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Costa Rica: environmental and developmental issues and solutions. An analysis of sustainable development and biodiversity conservation practices

The main purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of how Costa Rica has managed to achieve sustainable development while preserving and implementing conservation and enhancing tourism, mostly in its declination of what has become widely known as ecotourism.
Both qualitative and quantitative research methods have been adopted in order to provide empirical and descriptive data of all the major devices enacted. In addition, case studies concerning the most important conservation, biodiversity and ecotourism sites have been examined in order to supply essential in-depth information. The main sources I have based my work on are taken from books about sustainable development and tourism in Costa Rica, as well as Internet sources such as organizations and governmental websites and academic scientific articles.
The overall structure of my work has the form of four chapters, plus this introduction and the conclusions, with a brief appendix containing detailed maps relating to conservation issues.
In chapter 1, an overview of the country is provided, with information relevant to understand the situation of ecotourism and biodiversity, major environmental issues affecting it and laws and institutional documents aiding the cause of biodiversity conservation.
Chapter 2 examines ecotourism, starting from a general analysis of its evolution and leading to the present status of the country, with an in-depth review of certification programmes promoted by governmental entities.
Chapter 3 deals with a more specific investigation of ecotourism and related issues, with particular attention to host-tourist relationships and their possible consequences, stressing the importance of the role of local communities in its development and implementation, with a case study regarding the area of La Fortuna. A review of tropical forest evaluation is also provided. Finally, an examination of ecotourism as a tool for sustainable development is reported, with another case study about the areas of La Amistad and La Osa.
In chapter 4 conservation and marketing strategies are investigated. Special attention has been drawn to practical projects implemented by both public and private organizations, with particular focus on the contribution given by and to private landowners. Another case study examines the bioregional approach in one of the most outstanding protected areas of the country, i.e. the one comprised in the Osa peninsula.
Finally, the conclusions offer a summary of what has been investigated by emphasizing the unique approach to sustainable development adopted by Costa Rica.


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I Introduction Climate change is threatening to permanently modify both the way we live and our very existence. It is caused by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), and it produces consequences such as species extinction, loss of biodiversity, ocean acidification, sea level rise and melting of glaciers. Human activities are largely responsible for all these changes occurring at a global level. As a consequence, places of the Earth known as biodiversity hotspots are particularly in danger due to their high levels of species density and natural resources. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in major problems affecting this areas and the way climate change is altering them. Research has been focussing on investigating the most urgent matters and solutions have been proposed and implemented to counteract this trend. Costa Rica is one of the most virtuous countries in this respect. It has the highest rate of biodiversity in the world considering its size, and the progresses it has made to contrast global warming-related issues menacing the future of its forest and biodiversity richness are worth noting. Over the past 40 years, Costa Rica has proved to have faced critical issues that could have destroyed it completely with a wide range of solutions. This investigation was carried out in order to provide an analysis of the multitude of measures that Costa Rica has adopted to face possible dangers connected to climate change. This nation has proved to be an effective example among tropical countries in solving hazardous events occurring since the beginning of the 20 th century, and in achieving sustainable development through a series of ecological practices that did not betray its image of a country which greatly relies on clean sources of energy and strongly opposes the kind of development that does not take into account the safeguarding of its people and natural resources. The main purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of how Costa Rica has managed to achieve sustainable development while preserving and implementing conservation and enhancing tourism, mostly in its declination of what has become widely known as ecotourism. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods have been adopted in order to provide empirical and descriptive data of all the major devices enacted. In addition, case studies concerning the most important conservation, biodiversity and ecotourism sites


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