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Auroville the city of Humana unity. Translating children's literature in a context of a multicultural community

The primary aim of my dissertation was to render the readers conscious of such an experiment, one of a kind, in an ongoing struggle to strike a balance between its aspirations to human unity and divisive conflicts of everyday life. What is the purpose of such a community? The aim of Auroville is to promote not only human unity but also a more conscious way of life, far from capitalist economy and consumer society, in the attempt to develop a new spirituality and a sustainable lifestyle.

In the first chapter, an overview of some intentional communities in ancient time, and of the social, political and cultural context in which modern communities are born today is provided, with particular attention to the international city of Auroville, the eco-sustainable village founded by people from around the world, especially India, France, German and Italy, which promotes itself as an alternative model of social organization based on the concept of sharing and eco-sustainability.

Describing the social and political dynamics in which the city developed and its actual organization, some controversy emerged. In an effort to gain greater understanding of the dynamics of conflict and peace in a multicultural environment, I contacted some friends who have experienced the social experiment of Auroville, including Riccardo, an Italian volunteer who spent there more than two years, and Alessandra Silver who actually lives there with her two children; they helped me in the attempt to answer to some of the criticism the city received from the outside. Of course, their answers and description of facts were based on their roles and experiences in the community.


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66 Chapter III - Children’s literature and the Translation of a work of Auroville Children’s Literature into Italian The third chapter aims to present a study of a work taken from Auroville children’s literature for which I have provided a translation into Italian, and an analysis regarding theories and deforming tendencies that occurred during the translation process. The work I have analysed and translated is a short story titled “The bird and only the BIRD”, a book written in English and Indian, which recalls Japan culture because of its origami form; the writing of this work is characterized by the presence of cultural specific items and proper names for which I have provided an analysis regarding translation theories. Before discussing children’s literature in Auroville and the translation process of the text I have chosen, I have analysed the birth and the development of world literature dedicated to children, taking in consideration how it has developed in India. Firstly, I take into account the major social and cultural contexts in which children’s literature developed, from its origins to the nineteenth century, focusing then, on the importance of India, as the cradle of Children’s literature thanks to its rich oral tradition and the Panchatantra, the oldest transcription in Sanskrit of animal fables, in verse and prose, which dates back the III century BC 186 , and which influenced the most known European author of this genre, Jean De La Fontaine, who in the incipit of his collection of fables wrote: “This is the second book of fables that I presented to the public. I have to acknowledge that the greatest part is inspired by Pilpay Vishnu Sharma 187 , an Indian sage”. 188 186 Hertel, Johannes, The Panchatantra, Cambridge Massachusetts, Harvard University, 1912 187 Pilpay Vishnu Sharma is the author of the Indian collection of fables “Panchatantra”, written around the 200 B.C. 188 Carbonaro, Creazzo, Tornesello, Macrotesti fra Oriente e Occidente: IV colloquio internazionale, De La Fontaine, Jean, Advertisement to the Second Compilation of Fables “Je dirai par reconnaissance que j’en dois la plus grande partie à Pilpay Vishnu Sharma, sage indien”, (1678), Rubbettino Editore, 2003, p.513


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