. In particular, it will point out if any of the services today accessible will not be available for the GPRS users or, instead, if the GPRS operators will be able to introduce completely new services for their customers.


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User and service provider relationship in GPRS Carlo Filippini 12/17/996 4 Introduction In the last few years the demand of connectivity has grown extremely fast all over the world. Consequently the Internet architecture has became more and more complex. An increasing number of users have access to the Internet every day and more and more services are available. This results in a more and more complicated and sometimes unclear relationship between the various entities. Traditionally, in a wireline environment, these entities can be divided into four main categories: user, access provider, Internet Service Provider (ISP) and content provider. At the same time the demand for wireless data communication has increased. The introduction of General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), a mobile network, will try to give an answer to both the demands of connectivity and mobility. In other words, it will introduce a new player that will take the place of the access provider in the value chain. For the final users this means new services and possibilities, but it will also further increase the complexity of the relationships between the different actors present on the Internet. In this thesis we will give a general picture of these different entities and clarify the relationships among them. In particular there are four main roles that are interesting for our perspective: user, GPRS operator, Internet Service Provider (ISP) and content provider. The starting point will be the study of the existing scenarios in the traditional wireline networks. For each of them it will be analyzed who are the different actors in the value chain, who is the subscriber, where the information about the user are stored and how he/she is identified. In other words, we are interested in the Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) protocols that are used. The next step will be to study which of these scenarios can be applied in the GPRS case, essentially substituting the access provider with the GPRS provider. This means that we will continue in the same way highlighting the differences between the two cases. It will be taken into account that a user may utilize multiple access methods to communicate with the ISP/corporate network, either via a traditional connection or via a Virtual Private Network. In each of these cases it will be pointed out how the different situations affect the solutions of the GPRS operator. Finally, we will focus our attention to completely new services that can be introduced by the GPRS operator. 4.1 Goals The goals of this work are essentially: • Give an overview of what the relationships between user and service provider are in GPRS, in particular in comparison with the ones that exist now. • Define if there are any kind of services that are accessible today for wireline users that will not be provided to the GPRS users or the other way around, i.e. define if there are any totally new services that will by introduced by the GPRS operators not provided to wireline users. • Give the author a good understanding of the GPRS network in general, with particular focus in its relationship with other interworking networks. 4.2 Limitation In this thesis only IP based end to end communication will be considered, even if GPRS can support other packet protocols such as X.25. The scenarios presented are not exhaustive, but we will try to cover at least all those in which there is a sensible difference between the GPRS and the wireline case. Only the basic IP network topology will be taken into account. For example, telephony over IP supported with the H.323 protocol and Mobile IP will not be studied.


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Carlo Filippini
  Tipo: Tesi di Master
Master in Digital communication systems and technology
Anno: 2000
Docente/Relatore: Mohammad Mahloujian
Istituito da: Chalmers University of Technology
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 59


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