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National Tourism Policy. Analytical Framework for the Evaluation of Efficiency and Effectiveness: The Case of Italy

The objective of this research is to create a framework for the analysis of national tourism policies. This framework has been created after a theoretical analysis of all the implications of state involvement in the tourism sector and the analysis of the problems and methods used for the evaluation of public policies. Finally, the framework has been tested applying it to the Italian case.

The first chapter studies the reasons for state intervention in tourism and how it should intervene. The second chapter gives a look on the nature of tourism policy, defining the implications derived from its horizontal character. The third chapter analyses what are the scopes of tourism policy and explains the levels of intervention (micro and macro) of the state and its functions. The forth chapter introduces the concept of governance, the principles of good governance and the institutional structure theory. The fifth chapter explains benefits and costs of decentralization and the principle of subsidiarity. Chapter six defines the aspects of monitoring and evaluation, discussing the difficulties in evaluating a tourism policy and some possible solutions. Chapter seven deals with the creation of the analytical framework, explaining each part in detail. In chapter eight the model is used to analyze the Italian tourism policy, trying on one side to evaluate it and on the other side to test the model in order to discover weaknesses and parts to be improved.


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    5     INT RODUCTION   Tourism is a phenomenon that has grown constantly since the 50s. Economic crisis  or other global forces have negatively affected it just for small amounts of time but,  in general, trends have always been positive.   There is no discussion that ther e are more important and urgent issues and sectors  to be managed by the state; nevertheless, tourism is a more and more important  generator of wealth, thus income, employment, development and externalities, both  positive and negative. This has caused an in teresting change in countries’ policy  definition in which, tourism policy, has gained more and more relevance. Moreover,  tourism is still important for the economy of the most developed countries. In OECD  countries, international tourism has grown faster t han GDP in the last ten years and  it generates between 2% and 12% of GNP and between 3% and 11% of employment  (OECD 2010; Keller 2008). If on one side developed countries face an increase of  competition  from   developing  countries,  on  the  other  side  the  bett er  economic  conditions of the latter create the opportunity to attract new markets.   This  argument   should have definitely given an answer to the long debated question  “should there be a tourism policy?”   As affirmed by W. Revill Kerr,  “there is a widespread  failure to consider the fact that  a tourism policy may be subordinate to wider economic developments policies, or  entirely unnecessary”  (W. Revill Kerr, 2003).    The  objective  of  this  research  is  to  create  a  framework  with  which  to  analyze  national  tourism  policies.  This  framework  has  been  created  after  a  theoretical  analysis of all the implications of state involvement in the tourism sector and the  analysis of the problems and methods used for the evaluation of public policies.  Finally ,  the framework has be en tested applying  it to  the Italian case.     The first chapter studies the reasons for state intervention in tourism and how it  should intervene. The second chapter gives a look on the nature of tourism policy, 


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Alberto Scappini
  Tipo: Tesi di Laurea Magistrale
  Anno: 2009-10
  Università: USI - Università della Svizzera Italiana
  Facoltà: Economia
  Corso: Master of Arts Economics - Communication, Major in International Tourism
  Relatore: Peter Keller
Coautore: Giacomo Grossi
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 149


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