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Typical products and food and wine tourism: how to exploit a territory

We started analyzing the change of the formation of the personal identity, of the consumption processes and of the passage from the industrial to post-industrial society.
A new way of living and conceiving the past time and the tourism came up from this analysis and it led us to analyze the food and wine tourism in the terms of supply and demand and, by consequence, the typical products as new source of tourist attraction.
We took into account the national and community regulation that protects the typical products and the role of cultural symbol played by them.
After tracing and describing the object of our research, we dwelled upon the way how exploiting a territory, usually characterized as rural zone, through the exploitation of its typical productions by means of coordinated actions promoted by public and private partnerships that use the territorial marketing as instrument for the integrated management of all the resources on the territory.
We concluded our work giving Parma and its province as example of territory rich in enogastronomic deposits, that represent the city, both in Italy and abroad, more than anything else, performing its medium function. Furthermore, Parma is providing itself with a territorial marketing plan to manage and to promote better its territory.


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3 INTRODUCTION The main topic of our work concerns typical products and food and wine tourism, in particular of how they can represent a resource for the social and economic development of a territory. We will start taking into account how the change of the passage from the industrial to post-industrial society has been accompanied to a new way of interpreting past time and, by consequence, a new ways of making tourism. The typical products, not seen from the nutritional point of view but as symbols, consequences of history, traditions and customs, become mediums for the territory and source of tourist attraction. Therefore, after an analysis of food and wine tourism and its supply and demand, we will see how it can represent a source of both economic and sociocultural development for the interested territories through initiatives of promotion and integrated and coordinated management of all the resources of the sector. In the first chapter, we will analyze the concept of personal identity and the consumption processes and we will face their change with the coming of the complex society. This will enable us to define better the discussion related to typical products and food and wine tourism that represent the main topic of this dissertation. In the second chapter, we will deal with food, cultural symbol and vehicle for meanings for a long time, and, more in detail, typical products, rich of history, tradition and culture. We will talk about them from an identity point of view and of belonging to arrive at the medium role they can play for communities and territories that keep their secrets, but also and above all as driving forces and levers of socioeconomic development that potentially represent for the zones that define their typicality. In the third chapter, we will see how there is an abandonment of the post-war mass tourism also in the field of past time, along to the changes of the concept of personal identity and of the consumption processes, to leave space to the


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Informazioni tesi

Traduttore: Marco Casella
  Autore: Poletti Francesco
  Tipo: Traduzione
  Anno: 2003-04
  Università: Università degli Studi di Bologna
  Facoltà: Scienze Politiche
  Corso: Politico sociale
  Relatore: Egeria Di nallo
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 176

Questo documento è una traduzione dall'originale:

"Prodotti tipici e turismo enogastronomico: come valorizzare un territorio"


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