Monitoraggio dei metalli pesanti nelle acque di falda sottostanti il polo siderurgico AM di Piombino. (Università Degli Studi di Siena)
The objective of the study has been the estimation of the concentration of some metals in groundwater that are below the steel located in Piombino (LI). The industrial process that takes place here, in fact, could change the chemical quality of the undergroundwater ; therefore, the research’s purpose is to verify that the concentrations of the metals in the groundwaters’ samples do not exceed the limiting values of the law D.Lgs 152/06.
The steel plant is included in the industrial group AM Piombino S.p.A that is one of the leader producers of galvanized steel in the world; the present production is represented by the top quality galvanized rolled steel, mostly used in household appliance and in building industry. The plant of Piombino covers a wide area, which is located next to the see and to the city of Piombino.
The research lasted about four months, and , because of the target, we decided to work with the technique of the chemical monitoring; in particular, the activities have been organized in four phases ( that coincided with the months of May, June, July and September 2008), in which we have repeated some operations, such as sampling the water from wells and analizing them to determinate the concentration of the metals. This analysis has been accomplished in the chemical laboratory of AM Piombino.
The sampling has been executed respecting all the fixed technical procedures, because this was an extremely important step for the significance of the research.
The same process has been used for the phase of the conservation, transport and analysis of the taken samples. The 11 wells from which the water has been taken are located on the area occupated by the industry; we have taken from each well a sample of water for every single stage of the monitoring, and this has enabled us to collect 396 data. The metals that have been analysed in the samples are the chromium as hexavalent chromium (Cr 6+), Total Cr, iron (Fe), nichel (Ni), boron (B), Zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn). We have also determined the parameters of conductivity and of the concentrations of total hydrocarbons. During the study we have considered that it was advisable to check the conditions of the hydrogeological site; in fact, the geology of the area can influence, in addition to human activities, also the quality of the water. The chemical data obtained have in fact demonstrated that the geological peculiarity of the site is the factor that mostly affects water quality, while the industrial process doesn’t affect much the groundwater. The law limits are generally respected, and when this doesn’t happen we can say the reason is the hydrogeological situation of the site, and not the industrial activity; for example, the Zinc, which is a metal that could potentially pollute the water because of the plant’s typology , is on the contrary always below the limits of the law.
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Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Marco Parri |
Tipo: | Laurea I ciclo (triennale) |
Anno: | 2007-08 |
Università: | Università degli Studi di Siena |
Facoltà: | Scienze Ambientali |
Corso: | Scienze e tecnologie per l'ambiente e la natura |
Relatore: | Claudio Leonzio |
Lingua: | Italiano |
Num. pagine: | 38 |
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