Strategic performance analisys trough Financial Statement and Stock Market Data. The Coca-Cola case
The objective of this Thesis Project is to establish the meaning, the way to use and the function of the Balance Sheet Analysis through the Indicators, because, in general, this is the best type of control. An analytical study work oriented in this way seemed to be the best possible Master's thesis work to apply the skills acquired in Business Administration. The best applications of accounting principles were taken into account in the Financial Statements of the most famous and wealthy company in the world: Coca-Cola. Today, Coca-Cola Company (Coca-Cola Co) is the most billable Company in the world, and is one of the Companies that certainly best represents the United States as international marketing. The thesis work has been developed in the following way; the first part summarizes the informative role of the Report, and has a purely academic and theoretical content, while the second part outlines the profile of the Company, through history, product and production cycle. They are then described and analyzed in their essential components and according to the Report Analysis, the Balance Sheet, the Financial Statements. The principles of this analysis are applied to the Financial Statements of Coca-Cola (Soft Drinks Sector), followed by an economic-financial analysis of the Company (Balance Sheet, The Asset, Liabilities & Shareholder's Equity, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, Payables and Receivables from taxes). The values of Profitability, Liquidity, Solvency, Turnover and Cash Flow in the last period of time (2015-2019) are analysed, as well as future Investment valuations. The IIDebt situation is also treated from the point of view of the analysis of trade receivables and taxes (the credit situation is also treated in the same way). Each analysis is expressed by a graph comparing the values studied and shown in the respective tables. Therefore, it is significant and important to choose to compare Coca-Cola Company with the main Benchmark (PepsiCo Inc, which is the most important competitor of Coca-Cola in the world soft drinks market, the soft drinks sector and Macro-Industry Consumer Goods). ROE and ROA were chosen for comparison because they are long-term investment factors. In fact, long-term investments that describe the strength of the Company and measure its longevity. It is also the Internal Strategic Analysis, highlighting the structure according to its fundamental internal divisions, which have made the product famous. A matrix is then presented (SWOT Matrix) that summarizes the Strategic Analysis, showing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of Coca-Cola Co (SWOT ANALYSIS). It should be noted that the above economic analyses were then supported by tables of official values, from which the most significant graphs were then extracted for the best representation, drafting and presentation of the same data. The conclusions then indicate how the result of Coca-Cola Company’s Financial and Economic Management is optimal and underlines a great investment longevity of the Company, which does not save on internal quality, but believes that this is a fundamental factor of business development (except for a very net decrease in the value of ROE and ROA, in the year 2017), the Coca-Cola Company is solid, and solvent. The Financial Leverage, then, indicates, unequivocally, that the debt capital is constantly higher than the internal capital, which means that Shareholders have constant confidence in investing in the Coca Cola Company on the other hand, as can be seen from the chart showing the values of Table_85 (Table showing Dividends in relation to Net Income), and Table_87 (Table showing the Coca-Cola's Accumulation Trend. Comparison between Total Equity, and Total Shareholders' Equity), although descending. Dividends are present in very good value, even when Net Income falls (like the aforementioned crisis year of 2017). This strengthens investments, as can also be seen in Table_86 of Trend Accumulation (Table showing the tendency of Coca-Cola IIIto accumulate capital compared to NET INCOME and TOTAL Equity. Comparison between Treasury Equity, Total Equity, and Net Income.).
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La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF
Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Jacopo Amati |
Tipo: | Tesi di Master |
Master in | Master in Business Administration (MBA) - Applied Economics Science |
Anno: | 2019 |
Docente/Relatore: | Nadia Cipullo |
Istituito da: | Link Campus University - L'Università internazionale a Roma |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 140 |
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