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Territories, Identity and Europe: How have the politics of history been used in nationalist rhetoric? A case study of Scotland, Catalonia and Padania.

Identity is a contested notion, especially when used with reference to specific territories. In the case of Europe, there are many regions where notions of identity are central to nationalist ideals. In the following three case studies, the ways in which history has been used to foster identity, particularly by nationalist movements, will be examined. Each of the three regions are disputed, both historically and contemporarily, within their current individual nation states. In each of the three cases, a brief historical background will be necessary to contextualise the debate. In order to identify how history has been politicised in the case studies, we will analyse speeches by politicians and official documents, such as an independence declaration, an autonomy statute and a manifesto. We will also look at how actors from the three national governments have responded to these movements and the possible implications of independence in each case.


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MA European Studies 5 Intr oduc tion Ide ntity is a c onte ste d notion, e spe c ia lly whe n use d with re fe re nc e to spe c ific te rritorie s. In the c a se of E urope , the re a re ma ny re gions whe re notions of ide ntity a re c e ntra l to na tiona list ide a ls. In the following thre e c a se studie s, the wa ys in whic h history ha s be e n use d to foste r ide ntity, pa rtic ula rly by na tiona list move me nts, will be e xa mine d. E a c h of the thre e re gions a re dispute d, both historic a lly a nd c onte mpora rily, within the ir c urre nt individua l na tion sta te s. In e a c h of the thre e c a se s, a brie f historic a l ba c kground will be ne c e ssa ry toc onte xtua lise the de ba te . In orde r to ide ntify how history ha s be e n politic ise d in the c a se studie s, we will a na lyse spe e c he s by politic ia ns a nd offic ia l doc ume nts, suc h a s a n inde pe nde nc e de c la ra tion, a n a utonomy sta tute a nd a ma nife sto. W e will a lso look a t how a c tors from the thre e na tiona l gove rnme nts ha ve re sponde d to the se move me nts a nd the possible implic a tions of inde pe nde nc e in e a c h c a se . T he first c a se study c onc e rns Sc otla nd, a nd in pa rtic ula r the c a se for Sc ottish Inde pe nde nc e a s pre se nte d by the Sc ottish Na tiona l Pa rty (SNP). B y looking a t a spe e c h give n by Ale x Sa lmond, the SNP le a de r, a s we ll a s a n SNP ma nife sto, we will be a ble to a na lyse whe the r history ha s be e n ma nipula te d or use d to the a dva nta ge of the na tiona list rhe toric in a ny wa y. W ithin this c a se study, we will a lso look to the future , a nd how the SNP ha ve both use d a nd de c line d to use history with re fe re nc e to the ir forthc oming inte ntions for both the pa rty, a nd the ir a im of Sc ottish Inde pe nde nc e . T he se c ond c a se study re la te s to C a ta lonia a nd the re c e nt de ba te s a bout a utonomy a nd inde pe nde nc e issue s. An a na lysis of a re form proposa l for the Autonomy Sta tute , a s we ll a s a spe e c h ma de by the forme r pre side nt José L uis R odrígue z Z a pa te ro re ga rding the re form proposa l will a llow for a be tte r unde rsta nding of the promine nt role of history in na tiona list de ba te s a s we ll a s tre a tme nt by na tiona l gove rnme nt. Furthe rmore , a spe e c h ma de by Jordi Pujol, the forme r le a de r of C onve rgè nc ia i Unió (C iU), C a ta lonia ’s ma in na tiona list pa rty, prompte d by the C onstitutiona l C ourt’s de c ision re ga rding the Autonomy Sta tute , will be disc usse d in orde r to re vie w how he use s history in de ba ting inde pe nde nc e . As in the c a se of Sc otla nd, a look a t the pre se nt a nd the ra mific a tions for the future will be of utmost re le va nc e , e spe c ia lly c onside ring the c urre nt situa tion in Spa in.


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