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How to Handle a Communication Crisis. An Epistemological Approach and a Neuro-Linguistic Contribution

Crises represent turning points for business health and reputation. A crisis may occur by any mismanagement, natural or accidental event, or even sabotage and it may affect employees, customers, other stakeholders or the external environment. Corporate communication is always important, but during a crisis it becomes key. Communication must reflect the corporate identity and be consistent with the message to be delivered. In a world that is always more similar to a village, for the speed news are sent out, executives cannot play ostrich. They are expected to stand up, speak out, and put their faces over the first page of the newspapers. Stakeholders need to have a point of reference. This work is a critique analysis of the status questionis of Communication Crisis; the purpose is to highlight the epistemological framework of a crisis to better understand the misleading cliché and find new ways to deal with crises and resolve them. Both internal and external communications will be analysed and particular emphasis will be shed on the role and on the tasks of policy makers. Different techniques and methods will be compared and their effectiveness tested. In particular, the thesis will evaluate the opportunity to use Neuro-Linguistic Programming models versus the more traditional techniques of mass communication in crises handling. Since the end of 1970 the NLP methodology is gaining more and more acceptance as a tool of effective communication. For this reason, my thesis will examine the possibility to utilise some NLP concepts in these contingency situations. In order to give consistency to the theory, different models will be applied to real cases and the results will be compared and contrasted.


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40 3.2 Prodromes of an epidemic disease In the typology created at the beginning of this chapter the second type of warning signs are the ones which occur to other organizations that are involved in the same industry we are in or that have some aspects in common with our organization. This kind of warning signs gives any organization similar to the one hit by the crisis the possibility to take the right vaccine and, by so doing, avoid to get involved in the same crisis. An example is the crisis that in 1982 hit the Johnson & Johnson Company. Briefly, a J&J product (a medicine in capsules for relieving pain and reducing fever, called Tylenol) was contaminated with cyanide, this contamination provoked the death of seven people. J&J reacted readily by recalling millions of Tylenol bottles and putting back the product on the market with triple tamper-resistant packaging. The American pharmaceutical company spent hundreds of millions of dollars for recovering from the crisis; this huge amount of money was saved by all those companies that, being exposed to the same risk of sabotage, rushed to take the precautionary measures and adopted the same counter-measure of tamper-resistant packaging. The list of examples of crises that could have hit a high number of organizations but have been avoided by most thanks to the adoption of precautionary measures is very long 36 . Much more difficult is to be aware when something is happening for the very first time and the organization has to face a crisis announced by new or peculiar prodromes. 36 Another example is given by the Exxon Valdez crisis, as Kathleen Fearn-Banks puts it: “Although various controversies about the Exxon spill remained, one thing was certain: The Exxon Valdez was a warning sign, a prodrome for other oil companies. Later British Petroleum (BP) suffered an oil spill in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Huntington Beach, south of Los Angeles. BP reacted with haste, even getting underwater photographers to capture images of the hole in the ship for the media” (Fearn-Banks, 2007, p. 77).


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Angelo Palazzolo
  Tipo: Tesi di Master
Master in MBA Dissertation
Anno: 2009
Docente/Relatore: Robert Sonnabend
Istituito da: Link Campus - University of Malta
  Lingua: Italiano
  Num. pagine: 67


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