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Teaching Italian language online. (Technologies and linguistic strategies for English-speaking people)

In the present thesis, I am going to expose practically all the most relevant topics concerning the various teaching methods we “live” every day on the web, from the classic “YouTube” video lesson-tutorial to an Instagram post or a classical online class. In fact, the thesis has the focus of analyzing technically how a professor has to involve their online students every day with their lessons if he decides to be an online teacher.

At the same time, my purpose is to expose all the tools that this job requires to afford the best possible this challenge. Here it comes the didactic and linguistic aspects that are fundamental if we decide to start this profession, no matter if it is online or presential. Moreover, all the topics included in this thesis have been experienced by myself in those years, thanks to my volunteer activity for two Italian as second language schools for migrants (“CIF comunale” and “El comedor estudiantíl Giordano Liva” in my hometown city). In those two schools, I had the opportunity to observe and practice every didactic methods used to teach my mother tongue language in a presential class. Another experience related to online classes on the social media that I would like to mention and make reference to the most in this thesis is an online project of mine that I started in 2020 during pandemics to teach Italian as a second or foreign language.
Before continuing to analyze the present work, it’s important to know the difference between studying a “foreign” and a “second” language. In acquisitional linguistics, a foreign language is a language learned in a country in which we don’t speak the language in question. An example can be the Italian language studied in England by English-speakers. As Italian mother tongue speaker, I can make the following reversed example: English, which we learn in schools in Italy, is our second language, but what about the Italian language learned in Italy by a person who has a different mother tongue language? How can we define this case? As the discipline of acquisitional linguistics explain us, this case we are talking about a “second language”. In fact, this is the case of a person who comes to Italy and decides to learn Italian language.


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8 Chapte r I: T he impor tanc e of the didac tic s: the fir st str ate gy of a suc c e ssful online te ac he r . In the present chapter, we are going to discuss all the didactics questions used in Italy concerning Italian as second language. It encompasses everything from the methodologies used in class to the political aspects that a teacher has to know in order to face the daily reality. All the methods can be applied both in presential classes, in online classes, and also for online social networks used as learning platforms. Another answer to the question “Why is didactics important for a teacher?” is that if the professor knows at least the basis of this relevant subject, there is a higher chance of a successful lesson. In Italy are held lots of studies began in the seventies, concerning the didactics of Italian as second language. Those studies refer to the basis and deepening of language didactics subject. The branch of study that has a role in this field is called “linguistic education”. 1.1) The politic al aspe c t that c an he lp le arning a language . Firstly, as mentioned before, it’s important to underline a political aspect that involves all European languages: CEFR (The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). This “framework” was created by the Council of Europe, between 1966 and 1989. The aim of CEFR is to help both teachers and students. The benefits of a teacher are to classify their students with a clear method, in order to give them the best input to help the comprehension and learning of a language. Meanwhile, the benefit of a student is to be classified and put in the correct level, as I am going to describe in the “degrees of interaction in L2 classes” section. As it was discussed before, CEFR’s method is to establish a language level, basing on four abilities or competences: speaking, writing, listening, and reading. The first ability, spe ak ing, has the objective to test the fluency of a student while he is speaking with a mother tongue or people who know the language in question. The present competence comprehends the ability to test the grammar features and the words the student has learned. There are some examples, depending on the level. The alum that possesses a lower level, as an A1, can express himself with few and simple sentences, such as “subject+verb+object”. The only conjunctions that an A1 student may use are “and” to link two sentences, like “io ho 30 anni e abito a Pisa” (I am 30 years old, and I live in Pisa). Those are the first sentences that I have taught during my volunteering activity for this level. Another conjunction for an A1 level is “or” and it’s used to make a comparison: “questo colore è rosso o rosa?” (this colour is red or pink?). The second ability in question is w riting. With this ability, the student can prove the fluency that it possesses, especially if the alum has a different writing system. In the first interview, as I am going to show in the next paragraph with more details, the interviewed is due to copy some words, and depending on the speediness the student has, the teacher can understand the level of alphabetization. Another ability useful to live in a country and answer in the right way is liste ning. The student, in order to answer in the right way, and so to prove its speaking skills, needs to


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