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The Organization of the Community

Qur’an is organized in chapters and each chapter is made of verses.
-> how it is possible to organize an entire community on such a small evidence contained in verses? In a big community rules are strongly needed.

it was considered as law the BEHAVIOUR OF THE PROPHET: because he was a wise man, when there was a problem people went to Muhammad and what he said and did became law (SUMMA).
Until Muhammad was alive, he was the ruler and there was no problem. But when Muhammad died his followers had to convert the Qu’ran in a written form because a wrong pronunciation could change the sense of the Qu’ran and provoke misunderstandings

-> Qur’an was written with the help of Muhammad’s closest friends, that collected the events and the behaviours of the Prophet. Other people started collecting these behaviours. In order to assure the truth of the behaviours, it was asked that every tradition should be accompanied by a  chain of witnesses to prove that Muhammad had behaved like that.

But during the time some LOCAL TRADITIONS were established due to somebody who was fake -> some false behaviours became traditional in certain communities, that conserved them because they had became part of local tradition, even if the transmission was not very reliable (but they were adopted only in Somalia, Egypt, Sudan and a few of other countries).

Tratto da COURSE NOTES OF "ISLAMIC CULTURE" di Luca Porcella
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