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Interpreti di Guerra: L'importanza della lingua nella risoluzione dei conflitti

Gli interpreti e i traduttori che operano in zone di guerra sono tutt'altro che figure passive. Un interprete agisce in qualità di mediatore linguistico e culturale tra due parti che parlano lingue diverse. Il loro lavoro di traduzione risulta fondamentale per tutte le fasi dell'attività militare, per lo svolgimento e la risoluzione stessa di un conflitto. Essi permettono una continua comunicazione tra le forze armate o le organizzazioni operanti sul territorio e i membri appartenenti alle autorità locali o alla popolazione. Gli interpreti mettono a disposizione le loro conoscenze linguistiche e culturali per stabilire relazioni tra la forza occupante e la popolazione locale. Per questo molto spesso la forza occupante o le organizzazioni internazionali tendono ad assumere soggetti del luogo, con il rischio di avvalersi di figure poco professionali e con un'esperienza insufficiente, ma che allo stesso tempo hanno il vantaggio di essere i migliori conoscitori della cultura locale. Il fine ultimo delle ONG e delle organizzazioni internazionali è quello di raggiungere la massima efficienza possibile nell'osservare, investigare ed analizzare la situazione per determinare se e in quale misura sono stati violati i diritti umani. Più l'organizzazione è in grado di utilizzare e comprendere il linguaggio e la cultura locali, migliore sarà il risultato del suo operato. In fin dei conti, si tratta inoltre di riconoscere il diritto di ogni persona di esprimersi e comunicare nel rispetto della propria lingua e della propria cultura.

The purpose of this thesis is to describe the part played by the interpreters and translators operating in war zones and to understand why they are so essential for the good outcome of a conflict. This thesis essentially focus on two issues. The first is trying to illustrate how the work of these two figures is so crucial in determining the development and the ending of a war; nevertheless, this work is often almost invisible. The second issue is defining their legal status, their rights and the protection they can expect.
The first chapter of this thesis consists of an introduction to the role and the profession of the interpreter and the translator and their evolution during the course of history. In this chapter, I will also analyse the different types and techniques of interpretation and the importance of the proper choice of words while translating something. I will then take into consideration the careers of these two figures in Italy as non-regulated professions.
In the second chapter, I will pass through the principal conflicts that have characterised the last and the present century. After this historical excursus, I will look at the essential role of language and communication in war operations. I will focus on the skills and abilities requested of and the principal tasks performed by the interpreter and the translator. Then, I will talk about their rights and duties and how they are considered by the other parties involved in the war zone.
In the third chapter, I will take into consideration the different settings and backgrounds in which a war interpreter or translator can operate. I will start with the examples of the United Nations and then continue by looking at their roles in the International Criminal Court of former Yugoslavia, the International Committee of the Red Cross and Amnesty International (as examples of NGOs). Finally I will look at their particular contribution to the mass media industry.
In the fourth chapter, I will try to understand the legal status of the interpreters and translators operating in conflict zones. I will discuss about their rights, the international protection they are offered and the problems arising from the absence of an ad hoc legislation.
Finally, the fifth chapter is a sort of collection of stories and testimonials by people who experienced what it means to be an interpreter operating in a war zone.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
4 ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is to describe the part played by the interpreters and translators operating in war zones and to understand why they are so essential for the good outcome of a conflict. This thesis essentially focuses on two issues. The first is to illustrate how the work of these two figures is so crucial in determining the development and the ending of a war; nevertheless, this work is often almost invisible. The second issue is defining their legal status, their rights and the protection they can expect. The first chapter of this thesis consists of an introduction to the role and the profession of the interpreter and the translator and their evolution during the course of history. In this chapter, I will also analyse the different types and techniques of interpretation and the importance of the proper choice of words while translating something. I will then take into consideration the careers of these two figures in Italy as non-regulated professions. In the second chapter, I will pass through the principal conflicts that characterised last century and recent years. After this historical excursus, I will look at the essential role of language and communication in war operations. I will focus on the skills and abilities requested of and the principal tasks performed by the interpreter and the translator. Then, I will talk about their rights and duties and how they are considered by the other parties involved in the war zone. In the third chapter, I will take into consideration the different settings and backgrounds in which a war interpreter or translator can operate. I will start with the examples of the United Nations and then continue by looking at their roles in the International Criminal Court of former Yugoslavia, the International Committee of the Red Cross and Amnesty International (as examples of NGOs). Finally, I will look at their particular contribution to the mass media industry. In the fourth chapter, I will try to understand the legal status of the interpreters and translators operating in conflict zones. I will look at their rights, the international protection they are offered and the problems arising from the absence of an ad hoc legislation. Finally, the fifth chapter is a sort of collection of stories and testimonials by people who experienced what it means to be an interpreter operating in a war zone.


La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF



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