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The Natural History Museum "An outstanding attraction which offers visitors a complete experience"

Many studies on communication in museums, agree that the presenta-tion of these places, is fundamental, in attracting the visitors and de-creeing the success of a museum rather than another one. My analysis begins from these considerations; in the first place, to begin through a gradual progression starting from the definition of what a museum is; secondly, considering the various opinions of important associations and explaining how, in time, these places are being transformed; and in consequence the different types and roles of the emerging museum.
I then consider the relationship between museums and communica-tion, the changes that have occurred, the activities and the organiza-tions connected with these changes.
There are various types of museums in the world. The comparison of these and the study of communication, structure, activities, etc enables the presentation of objects in different ways. In every museum, there is always something that characterizes its, structures, like the Darwin Centre at the NHM, a new method of scientific communication. My thesis illustrates this.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
4 Introduction The idea of studying a museum like, the Natural History Museum of London (hereon in abbreviated NHM), and its way of communicating, derives from my deep curiosity. The phenomenon of communication invests all the fields relating to knowledge and not only, it assumes various characteristics according to the contexts in which it is placed. During my travels, I have often visited museums, art galleries and similar places and I noticed, that my interest grew as my knowledge of museums and their way of communicating to the public became stronger. Subsequently I understood that an interest toward something is determined by the means of communication. This impression be-came clear, when I went to the natural history museum. During my travels, I have always preferred art, observing pictures, sculptures, old and new pieces of art. I have always been interested in this kind of media, especially the study of the life of animals and vegetables. Fur-thermore being able to understand the variety of species and their evo-lution during history has always fascinated me. Thanks to the use of different machinery, the light or the darkness of some rooms, the study of background noises and the sounds, the colours, has guided me inside an unknown place, a new environment which gave me a greater confidence with the world around me and a sense of enjoy-ment and surprise. I have visited this museum, in various periods of the year and I realize how much the internal and external structure have different roles of receiving the public. This is the consequence of a special communication which wants to overcome precise types of reactions by visitors, the museum target is to convince the public to enter and to stay in it to amuse themselves and to learn. Therefore, thanks to this experience, I have decided, to develop and deepen my studies about communication trying to focus on the indoor spaces of the museums and in particular to the NHM. I think that communication represents everything and our interest in it can grow if we find the best method to explore relationships between forms in our world. This process is very important and can be done with the help of these institutions.


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