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Madison, Wilson, and East Central European Federalism

This thesis proposes an alternative governance structure for east central Europe based on the development of a supplementary federal structure capable of controlling factionalism and nationalism utilizing concepts from James Madison’s Tenth Federalist. In particular, Madison’s approach to mitigating and preventing the formation of dangerous factions is found to be compatible with preexisting notions of federalism in east central Europe and offers a potential regional political solution that merits further study.

In reaching the above proposal, the concepts of Wilsonian national self -determination, Pan European federalism, functionalism and historical east central European variants of federalism are explored along with their leading personalities. At the author’s request over 100 previously unknown documents were declassified by a variety of intelligence agencies including the CIA, Army Counterintelligence, and FBI. In addition, three lengthy interviews were conducted with former American intelligence agent, William Gowen, who in 1947 and 1948 investigated and worked with several of the organizations and individuals profiled.

The tragic history of east central Europe in the 20th Century consisted of bloody ethnic conflict, foreign invasion, and occupation with the lingering effects still evident today. While there is persuasive authority to suggest that the future for east central Europe is one of harmonious relations, liberal democracy and economic prosperity other forecasts predict decades yet of bloody conflict as the Russian Federation and its borderlands resolve rivalries fueled by national self-determination and irredentism.

By developing a federal alternative to the European Union, east central Europe might effectively pool its resources and meet the foreign relations and security challenges unique to the region rather than relying upon far away Brussels in the event of a crisis. Regional federation as exemplified by east central Europe’s unique heritage may prove to be just the bridging mechanism needed to accelerate the goal of Pan Europe or provide a safe harbor from conflict in the event of the EU’s inability to address future crises.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
- 1 - Chapter I Introduction Europe is like a bicycle - it must keep moving forward or it will fall down. Attributed to Walter Hallstein, the First President of the European Commission. The bicycle metaphor has been an accepted adage to explain the European Union’s motivation in expanding its mission and membership over the years. With the partial implementation of the European Monetary Union and the rejection of the Euro by a minority of members including Britain, a second metaphor was added, that of “Two Speed Europe.” The recent expansion of the EU into east central Europe reinforces this image of duality. The new members do not yet qualify for the Euro1 and are not up to speed economically or socially with “old” Europe.2 At the dawn of the 21st Century two significant events have occurred that will shape international relations in Europe and America for the remainder of this century and perhaps beyond. First, in 2003, NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, expanded to include much of east central Europe.3 This area’s issues and problems will now be of greater concern to the United States and Western Europe. Almost simultaneously, the European Union introduced eight nations from that region into the union in an unprecedented round of expansion.4 Underlying both of these expansions is an overall prevailing optimism that rests on the assumption that east central Europe’s security and economic stability will be insured through cooperation with the EU, that liberal democracy will flourish, and that unprecedented peace and prosperity will endure. The presumption is that relieved from security concerns and with open access to the markets of the EU, east central Europe5 will prosper as never before. But will this rosy vision actually be realized over the long term or is this a flawed scenario that fails to fully


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