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The freedom of movement of workers in the context of an enlarged European Union labor market: Case study on Italy and Romania

Our purpose in this paper was to see which are the Community provisions in the area of labor for third country nationals with the view to understanding how the Romanian citizens can go to work in Italy, which are the laws (rights, conditions of entry and stay, obligations) that apply to them, if those laws are in accordance with the Community legislation for third country nationals. We could not talk about the EU legislation for third country nationals without bringing into discussion first the provisions for the EU nationals as the a more general area of our subject, with a very important relevance for Romania’s application for admission to the European Union. The mobility of the labor force is important as it creates the possibility for the EU workers to find jobs also in other countries than their own, to see which are their rights and better experience the meaning of being part of the European Union, creating cultural connections and knowing other kinds of life styles and contributing to the labor market bringing maybe new skills and participating in the productive process with new, interesting ideas. This is an opportunity also for unemployed people and who have problems in finding a job in their own country, they have a much larger area of searching a job and having another chance in finding a job. We also found out that the enlargement of the European Union towards the new ten fresh Member States does not mean the immediate automatic opening of the labor markets of the traditional fifteen Member States for the new workers. Quite on the contrary, it will be a long process with gradual transition periods and special measures according to each respective old Member State and to its proximity to a new Member State. This thing is valid also for Romanian citizens willing to work in the European Union after the enlargement. But first, Romania has to adopt all the Community acquis in the matter as granting the same rights to the EU citizens who will want to come and work in Romanian the same as Romania wishes for its citizens.


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1 INTRODUCTION The intention we have in the present paper is not to exhaust the issue chosen to present, but to give some basic ideas about it, seen from a certain chosen perspective. The general realm where our issue is included is represented by the mobility of labor force in the European Union, or better say the freedom of movement of workers. This freedom of movement of workers is itself a part of a more general area, which is the freedom of movement of people in the European Union which at its turn is one of the four fundamental freedoms of the common/internal market. The internal market is the core of the European Union and the four freedoms upon which it is built (along with other policies as for example competition, the approximation of laws, the common customs tariff) constitute the most important original policies that generated the spill- over effect (especially the free movement of goods) and consequently the complexity of many other Community policies. The labor market in general is important, as labor is one of the two basic production factors together with capital. The importance of any labor market is given by the quality of its workers, which is a crucial element in determining the quality of production, and by its capacity of innovation. The idea of having a common EU labor market has a significant impact in experiencing other cultures among EU people and in developing cultural networks and, more precisely in promoting interesting innovations brought by workers’ different national identities. By going to another Member State to work, exercising thus their Community mobility right, the workers have the opportunity to make new connections and understand better what the EU is, how it works, which are the advantages and the rights at the level of the common people. The free movement of workers has a significant social meaning besides other social meanings and was the first kind of free mobility of people, which had an economic character and was for the workers as categories that could support themselves from the financial point of view and thus avoid becoming a burden for the host Member State. Even if Article 18(1) of the EC Treaty states that “every citizen of the Union shall have the right to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States, subject to the limitations and conditions laid down in this Treaty and by the measures adopted to give it effect” (here limitations meaning secondary legislation) in fact there is the problem regarding the unemployed and the poor people, who are not specified in the secondary legislation.


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