Anti-Americanism in Egypt: After World War II
America as a superpower;
Zionism and Americanization;
the Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) and the jahiliyya (ignorance before the Revelation). It means that, coming back from the U.S., Qutb found an Egypt very corrupted ➔ he joined the movement of the Muslim Brotherhood (the Ikhwan);
after 1967: nationalism, socialism and panarabism leave the floor to an Islamization of the Egyptian society. Nasser had introduced a project of socialism, nationalism and panarabism, but it hadn’t worked. When Egypt and Syria lost territories against Israel, it became clear that that system was no good and had to be changed.
Continua a leggere:
- Successivo: Anti-Americanism in Egypt: from Suez to Assuan
- Precedente: Anti-Americanism in Egypt: Sayyd Qutb in America
Dettagli appunto:
- Autore: Luca Porcella
- Università: Libera Univ. Internaz. di Studi Soc. G.Carli-(LUISS) di Roma
- Facoltà: Scienze Politiche
- Esame: Islamic Culture
- Docente: Francesca Maria Corrao
Altri appunti correlati:
- Geografia Culturale e dei Paesi Mediterranei
- Democrazia e Islam
- Review of the book "The Place of Tolerance in Islam"
- Ascesi esicasta
- Contro natura (una lettera al Papa)
Per approfondire questo argomento, consulta le Tesi:
- Hamas: il movimento di resistenza islamico
- Le processus de radicalisation: prise de conscience
- JIHĀD E MASS MEDIA: propaganda pacifica e reclutamento armato. Il caso italiano
- ISIS, know-how occidentale a servizio della propaganda jihadista
- La generazione di mezzo. Seconde generazioni alle prese con la quotidianità
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