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Wireless Sensor Network fo a Radon Concentration Measurement System

Wireless sensor networks for environmental studies are the new frontier, extending monitoring capability in a cost effective and sustainable way, opening up possibilities of verifying and applying models and possibly leading to more reliable forecast, risk mitigation and action plans.
The measurement of radon concentration can also benefit from this concept, both for a large area network for outdoor and indoor measurements and for setting up local clusters of instruments for correlated monitoring in buildings with complex architecture, typically with public access (e.g. schools, hospitals, bank agencies). In the latter case, simultaneous hourly measurements in different rooms can help to spot and optimize remediation actions, often proceeding through an optimal tuning of the ventilation systems.
This thesis reports the architecture of a wireless module dedicated to the RADIM5b instrument, a low cost, high sensitivity instrument developed by JP-SMM, a Prague-based company
The development of a module (RADIM+ in the following) implementing the data transmission between a cluster of RADIM5b and a web-server is based on WASPMOTE, a development platform by Libelium ( WASPMOTE is based on the ZigBee (DigiMesh) mesh networking protocol, which is specifically designed for low-data rate, low-power applications. Moreover, the system can integrate:
- A module for a USB interface to the RADIM5B
- Sensor modules for temperature, humidity and pressure measurements
- A GPS module for geo-tagging
- A GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) / GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) module to enable communication by using the mobile telephone network.
Data from every instrument in the cluster are transmitted via the FTP protocol to a dedicated website, providing data validation, data reduction and reporting.
The communication between the web site and the network of devices is bidirectional, allowing verification of the status and control of every instrument in the cluster.
By the time of writing, the first module is being finalized and the skeleton of the web-server has been completed. The first tests of data transmission have been successfully performed and the first cluster is scheduled to be deployed for field tests in October 2012.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
Wireless Sensor Network for a Radon Concentration Measurement System 10/73 1 Introduction 1.1 The radon problem Radon is a radioactive gas. It escapes from soils and rocks and tends to concentrate in confined spaces like houses, public buildings and underground areas. Soil gas infiltration is the greatest source of residential radon. Radon gas contributes most to the dose of radiation received by the population. The health effects of radon are listed below:  Many studies confirm that Radon is a cause of lung cancer in the population.  The percentages of all lung cancer related to radon are between 3% and 14%. These values change depending on the methods of calculation and the quantity of radon concentration of each country.  Radon gas is the second cause of lung cancer after smoking. Radon increases the probability of cancer for both smokers and non-smokers.  Even a low concentration of radon may bring about a risk of cancer. However, no minimum threshold exists at which radon presents no risk.  In most cases, cancer is caused by a low concentration of radon, as no people are exposed to a high concentration. In Switzerland, underground air containing Radon and seeping into buildings is responsible for more than one third of the radiation to which people are exposed on average over a lifetime. It is possible to quantify the risk posed by radon. Knowledge of location, geology, and type of construction allows an approximate prediction, but only verification by real measurements may provide full assurance. It is possible to obtain more information about Radon on the following web page of the Swiss Confederation: Or also on the “Centro competenza Radon” of SUPSI: Figure 1: Radon website of the Swiss Confederation


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Stefano Guatieri
  Tipo: Tesi di Master
Master in Master of Science in Engineering
Anno: 2012
Docente/Relatore: Ivan Defilippis
Istituito da: SUPSI
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 73


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