Nonlinear optical response of symmetric donor acceptor structures
This research work deals with the field of materials for nonlinear optics (NLO). The investigated systems are organic structures where an intra- or inter-molecular charge transfer process takes place. They include an open shell structure, that is a -dimer of molecular radicals characterised by an intermolecular charge transfer (CT) interaction, and other closed shell systems where a one-dimensional or a bi-dimensional intramolecular CT is effective. Making use of simple quantum chemical models, the goals are to investigate the effect of the vibronic coupling on the NLO response of this molecules and to investigate trends in the structure-properties relationship that do not depend on the detailed chemical and structural properties of the system, in particular for the two-photon absorption process. Since our focus is on the role of the CT interactions, from the standpoint of describing their electronic properties, the molecules are treated as point-site systems where the polyelectronic structure of the Donor (D) or of the Acceptor (A) is substituted by a single site which corresponds to the HOMO of D or the LUMO of A. This amounts to neglecting any possible mixing between CT transitions and localized (say, *- type) electronic transitions. All of the systems we considered contain one D and one or more A: so, within our models, the molecule are n-point site- two-electron systems.
In the calculation we work with the density matrix formalism: in particular we make use of a bielectronic density matrix which allow us to take into account correlation effects. Moreover the calculation is performed in the Liouville space, with the “collective electronic oscillators” picture: this technique is expected to provide some computational advantages in the calculation. The coupling with the vibrations is introduced through a linear coupling scheme, where the dependence of electronic energies on the vibrational modes is considered up to the first order. Because the introduction of the vibronic coupling makes the equation of motion not closed, we adopt the Random Phase Approximation to solve it.
The most part of this work is theoretical, but we also perform an experimental characterisation of the dimer of aimed to achieve information on its dynamic parameters. Making use of an amplified Ti - Shapphire laser, which produce pulses in the femto-second regime, we perform a pump and probe experiment: it allows us to achieve an estimate of the lifetime for the first singlet excited state (charge transfer state) of the dimer. Moreover, the trend on the pump and probe experiment confirm the saturation of the charge transfer transition foreseen in the theoretical model.
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La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF
Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Roberto Pilot |
Tipo: | Tesi di Dottorato |
Dottorato in | Scienze Chimiche |
Anno: | 2002 |
Docente/Relatore: | Renato Bozio |
Istituito da: | Università degli Studi di Padova |
Dipartimento: | Chimica Fisica |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 125 |
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