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Supply Chain Management of a World Leading Food Provider Company

Today, in an international and globalized scenario, managing the development and the right functioning of a supply chain requires a strong risk propensity, a great ethical and responsible commitment towards stakeholders.
Moreover essential are a complex use of resources, monitoring, inspections and certification throughout the supply chain. In particular, food business, management and control of the supply chain requires more attention.
It 'is essential to continue along the chain a fair treatment and a correct preservation of raw materials to ensure the quality of products coming into the hands of the end user, tracking the production process, giving an identification and traceability to the finished product, and selecting accurately the players taking part in the chain.
For the consumer it is important the nutritional aspect, and his health, then we must prevent the contamination with pesticides, hazardous substances and bacteria in the processed product along supply chain and ensure a certain level of nutrients to the final product.
In addition to ensuring compliance with laws, standards of hygiene and nutritional characteristics, it is important to reassure consumers about the environmental impact that supply chain has on the ecosystem for the consumption of primary resources and pollution.
In the coffee sector ethical and responsible aspects are fundamental, we find ourselves to manage a complex and difficult supply chain that must be faced with important trends such as: the problem in coffee prices, the livelihoods of coffee producers in the countries of origin and the level of quality and sustainability of the production.
The final consumer is the starting point for organizing and managing a proper and functional Supply Chain. We must address the structure and organization of the supply chain based on individual need expressed by the consumer.
If we can satisfy these needs, we are almost certain to hit our final objective: to have a fully satisfied customer and a company that can maximize their profits and maintain a wild and strong position over to the market.


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Abstracts. Today, in an international and globalized scenario, managing the development and the right functioning of a supply chain requires a strong risk propensity, a great ethical and responsible commitment towards stakeholders. Moreover essential are a complex use of resources, monitoring, inspections and certification throughout the supply chain. In particular, food business, management and control of the supply chain requires more attention. It 'is essential to continue along the chain a fair treatment and a correct preservation of raw materials to ensure the quality of products coming into the hands of the end user, tracking the production process, giving an identification and traceability to the finished product, and selecting accurately the players taking part in the chain. For the consumer it is important the nutritional aspect, and his health, then we must prevent the contamination with pesticides, hazardous substances and bacteria in the processed product along supply chain and ensure a certain level of nutrients to the final product. In addition to ensuring compliance with laws, standards of hygiene and nutritional characteristics, it is important to reassure consumers about the environmental impact that supply chain has on the ecosystem for the consumption of primary resources and pollution. In the coffee sector ethical and responsible aspects are fundamental, we find ourselves to manage a complex and difficult supply chain that must be faced with important trends such as: the problem in coffee prices, the livelihoods of coffee producers in the countries of origin and the level of quality and sustainability of the production. The final consumer is the starting point for organizing and managing a proper and functional Supply Chain. We must address the structure and organization of the supply chain based on individual need expressed by the consumer. If we can satisfy these needs, we are almost certain to hit our final objective: to have a fully satisfied customer and a company that can maximize their profits and maintain a wild and strong position over to the market. 4


La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF


Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Alessia Capoccia
  Tipo: Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica)
  Anno: 2011-12
  Università: USI- Università della Svizzera Italiana
  Facoltà: Scienze della comunicazione e Economia
  Corso: Marketing
  Relatore: Annalisa Tunisini
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 120


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