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Semantic Approaches for Accessing Distributed Information

In this thesis we deal with the problems outlined above and we focus on the problem of semantically accessing distributed information concerning e-service management and Information System interoperability. Specifically, as for the first research theme, we describe AESM (Adaptive E-Service Manager), a platform based on both Intelligent Agent technology and XML whose goal is to adapt service delivery to both exigencies of users who are benefiting from the services and the technical features of the devices they are exploiting. In AESM, each user is associated with a profile describing his past behaviour and his preferences; in addition, each device is described by means of a suitable profile registering its technical features. AESM analyzes the information stored in both user and device profiles and, then, is capable of both selecting and suitably presenting the most relevant information contents for the user. AESM has been specialized in various application contexts, like e-commerce, e-government, e-recruitment and e-learning; several experimental tests point out its effectiveness.

As for the second research theme, in this thesis, we illustrate XIKE (XML Intensional Knowledge Extractor); this system proposes a suitable formalism for describing the contents of an XML Schema and exploits suitable graph-matching algorithms for detecting a wide range of interschema properties (i.e., synonymies, homonymies, hyponimies, overlappings and sub-schema similarities) existing between two (or more) XML Schemas. After this, XIKE exploits the derived interschema properties for carrying out both the integration and the clustering of involved XML Schemas. The effectiveness of XIKE is confirmed by a large number of experimental tests.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
1Introduction This chapter is devoted to introduce the motivations and general characteris- tics of our approaches for accessing distributed information. The plan of the chapter is as follows: in the first section we illustrate the motivations which led to the definition of the proposed approach; the second section aims at illus- trating the general characteristics of the proposed methodologies. related works are presented in the third section, whereas contributions of our approaches, as well as its novelties w.r.t. already known methodologies, are described in the fourth section. Finally, the last section provides an overview of the thesis or- ganization. 1.1 Motivations The confluence of ever smaller and more powerful computing and communi- cation devices, along with improved connectivity in both wired and wireless environments, is leading to a world in which computers are playing an ever increasing role in peoples daily lives. An immediate consequence of this trend is the increasing availability of large amount of information and services in electronic format [143]. Due to this reason, a user can access information distributed across disparate data sources and connected through a suitable network infrastructure; in addition, he can profit by services supplied by public and private organizations: as an example, a large number of banks provide mobile banking services allowing a user to access his bank account (e.g., he can check his balance, stop a cheque payment, and so on) and conduct real-time banking transactions by his own mobile device [174]; as a further example, government agencies are showing a growing interest to deliver a large number of services through the Internet; for instance, a research reported in [224] foresees that, in the United States, by 2006, the government fees and taxes collected online will be about 602 billions of US dollars, i.e., about the 15% of total US government fund collection.


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Pasquale De Meo
  Tipo: Tesi di Dottorato
Dottorato in Ingegneria dei Sistemi ed Informatica
Anno: 2006
Docente/Relatore: Ursino Domenico
Istituito da: Università degli Studi della Calabria
Dipartimento: DEIS
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 378


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artificial intelligence
data integration
multi-agent system
quality of service
recommender system
scema integration
schema matching
user modelling
user profiling

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