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Language (Im)Politeness Online. The act of body shaming analysed via comments to VIPs posts on social media

Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) has become increasingly popular in the last ten years, becoming a global phenomenon. In October 2019 some of the most popular social networks that host CMC, ranked by the number of active accounts were Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. In these platforms people communicate between each other, freely express themselves, exchange their ideas and discuss about several different topics, according their own interests.
This study is mainly focused on Instagram social network, which had in October 2019 approximately 1.000 monthly active users worldwide (Statista 2019).
Instagram offers the opportunity to its users to express themselves, to share their ideas or progresses in life via ‘posts’, namely a publication of a message online sent in the Web community, which are mainly ‘pictures’ followed or not, depending on the willing of the user, by a text message and one or more, or none, ‘hashtag’ (#), a metadata tag that lets users apply dynamic, user-generated tagging to help others easily find posts with a specific theme or content (Wikipedia). In these posts, there is the possibility for the other users of the platform to comment below them. Commenting is a way for people to make requests, express agreement or disagreement and also to express appreciation.
Interestingly, in many circumstances the language that people use in these comments is mainly impolite.
This study is concerned with the use of impolite language and the common effect of these language observed in comments on social media, it is to say the “Body Shaming” phenomenon. Specifically, the focus, the data collected, is on (VIPs) Demi Lovato, Emily Ratajkowski, Chiara Ferragni and Jesy Nelson’s posts on Instagram mainly.


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26 CHAPTER 2 DATA COLLECTION: BODY SHAMING 2.1 The concept of ideal body image results in the Body Shaming phenomenon The globalization of media has paved way for Print and Television advertisements to use images of thin female bodies to sell products, which are viewed by women all over the world. The researcher A. Poorani, from Bharathidasan University, reports that Nationwide Surveys conducted in the US, between 1970s and 1980s and later in 1990s, indicated that both men and women’s body image perceptions have become more and more negative over time (Cash and Henry, 1995; Cash et al., 1986, as cited in Poorani, 2012). In the 20 th century originated then the study of Body Image, in which many researches were held to prove that men and women, from all over the world, mostly feel bad about their body image especially due to the ideal concept of it that people are exposed to in TV advertisements, fashion magazines and social media. Paul Schilder, in “In The Image and Appearance of Human Body” of 1950, argues that body image is not only a cognitive construct, but also a reflection of attitudes and interaction with others. He defines body image as: “The picture of our own body which we form in our mind, that is to say, the way in which the body appears to ourselves” (Schilder, 1950, as cited in Poorani, 2012). Since 1950, many other researchers have given ‘body image’ concept many different meanings: perception of one’s own body attractiveness, body size distortion, perception of body boundaries (Fisher, 1990, as cited in Poorani, 2012). Not only were there studies meant to prove that men and women feel negatively about their body image, but also many others that attempted to explore the behavior patterns adapted by especially women to achieve the body ideals to which they were exposed.


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