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Two-sided Matching: An Application to High School Choice

"What is important about Columbus’s discovery of America is not that it was the first, but that it was the last. After Columbus, America was never lost again; no subsequent explorers can claim its discovery. But to make a somewhat different point, just as the importance of what Columbus discovered is in large measure due to what was subsequently learned about and accomplished in the Americas, so it is with scientific theories and discoveries, whose importance derives from what they allow us to understand and predict."
In these terms, Harvard Professor of Economics and Business Administration Alvin Roth (Roth and Sotomayor, 1990, p. 170) refers to the work of Gale and Shapley, whose renowned paper “College Admissions and the Stability of Marriage”, published in 1962, laid the foundation stone of a new branch of economic theory. From that moment on, an entire theoretical literature arose, concerning two-sided matching problems.
The metaphor of Columbus’s discovery of America alludes to the fact that the NIMP (National Intern Matching Program) algorithm, first used in 1951 to match graduating medical students and hospitals, is a stable matching mechanism; nevertheless, the existence of the property of stability was first demonstrated only years later by Gale and Shapley (1962) through the deferred acceptance procedure, heart of their contribution and now even used to describe the NIMP procedure. As Roth himself underlines (Roth and Sotomayor, 1990, p. 170), this is a perfect case of art imitating life imitating art. In fact, two-sided matching is a field of mathematics where theory and applications proceed at the same pace, not being able to prescind one from the other.
Moreover, the NIMP algorithm epitomises one of the main fields of application of two-sided matching: medical labour market, as it emerges from “What have we learned from market design?”, a review on the subject advance by Roth himself (2008). On the other hand, the same article outlines other fields where two-sided matching theories have been successfully implemented, such as school choice. This thesis addresses exactly the student assignment mechanism implemented during the last years in two of the main cities of the United States of America: New York and Boston.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
2. New York City high school choice mechanism New York City has the largest public school system in the country. Every year over 90.000 thousands eight-graders apply to enter high school. Among these, about 30.000 students in 2002 were assigned to a school not listed in their preferences (Abdulkadiroğlu, Pathak and Roth, 2005). However, this was not the only reason that brought Jeremy Lack, then Director of Strategic Planning at the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE), to contact Alvin Roth for advice on designing a new high-school admissions procedure in the spring of 2003, fascinated by the National Resident Matching Program (Roth, 1996), successful evolution of the NIMP procedure (Roth, 1984). In fact, there were several reasons of discontent, some of which had undermined the high school choice mechanism for decades. Aldeman and Toch (2009) cited “Public High Schools: Private Admissions”, a 1985 report of the nonprofit organization Advocates for Children of New York, Inc. accusing school system officials “to circumvent the usual admissions procedures and give seats to individual students at the behest of politicians, church leaders, board members, community school district personnel, etc.” and at the expense of “students from impoverished, segregated minority neighborhoods”. The city started to take more centralized control in the 1990s (Mark Schneider et al., 2000) but episodes of school principals influencing admissions still occurred, 22


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Flavia Marcocci
  Tipo: Laurea I ciclo (triennale)
  Anno: 2011-12
  Università: Libera Univ. Internaz. di Studi Soc. G.Carli-(LUISS) di Roma
  Facoltà: Economia e Management
  Corso: Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale
  Relatore: Marco Dall'Aglio
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 47


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