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Proposed Agro Tourism Casa Venezia - Business Plan and Feasibility Study

Purpose and scope of the study
The aim of this project is to determine the feasibility of a 30 bed proposed agro tourism to be in Godega S.U., Province of Treviso, Veneto, Italy.
The agro tourism Casa Venezia will be located in an existing ancient country house, that has to be restored. The building dates back to the 1800 and originally was divided in 2 separated bodies: the manor house and the farm labourers’ part. Now the all country house is a single edifice.
Since 2001 the building is an asset of the company “Società Agricola Battistella Enzo e Ivano S.S.” that, at present, uses part of it as an hut for agricultural devices. The main part (second and third floors of the building, 972 sq. meters) is unexploited.

The study takes into account the existing and potential demand for the proposed agro tourism, the suitability of the current tourism environment, the competitors setting in the area and the economic forecasting of the business.
The scope of this project can be summarized as follows:
• Description of business idea;
• Management and organization setting;
• Market analysis, tourism environment in the considered area, analysis of historical, current and future tourism demand for and supply of accommodation facilities and agro tourism lodges in the market;
• Marketing strategies and swot analysis;
• Estimations of occupancy levels, statements of forecasted annual operating results for the following 5 years.

The market research and feasibility study for the Proposed agro tourism Casa Venezia has been performed in 3 months time and it has been carried out collecting and processing data provided by local public officials (IAT of the Province of Treviso, Unità programmazione turistica, Assessorato al turismo of the Province and of the Veneto Region), representatives of association (Coldiretti, Cia and Associazione albergatori) representatives of competitive agro tourism facilities (Villa Toderini management, El Richeton management and the proposed agro tourism “Palù” management) and by a web research implemented by analyzing tourism forums and social networks regarding rural tourism trends and the agro tourism market in Italy and in the considered Vento’s area (taking into account the district, the provincial and the regional levels).
Financial forecasting and economic projection for the proposed agro tourism are based on the specific knowledge acquired during the International Master in Tourism and leisure’ program and on the evaluation of the current agro tourism trends of the national and the Conegliano district markets and the historical data provided by the above mentioned institutions. A consulting-objective approach has been considered in all the sections of the analysis.
The forecasts are subject to uncertainty and variations related to sudden rise or sharp decline of the tourists flows towards Italy and towards the defined Venetian areas considered in this report. These unpredictable scenarios are linked to economic\political and social trends that are unforeseeable because of their nature.


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3 Introduction Purpose and scope of the study The aim of this project is to determine the feasibility of a 30 bed proposed agro tourism to be in Godega S.U., Province of Treviso, Veneto, Italy. The agro tourism Casa Venezia will be located in an existing ancient country house, that has to be restored. The building dates back to the 1800 and originally was divided in 2 separated bodies: the manor house and the farm labourers’ part. Now the all country house is a single edifice. Since 2001 the building is an asset of the company “Società Agricola Battistella Enzo e Ivano S.S.” that, at present, uses part of it as an hut for agricultural devices. The main part (second and third floors of the building, 972 sq. meters) is unexploited. Photo 1. Current photo of the country house-proposed agro tourism The study takes into account the existing and potential demand for the proposed agro tourism, the suitability of the current tourism environment, the competitors setting in the area and the economic forecasting of the business. The scope of this project can be summarized as follows: ξ Description of business idea; ξ Management and organization setting; ξ Market analysis, tourism environment in the considered area, analysis of historical, current and future tourism demand for and supply of accommodation facilities and agro tourism lodges in the market; ξ Marketing strategies and swot analysis;


La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF


Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Mirco Battistella
  Tipo: Tesi di Master
Master in Tourism Management
Anno: 2008
Docente/Relatore: francesca ghersin
Istituito da: mib school of management
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 59


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