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Drug Consumption Room: Different Harm Reduction Approach An Overview Between Holland And Italy

During my University internship I had the possibility to stay inside of a Drug Consumption Room in Amsterdam, this was in AMOC-The Regenboog Grope. That experience give me the possibility to learn and to see an alternative approach of Harm Reduction program. The Dutch Harm Reduction approach is different in compare to the Italian Harm Reduction approach. Specifically I realise in Italy there are not that kind of facility for long term hard drug users.
I decided to made an explore research about the difference of the Dutch Harm Reduction program and the Italian Harm Reduction program focus on the Drug Consumption Room facility.
The first chapter of the thesis present the drugs as a psychoactive substances. First of all the history of the drugs and how the human use drugs. There is a focus on two drugs: Heroin and Cocaine. I choose those drugs because are the most substances present in the Drug Consumption Room. After there is an introduction about the different Drug Policy approach are present in the world. Then there is the presentation of the Italian Drug Policy and the Dutch Drug Policy. This give the possibility to start to understand the difference between the two country.
The second chapter start with definition of Harm Reduction and the key principles of Harm Reduction. The Drug Consumption Room is a part of Harm Reduction so this chapter is focus on that.
The third chapter is focus on the interviews I made to ten professional works in the field of drug addiction. The interview had the intent to understand the different point of view about the Drug Consumption Room. During the last six months I made five interviews to professional works in Italy and five interview to professional works in The Netherlands.
The end of this work present the conclusion of this thesis and present a project I’m making in parallel with Open Group and other partner present in Bologna.


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FIRST CHAPTER 1.1 Drugs What do you mean when you say Drug? According to the Oxford Dictionary the definition of drug is: “A medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.” 1 But for everyone drug has different meaning. Now we can try to understand something about drugs and why the humans use drugs in their life. A drug can have many names. The chemical name describes the molecule. The generic name is a shorter, simpler name that assigned to the substance by conventional agreement. The official name is the trademark for drug registered by the company that produces it, and if often varies between countries because of the local law. Finally, the drugs can have popular or street name which differs among people, places and times. The origin of drugs use is quiet simple. Humans are inquisitive creature. If something can be done, somebody will try to do it. If a substance can be eaten, it is certain that somebody will try to eat it (Gahlinger P.M., 2004). Psychoactive drugs have always been closely associated with religion. In early relief system, any substance that had the ability to prevent or cure disease was considered sacred. For psychoactive drugs, social and religious rituals arose as a way of controlling their use. By allowing these drugs to be used only on certain occasions or by certain people, the general population could be protected for harm. According to pharmacological science, a drug is defined as “a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being” (Random House, 1998). In more common usage, a drug is any substance that in small amounts produces noticeable changes in the body or mind. In the past, if a drug helps the body, it was considered a medicine. If it injuries the body, it was called a poison. Illegal drugs are not necessarily those that are considered the most dangerous, but those that result in other hazards such as addiction or inappropriate behaviour. If a drug causes someone; 1 3


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Sebastiano Nisi
  Tipo: Tesi di Laurea Magistrale
  Anno: 2016-17
  Università: Università degli Studi di Bologna
  Facoltà: Scienze dell'Educazione
  Corso: Scienze dell'Educazione
  Relatore: Roberta Biolcati
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 176


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