Relazione tra il sensing del saccarosio e il signaling degli ormoni coinvolti nella distensione della parete cellulare vegetale
Hypocotyls are often used as model-systems to study tissue elongation in response to plant hormones. Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) hypocotyls elongate when treated with auxin or brassinosteroids, and this apparently correlates with the induction of the LeEXP2 gene, encoding for an expansin protein. The effects of auxin, gibberellic acid, and brassinosteroids on LeEXP2 expression and on hypocotyl elongation was investigated. The results obtained indicate that the induction of LeEXP2 by auxin requires the presence of exogenous sucrose, while auxin-induced elongation is sugar-independent. These results highlight the importance of an auxin-sugar signaling cross-talk and suggest that LeEXP2 may play an alternative role in hypocotyl growth.
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