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The Grand Renaissance Dam Water Diplomacy Mechanisms Applied on the River Nile Trans-boundary Conflict

The Gran Renaissance Dam represents a source of tension between upstream Ethiopian and downstream Egypt. The balance of power has changed and Ethiopia has acquired a new hydro hegemony on the Nile basin. On the other hand, Egypt is challenging this new hegemony by framing the conflict as a matter of national security as well as by opposing the construction and filling of the dam on various international platforms. The present thesis starts by analyzing the problem and the changed dynamics of the power balance through a theoretical framework where international relations school of thoughts are applied, among which: Realism, the English School, and finally the concept of Hydro Hegemony in trans-boundary conflicts. The present thesis will analyze the source of tension between riparian countries by providing facts related to construction and filling of the Gran Renaissance Dam by upstream Ethiopia and the possible consequences on downstream Egypt. Furthermore, the geopolitical context surrounding the conflict will be analyzed as well as the way trans-boundary conflicts are treated by international law. Accordingly, and given that trans-boundary water conflicts are hard to manage because of their intersection to various natural and societal domains it would be important to understand the importance of considering multi-track conflict management approaches and consider, at the same time, that environmental conflict management does not focus only on the root causes, but takes also into account other influencing factors such as the target, the trigger, the channels, and the catalysts.

Throughout the various chapters, the synergy between multi-track conflict management approaches and Water diplomacy mechanisms will be emphasized as they offer a tool on how to analyze the various aspects of the conflict and help to understand means by which the conflict can be resolved and peace building programs can be designed. In fact, the application of the Multi-track Water Diplomacy Framework on the GERD conflict will tackle the political situation of each country, the socio economical characteristics, the bio-physical characteristics of the river, the status of conflict and cooperation, the level of interdependency between Ethiopia and Egypt, and the level of governance effectiveness. The analysis of each track will generate a table and each will provide indicators that would potentially help in the identification of potential zones of effective cooperation between Egypt and Ethiopia. Such areas of effective potential cooperation could represent an input to the realization of peace building programs and conflict resolution approaches as well as a lens through which international actors can further understand the level of their possible intervention. In fact, water diplomacy can represent a foreign policy strategy where cooperation and multilateralism would be the only approach to resolve complex environmental and global problems, among which trans-boundary water conflicts such as the GERD conflict on the Nile basin. Finally, the European Union can play an important role towards peace building on the Nile Basin by means of by mediating, strengthening local institutions, and investing through holistic and multi-track strategies that should focus on zones of effective cooperation identified through the multi level tools offered by water diplomacy mechanisms.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
15 2.1- The Nile River Basin and the GERD The Nile is a 6,695 Km long river and is considered the longest in the world. The river crosses 11 riparian states: Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, Egypt, Ethiopia, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Eritrea 26 . The Blue Nile‟s total length is 1640 Km of which 900 Km is in Ethiopia and 740 Km is in Sudan. The source of the river is from the largest lake in Ethiopia - Lake Tana - and its drainage area amounts to 329,530 27 . The GERD is located close to the border with Sudan in the Benishangul-Gumuz region and is considered as Africa‟s largest hydro-electric power plant with a storage volume corresponding to around 1.5 years of the mean discharges of the blue Nile 28 . The reservoir area of the dam is 1,874 Km 2 and it has a total storage volume of 63 billion cubic meters of water of which 59.2 billion cubic meters will discharge water to the turbines. The dam wall is 145 meters high and 1,708 meters wide and the project includes a rock fill saddle dam and gated spill way south of the main dam. The turbines can generate 6,000 Mega Watt of electricity and 15,692 Giga Watt hours of energy per year 29 . The project is being executed by Salini Impregilo (currently known as Webuild): an Italian based firm that was hired to carry out the construction of the GERD. They were contracted for the project on a closed bidding just before the first foundation stone was laid in 2011. Apart from the GERD, they were hired for the works of Gibe I (2004), Gibe II (2010) and Gibe III 30 . The technical documentation of the GERD has been kept highly secretive and none of the official documents have been available to the public. The first report was published in 2013 (after the authorization by the Ethiopian government to access technical documents) and was finalized by Panel of Experts (“IPoE Final Report”). The report was authorized by the Ethiopian government to assure Egypt and Sudan that the GERD 26 Wirtschafter J. (2019), U.S.-led talks lead to breakthrough as African rivals inch closer to war over Nile. Available online: 27 UNESCO (2008), Sediment in the Nile River System, Khartoum, Sudan. Available online at: 28 Wikipedia (2022), „Aswan Dam‟. Available online: 29 International Panel of Experts – IpoE – (2013), Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Project (GERDP), Final Report. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 30 Grcheva I. (2016), Water Urbanism in Transboundary Regions: The Nile Basin and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Ku Leuven, Faculteit Ingnieutswetenschappen. Available online: ter%20Thesis%20KU%20Leuven%20Irina%20Grcheva.pdf


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