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Feminine pedophilia

Feminine pedophilia, although never mentioned, it exists.
Talking about pedophile women is neither common nor simple. In fact, in public imagery, to the term pedophilia it is automatically associated the figure of a man: young, middle aged or elderly, with the appearance of a perverted or with a “human” look, but in any case we think about male sex. As a matter of fact, pedophilia affects both men and women.
Such as male pedophilia, the feminine pedophilia may hide inside domestic walls, among secrets, feelings of love and hatred and dangerous relationship, or may be “satisfied” outside, finding elsewhere the objects of its spasmodical and uncontrollable desires.
The sexual abuse of a child, both with familiar or extra familiar background, has a common denominator: the molesting women call it an “expression of love, education and care”.


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INTRODUCTION Feminine pedophilia, although never mentioned, it exists. Talking about pedophile women is neither common nor simple. In fact, in public imagery, to the term pedophilia it is automatically associated the figure of a man: young, middle aged or elderly, with the appearance of a perverted or with a “human” look, but in any case we think about male sex. As a matter of fact, pedophilia affects both men and women. Such as male pedophilia, the feminine pedophilia may hide inside domestic walls, among secrets, feelings of love and hatred and dangerous relationship, or may be “satisfied” outside, finding elsewhere the objects of its spasmodical and uncontrollable desires. The sexual abuse of a child, with familiar or extra familiar background, has a common denominator: it is defined by the molesting women as an “expression of love, education and care”. This assertion, that falls within the theoretical picture that sees the wicked act as an “erotized hatred” (i.e. the masking of hostile and aggressive feelings through “acts of love”), justifies and perpetuate the actions of these “ogresses” who profane, for vice, madness or money, the body, the mind and the imagination of a child, afterwards abandoning their victims in the “wood” of life, fatally wounded, insane forever, ready to repeat with a pleasure that is already a disease, the dirty games of their tyrants. Feminine pedophilia enjoys, even more than male pedophilia, of a powerful protective cover-up that averts the danger of being discovered and coming out into the open. This cover-up is sustained not only by the silence of the little victim, that is often not aware that he is receiving something different from his requests of love and affection, but what is worse and even more dangerous, is sustained by the whole society. There are in fact powerful “barriers” in the knowledges of each one of us that interfere and/or prevent the identification of a woman as a potential and probable abuser of children. One of these is the strong root of the incest taboo according to which parents and the mother in particular, have the instinct of protection, care and love towards their children, and therefore can not commit an abuse. In case the abuse comes out into the open, there may be different criterion of evaluation based on the belief that the mother, that has the task to protect, is simply extending, in an unusual but not guilty way, is preceding protecting role. Otherwise, if “barrier-cover up” is not sufficient, another factor comes in to play: we consider the abusing woman affected by more serious psychic alteration than a man committing the same act. With this work I intend to look more precisely at this tragic but existing reality, analyzing its numerous aspects in a cognitive way and therefore in a preventive way; bearing in mind that the 6


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danish pedophile association
extrafamiliar abuser
feminine pedophilia
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informative questionnaire
intra familiar abuser
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on line pedophilia
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pedophile authors
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pedophilia legislation
personality of female abuser
post-traumatic stress disorder
seductive strategies
sexual learning
slurp pedophile association
the woman in myths and tales
theory of abused abuser
treatment of female abuser

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