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The Impact of the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis on the European Monetary Union

The Greek sovereign debt crisis that erupted in 2009 represents a serious threat to the stability of the Eurosystem. Heads of States of the European Monetary Union, as well as European and international institutions have tried and are still trying to find a workable solution which would limit the losses and prevent crisis contagion to other Eurozone members.
The research is underpinned by the economic theory on the optimum currency areas developed by Robert Mundell in 1961. This theory helps understand the structure of the European Monetary Union and define its strengths and weaknesses.
The purpose of this study is to shed light on the impact of the Greek crisis on the rest of the European monetary union. It explores the antecedents which have led to the rising of the Greek government debt, as well as the way in which the crisis has been managed by the governance of the EMU.
Finally, the paper will develop a framework through which the outcomes of the crisis can be understood and through which it is possible to identify the available solutions to tackle the issue.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
Chapter One Introduction 1.1 The Sovereign Debt Crises in the Eurozone, Introductory Remarks The sovereign debt crisis erupted in Greece in the autumn of 2009. From Greece, it then expanded to other countries of the Euro area, namely Portugal and Ireland. To prevent a risk of contagion to other bigger Eurozone member states, such as Italy and Spain, Heads of States of the European monetary union, with the help of the International Monetary Fund, agreed to develop a rescue plan to bailout Greece, Portugal and Ireland. Before continuing the narration of the events, it may be worth explaining the terms. Every year governments create a budget to determine the amount of money required to spend on running the nation. However, there exists the possibility that a government may run a budget deficit. This happens when a government expenditure exceeds the revenues coming from tax revenues. In order to finance its deficit and increase the amount of money supply in the national banking system which will be used to foster the country's growth, the government can decide to issue bonds on the capital market which represent the public debt. In summary, a budget deficit is financed through the public debt. The term “sovereign” is used to refer to a State, so as to distinguish a debt of a sovereign state from that of any other private institution on the capital market. A sovereign debt is often quantified in relation to a country's growth. Hence, a sovereign debt is expressed in a percentage as a share of a country's annual GDP. In this perspective, a “sovereign debt crisis” occurs whenever the debt to GDP ratio is positive. However, a certain amount of public debt is always acceptable, for it is assumed that a country which issues debt bonds is able to repay its obligations. Instead, when a country does not have the financial resources to repay its debts on the capital market, it faces a sovereign debt crisis. If the debt is too big, the highest risk faced by the country is that of a debt default. To prevent the rising of these insolvency crises, the European Monetary Union (EMU) has introduced an instrument which sets 1


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Maria Vittoria D'inzeo
  Tipo: Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica)
  Anno: 2010-11
  Università: University of Westminster
  Facoltà: Diplomatic Academy of London
  Corso: Diplomacy and International Communication
  Relatore: Abdel-Ilah Bennis
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 55


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